What other day of the year could I be dressed like a member of the untouchables and end up fucking a broad dressed like a flapper. I may describe the nights events at some point in all their salacious decadence. Right now I just am thinking of how much things really haven't changed since the 20s. Fun fact I learned from pbs of all places, a major historical event occurred, the discovery or understanding and knowledge of the clitoris by people. Read more
hey smiling strange
I am not the kind of person who just shows off his hard on or what have you. But after so much time enjoying movies and pictures of others and feel a bit guilt for not ha paying it forward i guess. If anyone wants me to post a pic of my dick or hard on etc Ill try to help. Whenever i considered it in the past I always figured no one needs another naked picture of some dudes dick. Either way now I can continnue to enjoy this great site without feeling like a jackass. It might be a porn site but that doesnt mean one shouldnt be active Read more
Inagural Blog Post! , and so it begins.
Well I have meant to post something sooner or later and when I learned the Girl Talk album was out and free I figured what better an opportunity. I take the assumtion that most people know Girl Talk, if not I suggest giving it a listen. Futhermore, even if you dont enjoy just listening to it if you like any genre of music the live shows are fun. Huge nostalgic pop culture, pop music party. I feel I should make it known future posts will probably be full of random musings and anything else that may spill onto the page from my head. I dont assume in this venue many people are just reading blo Read more