Two48ddds's Stories | xHamster


Well first off I deleted the temporary contest as promised. I also marked all my mail read because I can't tell anymore with the new format. So if you messaged me and I didn't reply feel free to try again. No other sites yet but I've been busy with other stuff since I'm not on here as often. I have a lot of issues with the site setup so I'm not as interested in trying it out. You may as well message me any comments on videos and pics, I have no clue where to find that anymore. I've been toying around with Google pictures as a way to share pics. If anyone uses them also let me know. Later! Eri… Read more

Posted by two48ddds 5 years ago 1

Getting easier to leave the site

Why you may ask? I've not been on as often as I've been quite disappointed in trying to get interaction with my friends and viewers here. I've tried a number of things... contests, games and simply asking what you'd like to see. I'm happy with my viewership numbers but can't really get any help with anything I've asked about. Yeah, it's a porn site but things were different before. That's another issue, the new design is so empty and more complicated than needed. Plus all the issues with things that don't work right or are so unintuitive. I'm likely to leave now that the new design is the only… Read more

Posted by two48ddds 5 years ago 2

Temporary Contest

Sorry it's been a bit since the post before. I was kind of bummed about the lack of interest. So I've been trying to consider what might get some motivation. As I've been clear that I make a lot of effort to preserve my identity, I think I can remove one layer of that mystery and maintain my safety. I'm considering a composite photo with my face, tits, ass and pussy. The pics will be from three different times so that it isn't an easy match of identifiable parts. As this will be a craft project for myself, I'd like to see others do one of themselves, significant other or favorite hookup. Y… Read more

Posted by two48ddds 6 years ago 3

Next contest

Well there has been a few questions about the previous pics so I'll begin with a discussion on who is interested in participating in another contest and what is the level of effort you would put into it. So if interested post a yes (or no if you're against my contests and posts) and what you would be willing to contribute: links, pics, vids, artwork, or just comments. If you have something else please share that idea too! Thanks everyone! Erin… Read more

Posted by two48ddds 6 years ago 4

Question for serious photographers I have seen any number of these type of pictures, usually taken against a neutral background. Can someone tell me what the technical term for this is? Thanks! Erin… Read more

Posted by two48ddds 6 years ago 6

Porn video theories According to a number of comments here, the video is being called fake. I weighed in on the comments and you can certainly read my comments there, but let's discuss.… Read more

Posted by two48ddds 6 years ago 4

Holiday Contest

As mentioned last week, I've decided to take another shot at a contest. The theme will be holiday porn ranking with any holiday between Thanksgiving and New Years. Links posted will be awarded points on the following scale: Picture links will be awarded 1 point. If you post a gallery, you get 1 point for the cover and a half point for each additional appropriate snap. Video links are awarded 3 points for costuming and another point each for themed action and themed settings. Photoshopped and tribute contributions get the following bonus points added to the above types: Artwork usin… Read more

Posted by two48ddds 6 years ago 3

Info seeking

Good evening everyone! As mentioned before I have Gmail and I have access to their photos thing. I see that they have some kind of new sharing feature (or not new and I just didn't understand) that allows people to add pics to an album. Is anyone doing this with their favorite kinky things? I was wondering about it so I'm looking for some folks who are interested. Discuss below, in pm or email direct if you already have one you'd like some contributions to. Later everyone Erin… Read more

Posted by two48ddds 6 years ago 3

Say hi and win a prize

I mentioned an idea for contacting me in the last post and gave a clue as well! You have the .com already so you just need my name. Well you've had that all along. If you're confused or just need it straight out look closely at my profile pic. You may need to go back to the old view if you have trouble seeing it. Anyway, simply send me an email with your username from xhamster in the subject. I'll send a pic to you. If you send me a really naughty kinky pic I'll send you two pics of me. Depending on the contacts I get it may take longer but feel free to drop a message here to me… Read more

Posted by two48ddds 6 years ago

Good tidings for all

Hello my friends! It has been awhile since I've had much time to hang out here. I've done the best I could dropping by as I've had time. Things are going well professionally and with family and I thank everyone for their concerns. I wish everyone a merry Christmas and happy holidays. I've been thinking up a few things for spicing up my page and as gifts to my loyal followers here. One being an offer for a little email gift to those interested, more to come but the first clue you'll need is it involves Gmail. Also coming will be another contest, I've got some ideas for the theme and reward off… Read more

Posted by two48ddds 6 years ago 1


Normally, I have something interesting planned when I post. In the last few ideas I've had, there has been little interest. So I think I'll see what those who are visiting my page have as suggestions for me. I'll respond to each post and I encourage everyone to do the same. So if someone had a good idea post some support. If someone is being rude, please stand up for me. I'm committing to being nice about any suggestions so my only defense can come from my friends here. So without further ado... Suggestions? Erin :)… Read more

