Shadnic2's Stories, #3 | xHamster

Pounding Loli Butt in the Morning

Yesterday I was looking for some loli hentai and came across this amazing pic. That is some nice loli booty, so as both an ass man and loli lover, I saved it immediately. Then I went to the artist's Pixiv to find some more loli art. While doing so, I saw this picture's name and comment left by the artist himself. The title and comment pretty much sums my feeling for this picture. So, after reading that, I decided to do just that. After waking up today,… Read more

Posted by Shadnic2 4 years ago 1

Choose my next loli fap video.

I want to make a fap video with one of these animation(might do the rest in the future). And I want you to pic which one do you want to see me fap to the most. --------------https://strawpoll (dot) com/w4w1pbh6---------------- But that's not all. Remember that "Spiteful loli faps" blog I made a while back? Consider this a continuation and a final fuck you to "them". The videos in this poll isn't your standard hentai. This is the kind of hentai that would a loli hater seethe hard. They just can not comprehend people getting off to these kind of videos. If they ever saw someone fap to videos… Read more

Posted by Shadnic2 4 years ago 2

Best 3D Hentai Asses?

This guy( makes, in my opinion, the best 3D/MMD asses ever. I say this as a huge ass lover that is always on the look out for some amazing hentai booty. There have been great 3D hentai asses before. For example, the asses from the Umemaro videos. If you love hentai as much as I do then you know who Umemaro is… Read more

Posted by Shadnic2 4 years ago 1

Why is this straight shota pic so good?

This is a picture I actually forgot to add to my previous "pics i fapped to the most in 2019". On my daily faps, when I decide to fap to hentai pictures intead of episodes, animations or HMVs, this picture always ends up being part of the pictures I fap to durring that session. In fact, if i end up jacking it to this picture for more than 30 seconds, I'd say there's a 50% chance I'll end up cumming to this pciture. To be fair, I don't really know why this picture is so hot to me. But I can start to guess w… Read more

Posted by Shadnic2 5 years ago

The pics I fapped to the most his year.

I decided not to make an end-of-the-year top 30 favorite hentai pictures, and the reason is that, honestly, the top remains pretty much the same. The pictures in that top are still my favorites. Therefore, I decided to make something a little different to celebrate the new year: There are the pictures I cummed to the most in 2019. [image class="blog-image align-center size-large"]291143195[/i… Read more

Posted by Shadnic2 5 years ago

My thoughts on asses.

Here's a short blog. You know how much I love asses, legs and lower body in general right? Well, not too long ago I found this doujin and it perfectly shows in these two pages why big asses are the best. I couldn't have said it better myself. It's so on point it's almost like I'm the guy fucking her. The name of the doujin is Ano Doyoubi kara Kawatta Nichijou by the way. Half the reason why I made this post is to further proclaim my love for asses/l… Read more

Posted by Shadnic2 5 years ago 1

A Horse "Riding" Rider

Man, it's been a while since the last Fap Journal. I've been kinda busy this year so I didn't have the time to write one of these, but right now I'm free and I just so happened to stumble upon this nice set of pictures, so let's get started. If you've red some of my past post, you know that I have a thing for GOOD b3stiality art, especially the horse ones. Girls getting fucked by… Read more

Posted by Shadnic2 5 years ago

Hardcore Loli animation - Should I?

One of the fap video I wanna make is about a very hardcore loli animation. So hardcore loli in fact that I'm not sure if xhamster or even p0rnhub would allow it. The thing is, if I end up making it and I can't upload it to any of those two websites, then it would be end up as a big waste of time. Not only that, but I would end up hyping you up for no reason. This is the animation: ----------------->>>>>>[]<<<<<<<<-------------- What do you think? Should I go for it? I really like that animation thoug… Read more

Posted by Shadnic2 5 years ago 4

The next HMV I'll use for a fap video.

Just came across this new HMV and I just had to hard confirm it. It's that good. www.pornhub(dot)com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5d306b97c1481 The HMV is really hot, but one of the reasons I decided to use this one is because of the song. I mean, don't the lyrics like really fit the videos I make? With the whole " Let me see you dick work" thing. And oh boy, I can tell you right now you're gonna see my dick working real hard with this one.… Read more

Posted by Shadnic2 5 years ago 1

Just my luck...

