Uncensored62792's Stories | xHamster

My So Called Sex Life - Part I

My So Called Sex Life - Part I An authorized biographical trip through one woman's experiences and fantasies by DizzyD FORWARD Hi, what you are about to read is the story of my life and my fantasies, written by my dear friend DizzyD. I am a 100% real live woman, and the other characters in the story are also real, as are the physical descriptions. For obvious reasons, the names have all been changed. Like the rest of you, I’ve been masturbating to Dizzy’s stories for a while now, and his writing made me want to share my story with the world. Unfortunately I’m just not a good… Read more

Posted by DizzyD427 8 years ago 153

Dear Diary by allinmyhead (Story)

This is a diary style story I had written about me by a fetlife friend. Dear Diary, My daughter’s boyfriend is so sweet. He is so devoted to her. Always doing nice things. I love watching them together, they are such a cute couple. I must admit to being a little worried though. Hard as it is to believe in this day and age, they are both virgins. They’re old enough to drink and haven’t had sex yet. I’m proud of them, but I don’t want my daughter’s experience to be ruined because Ricky doesn’t know what he’s doing. I’ve decided that I’m going to teach Ricky how to do it and maybe coach him t… Read more

Posted by Uncensored62792 9 years ago