Sg14Shag's Stories, #7 | xHamster

Public Transport – The Return Journey

The front carriage was empty so I got on and sat down facing the empty carriage and the young lady followed me on and although she had the whole carriage to pick a seat she decided to sit opposite me in exactly the same seat as the young girl sat on the outward journey, was this just coincidence? Possibly but strange and as she sat down she smiled at me, “Oh hello again, you were in the bar” she said and I saw her glancing down again at the wet patch on my shorts which not only had got a little bigger but was making my white shorts a little transparent and she had noticed it, “Oh yes I was, he… Read more

Posted by britguy 2 years ago 2

I saw you running by my house.....

In college, I was really into my diet, lifting weights, and running. I woke up early every day around 6am to lift weights. Then I hit the showers and got some breakfast before going to my classes. I'd stay on campus after my classes until 5pm to get all my homework done. I'd eat a light dinner, rest for about an hour then go for my evening run. I'd come home masturbate a few times then shower and masturbate to online porn until going to bed. I was in the best shape of my life. 5'10", I was a lean 130lbs, kind of a swimmers build, only 5% body fat, my waist was only 28", I was obsessed with no… Read more

Posted by Daleharris 2 years ago 1

Public Transport

I don’t often travel by public transport however it can provide some interesting opportunities especially in the ‘accidental touching’ department if you can get the timing of travel correct, mid-afternoon when school kicks out always offers something as buses and trains can be packed like sardines which allows accidental touching inevitable but always depends on who is doing the touching as well as who is being touched and as long as you’re prepared to follow any scouring looks with an apology you can normally get away with it. Curious schoolgirls are always good game and with a good assessme… Read more

Posted by britguy 2 years ago 2

Sam Comes Back

Sam was in good spirits as we took the short walk back to my house, Doris had locked up for the day and Sam was happy to have got herself a job that she thought she would enjoy and as I looked at that lovely rounded arse of hers clad in tight denim shorts I knew it was a win/win for everyone plus her coming back gave me an opportunity to explain the finer points of the job so she didn’t lose it by being over enthusiastic, there were plenty of perks but she needed to learn how to put them the best use. Sam lived with her father about a 5 minute walk from me after her mother left a few years ag… Read more

Posted by britguy 2 years ago 2

The New Assistant

After the young slapper left to go back to school I dressed and went back to the park and as the cafe was quiet I popped in to see if Doris was ok as she had mentioned that she was interviewing for a new assistant/cleaner which was a position that seemed hard to fill with someone reliable and open minded due to the nature of the cleaning duties but Doris apparently knew the girl that was coming as she was a friend of her granddaughter. Her name was Sam and she was finding it hard to get work after leaving school which was probably due to her not being the sharpest tool in the shed but I was to… Read more

Posted by britguy 2 years ago 3

Hidden Camera Part 2

We got in the house and she removed her socks and shoes and went into the lounge with me following, “Do you like looking up girls skirts sir? I don’t mind it and think it’s cool to flash my knickers” she said as she sat back on the sofa, “Yes I do, is that why the girls wear such short skirts?” I asked her back and she giggled again as she widened her legs a little offering me a teaser, “Oh yes sir, girls love it when guys try to look up their skirts, especially older guys like you sir.. it’s so hot” she replied as I looked down at her getting just a glimpse of her white gusset, “Plus we like… Read more

Posted by britguy 2 years ago 2

Hidden Camera

With a quiet day planned I decided to walk up the cafe for a mid-morning bacon sandwich and luckily Doris was having a lull and I was the only customer, I put my order in and took a seat at the back which is my usual place if available and as Doris brought over my order she smiled, “Got a minute Frank” she said as she brought her laptop over and sat next to me, “What’s up girl” I said as I tucked into my doorstep butty, she looked at me with a glint in her eye, “We’ve known each other for many years Frank and you are the only person I trust with this information” she said softly and straight a… Read more

Posted by britguy 2 years ago 2

Another Recommendation

I was doing my normal morning routine of checking messages and emails and I noticed an email from what seemed like a friend of Tammy’s who not only enjoyed her massage but was a tiger with the extras, I remembered her telling me she had some friends who might be interested in my services and the email I received was from a lady called Sandra, it was a brief email which I felt was worthy of a reply purely based on the wording, she referred to my ‘Magic hands’ and ‘Total relaxation’ and said her ‘girlfriend’ had highly recommended me to a couple of hours of totally unhurried pampering, “I need p… Read more