Posted by two48ddds 7 years ago 15

Calling all artists

Hello Everyone! I had posted some time ago about some fan artwork that I shared as well. I've seen some very nice artwork on the site in the meantime and have thought very carefully about this. I have a strict policy not to share pics with my face but hubby and I have a fairly significant anniversary upcoming and I'd love to have a very naughty fantasy image drawn. I can't pay someone for this so professionals are not going to work. It is too easy for someone to simply post a drawing and claim it as their own, so it would need to be something I'd post for those interested in drawing for me.… Read more

Posted by two48ddds 7 years ago 2

Something Completely Different

So before deleting the contest because no one seemed interested, I tried to figure why. The category existed on here, should have been easy to find the specific examples and even provide new ones. Maybe the team/reward part was confusing or no one wanted me to add any new stuff. Whatever the reason, it's gone. I'm going to try to see if I can find the right elements first this time. I was considering adding a pee video or two and/or some pics since that seems to be the newest fetish to hit the site. If there is interest in that then we'll see about what the contest should be. If there is a dif… Read more

Posted by two48ddds 7 years ago 5

Giving It Another Try!

Hello Everyone! Despite the falling short on my hopes with my last contest, I am not giving up. I spoke with a number of the peeps here and decided to revise my ideas and go with what seemed successful before. So, I'm putting the ideas together and will soon post another message giving the details for the contest. The basics are that I'll be requesting links to support the subject of the contest. The side with the most links submitted will get first access for a month, then all who participate will get the password to see through the end of the second month. Then it's friends for a month… Read more

Posted by two48ddds 8 years ago 1

Testing a Theory

You know, some of the conversations I have on here are things I'd never consider in the course of my life. A gentleman I was conversing with mentioned that he surfs this site on his phone in 'full version', which he explained meant it was just like the version I see on my computer. This discussion then preceded to say that instead of clicking with a mouse he simply taps with his finger. I'm sure that some folks have already guessed that with my curiosity and the site we belong to my question was can you use other things such as your cock. I'll leave off there as I hope to amp up my scientific… Read more

Posted by two48ddds 8 years ago 8

Milestone Contest - What Would You?

Ok, everyone! Time to share! What you'd like to do to me, have done to me or me do to myself. Everyone share the contest wherever you can. If someone posts links of what you'd like to see - examples, photoshopped pics, tributes, etc.- pics will be added to an existing gallery open to all. After the last disappointing mini-contest, I really want to see if people want to have more contest opportunities, more pics, more videos possibly. The more comments the better chance of me continuing. This will be a one month contest, please help me renew my drive to keep visiting and posting. Tha… Read more

Posted by two48ddds 8 years ago 13

Woman on Hwy 290 Mini-Contest : News Last Month

At the beginning of March, I missed something that was going around the nets. Apparently, another big gal out there really got to live my fantasy for exhibitionism. I'm looking for links or even emails with uncensored, viewable quality pictures and more importantly video footage. I've seen one on YouTube so I know there was live footage and I can't believe the internets have only so little. So I don't have anything else better to offer than a reward folder for pics of me for those who help me out. Videos: I'll contribute a p… Read more

Posted by two48ddds 8 years ago 5

Apologies and Contest Announcement

Welcome back everyone! Many thanks to my friends who participated in my contest. I officially call it concluded. And there was a tie for winner! I've contacted both to discuss the reward pics but it may take a few days to get everything sorted and posted. All participants will get their password in message, so be on the look out. I'll make the previous contest album friends only next. There were enough contributions to this contest for 2 1/2 pics. Rounding that to 3 and adding 1 for each winner will make it 5. Not as much participation so I'm looking to the comments below to see if… Read more

Posted by two48ddds 8 years ago 7

Next Craaazy Act Contest!

Hello Everyone! With the success of the last team up here, I decided to see if we can't top the results from last time. The format is somewhat the same, for every 10 posts that meet the criteria to follow I'll add a pic to a gallery that will be password locked available only to all contest participants for one month. The winner gets two prizes : early access and guidance in selecting one additional pic for the gallery. More specific info on the 1st place will be revealed as things go along. So, this posting contest will be open content except no one not of legal age. Any under legal age… Read more

Posted by two48ddds 8 years ago 27

Password and contest reward galleries

As I've already had a few inquiries for the new password gallery for "contest rewards" I'll explain here. The pics are exclusive to the winners who participated in the poll just under this message in my blogs. When the time on this message says 1 month ago I'll set the gallery to friends (a month after the end of the poll conclusion mentioned earlier) That said I have another idea for another contest rewards gallery so please check back as I'll post it soon. Thanks everyone who participated and inquired and hope you'll join my next effort. :) Erin… Read more

Posted by two48ddds 8 years ago