I literally JUST made my top hentai pictures of the year so far, and I have yet to make the "Memorable mentions" blog I said I'd do. And guess what? Today, out of nowhere, I stumble upon a set of hentai picture so hot I pretty much fapped almost the whole day. Worst part is that the set ain't even new, It's like a few months old at worst. Had I known about this set before making the top, there would be at least one picture from here in there. Oh well, I guess I'll have to add it in the top I'll make near the end of the year. Here's the set I'm talking about: more

Posted by Shadnic2 5 years ago

Favorite Hentai Pictures - 2019 Edition

It's been a long while since I've made one of these. Like a year an a half in fact. Since it's been so long, you'll see that things have changed wuite a bit. There a lot of new images, but also some that you saw in the previews Top 30. Below most pictures here, I'll be putting their respective "Charm Point", which is basically the reason why I find that picture so hot. Hopefully that will allow you to peak into my mind and undestand why these pictures make me so damn hard. I'll also be making a a "Honorable mentions" blog post in the near future. There are some pics that I really, re… Read more

Posted by Shadnic2 5 years ago 5

I want to fuck Kuro from Prisma Illya

Consider this a continuation from my "Spiteful Loli Faps" post. People always talk about wanting to fuck anime characters, but not many talk about wanting to fuck loli anime characters. And I understand that. Some poeple don't wanna let other people know that they're into lolis for multiple reasons. Lolis are frowned upon un many places, including Discord. But let's be honest here. Do you have ANY IDEA just how many people want to fuck Kanna from Dragon Maid? Or Jack from the Fate series? They hide behind the "nah man I don't wanna led her, I just wanna take care of her like a little sister/d… Read more

Posted by Shadnic2 5 years ago 4

Change of plans.

Remember when I said I was gonna make a video with an animation I talked about days ago? Well, I was contacted by the artist of the animation himself and he told that he didn't want me to share his paid content online. It's a shame, but i won't be able to make that video after all. This is basically the artist job, and I don't wanna take that away from him by posting his content online if he doesn't want to. So instead, I uploaded a HMV Spooky Scary Succubus fap video. It's a really good video, so it's not like you're missing much.… Read more

Posted by Shadnic2 5 years ago

Emergency Fap Video

I did say you guys would choose the first video I use for a fap video this year, but there has been a sudden change of plans. I came across an animation made by a guy named Rinhee (check him out on patreon, he deserves all the support he can get) and I just HAVE to fap to it before anything else. It's SO good. Here it is on p0rnhub: I love everything about this animation, but if I had to pick a reason why I'm so desperate to do a fap video with it ASAP, then it's clearly because of this:… Read more

Posted by Shadnic2 5 years ago 1

Doujin review: LITTLE BITCH PLANET 2

Rating system: First, I'll rate it's plot. Situation of the doujin/manga, dialoge, etc. Then I'll rate it's art. This is pretty much about how hot I find the art in general and how good the "cumshot" pages are. And finally, I'll give my final thoughts on the doujin/manga. Today's doujin: LITTLE BITCH PLANET 2 Link: Second volume of the Little Bitch Planet series by tamagoro. A series of loli h-manga. Very recomended if you're into loli hentai. Fun fact: I really didn't lik… Read more

Posted by Shadnic2 6 years ago 1

HMV backlog list (6/29/2018)

This is my updated backlog. Please keep in mind that it might change at any time. If it changes then I'll post a new, updated list. HMV - Sex Ed Chronicles IDOL SISTER HMV Freaks HMV [Hentype] Hentai Party HMV Cumbayah! HMV https://www.pornhub.cRead more

Posted by Shadnic2 6 years ago

My HMV Playlist.

I'm working on a playlist for all my favorite HMVs. I'll keep adding more HMVs as times goes on and I find some really good ones, so keep an eye on it if you wanna find good HMVs for your fap sessions. Here it is: more

Posted by Shadnic2 6 years ago 1


I'm thinking about starting reviewing doujin's/h-manga here in my blogs. This is how I'll do it: First, I'll rate it's plot. Situation of the doujin/manga, dialoge, etc. Then I'll rate it's art. This is pretty much about how hot I find the art in general and how good the "cumshot" pages are. And finally, I'll give my final thoughts on the doujin/manga. Today's doujin: LITTLE BITCH PLANET Link: You really can't go wrong with tamagoro. He's pretty much my favorite hentai artist. And this… Read more

Posted by Shadnic2 6 years ago

HMV backlog list (5/11/2018)

This is a list of the HMVs I want to mave a video with in the future. Some might be done soon. Some might take some time. Hip-notic Phatness HMV (HMV) Lets Love Until Morning [HMV] Elves are for Lewd Mafuyu turns everyone on HMV [Hentype] Hentai Party HMV more

Posted by Shadnic2 6 years ago 2

Wirtoly's ass gets me so hard.

I'm a hentai guy, but since coming across one of wirtoly's videos, I haven't been able to get her ass out of my head. I've fantasized about fucking anime/hentai characters before, but things are completely different when I do it with wirtoly. Take a look at this picture for example: Here you see a 2D pussy right next to my dick. You can easily imagine my dick going inside that pussy, right? I can fatasize about fucking her all I want, but at the end of the da… Read more

Posted by Shadnic2 6 years ago