trippinxxx's profile | xHamster
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Last seen 1 year ago
5742 days on xHamster
8.1K profile views
23 subscribers
11 comments left
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ring_ring86 14 years ago
is that you?
Masturbatrix 14 years ago
Friendly greetings to Romania!
reddogleader 15 years ago
They're taking about the same time as before. xHam has put up some newer tabs (a few months ago) in "my vids", you can click on them to see if they deleted your vid or if there was an error in conversion otherwise they should be under the tab "waiting" if they're not already in "public". I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend. Cheers. ☺
marku2k9 15 years ago
hi & welcome 2 xxxhamster!!!
hb123 15 years ago
mmm, luv it. brings back some sweet memories from korea... hb123usa @ YM
reddogleader 15 years ago
Thanks for showing them to me, she is very hot! Too bad the dudes with the camera are still "learning" how to shoot a porn, LOL... (I guess that's why it's called amateur though) I can't believe how big the files are for such short clips! For you uploading them on xHam: conversion has been taking about 24 hours, moderation about 24 to 30 hours and then they go up... Don't delete them, wait for about 3 days. If they haven't shown up by then contact xHamster with the link below and tell them what is going on and they should be able to help you! Also thanks for the compliment but I don't work half as hard as others with the vids but I try. And when you reply to someone go to their profile (click the avatar or name beside the comment you are interested in) and comment to them there, this way you are "speaking" to them and they will know otherwise they may never see your response on your own profile... I hope these "tips" help, if you need anything else let me know and I will do what I can. Cheers!
trippinxxx Host 15 years ago
A few hours have passed and my two vids are still converting even if I uploaded .flv format - the one that the site itself uses for the vids. I'm suspecting they are not converting but instead pending approval? We'll see. Nice to meet you too! Thanks for all the time you invest in uploading great vids here, you have excellent tastes.
reddogleader 15 years ago
You have the same Asian couple in a different vid? If so very cool, I can't wait to see it. Please let me know when it is up. Nice to meet you. Peace.

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