I know what you're staring at! You can't look away from my thigh-high stockings. You love the way they look on my long, tattooed legs, and you're aching to see how my feet look inside them. That cock of yours is absolutely throbbing at the thought of my feet in black nylon stockings. I'll take off my boots and show you my feet, but first you have to earn it. [Contains: Female Domination, FemDom POV, Stockings, Foot Fetish, Foot Worship, Spankings, Tease and Denial]
I know what you're staring at! You can't look away from my thigh-high stockings. You love the way they look on my long, tattooed legs, and you're aching to see how my feet look inside them. That cock of yours is absolutely throbbing at the thought of my feet in black nylon stockings. I'll take off my boots and show you my feet, but first you have to earn it. [Contains: Female Domination, FemDom POV, Stockings, Foot Fetish, Foot Worship, Spankings, Tease and Denial]
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