Posted by britguy 2 years ago 2

Fitting The Control Unit

I put my shorts back on and headed off to get the part which was pretty straight forward and got back to Jess’s flat long before Sophie got there so I had to wait outside for half an hour which was nice as I got to relax a little. It was just after 3pm when I got a tap on the window and a smiling face was looking in at me so I wound the window down, “Hi, are you the man to do the washing machine, I’m Sophie.. Jess’s daughter” said the pretty young girl and my immediate thought was ‘Wow’ she was much prettier than her mother and I quickly told her that I was, “Oh I hope you’ve not been waiting… Read more

Posted by britguy 2 years ago 3

Word Of Mouth

I love word of mouth as it’s the best form of advertising as you know that you originally did a good job and the customer was satisfied and when the word of mouth comes from someone way back that you can’t even remember in some ways it’s even more satisfying because even if the original customer doesn’t have a need to have your name passed on to someone who does is sometimes a blessing. I received a text totally out of the blue from a number not in my contacts and the message said I’d fixed her friends washing machine some time ago and that I kindly got it working at a very cheap price and as… Read more

Posted by britguy 2 years ago 3

New Sauna In Town Part 2

As I walked past the restrooms there was one with the door closed and another with the door ajar while the other two were vacant, I stopped by the one ajar and looked through and saw one guy laying on his back and another guy standing by his side bending down and sucking his cock, it actually looked quite erotic seeing these two guys who were in their 40’s sorting each other out. I stood there for a few minutes and then as my cock started to stiffen under my towel I decided to take Dana’s advice and go back to the sauna and see who else was about. After telling me that it doesn’t get busy du… Read more

Posted by britguy 3 years ago 6

New Sauna In Town

I read an article that a new sauna had opened in town which was a family run business and promised an invigorating relaxation experience and I decided to check it out as I could certainly do with an afternoon of pampering, from the article they had sauna, steam rooms, jacuzzi and even rest rooms where you could chill out and even boasted a small cafeteria where you could get a sandwich and drinks. They even offered a basic massage which I thought was interesting as doing it myself I always like to have one myself to learn new techniques and as it was a walk in service I made the decision to ge… Read more

Posted by britguy 3 years ago 9

Massage For Tammy

I was up early and showered putting on my tatty old shorts which seemed best based on the communication I had yesterday with Tammy and after setting up the table at a nice height, lighting the candles, warming the oil and dimming the lights I was all set with about 15 minutes to spare which was just right to give the candles time to work and I put some coffee on just in case Tammy needed one, it’s always nice to offer as I goes a long way in proving the unhurried service I was providing, coffee made I was now all set. Tammy arrived about 10 minutes early and she looked far better than her pic… Read more

Posted by britguy 3 years ago 3

Frank’s Dilemma.

I lay there for a few minutes trying to keep calm and think about the situation logically and with a clear head and struggling was only going to tighten the ties so it was imperative that I thought about the situation in a calm way. I couldn’t shout as nobody would hear me, I wasn’t expecting any visitors so in theory I could die laying her so my only hope was this bitch of a woman would come back which if I’m honest was my only real hope, the chair and sofa were too heavy to lift up with one hand as was the desk and my phone was on the desk so I really was fucked. After laying there for what… Read more

Posted by britguy 3 years ago 4

The Weird Woman At The Park – Part 2

She was looking straight at my boner which was angled in order to keep it under wraps and I really was so tempted, “That’s just obscene you fucking pervert, I bet you have handcuffs at home don’t you.. disgusting man whatever your name is” she said scowling as she looked at my throbbing meat start to pulse, I looked down at her, “No I don’t as I find neck ties work in just the same way, Frank and what’s yours” I replied and could see her nipples were now pretty rigid. “Neck ties huh, so you’ve been tied up before you dirty old man because if I did come back which I’m not then you’re probably w… Read more

Posted by britguy 3 years ago 3

Cassie’s Massage Continues

As she lay there I told her to just relax again and lose herself in the moment and I not only lowered the table down a little I went up to the head and adjusted the headrest slightly to lean her had back slightly telling her that the increased blood flow to her head would be important which was utter bollocks but she didn’t know that however the real reason was soon going to become evident dear reader. With us both being naked and me in a heightened state of arousal which had lasted about an hour thus far I knew that when I did eventually blow I would be able to whitewash the ceiling but I wan… Read more

Posted by britguy 3 years ago 3

An Exciting Opportunity

After Alice left it got me thinking about offering a foot or even a full body massage service and as I had an old table which I hadn’t used in years I figured I could adapt it to suit the needs, if she was going to pass my details on to the dancing instructor then it would be wise to work out a strategy and start as I mean to carry on so my project for tomorrow was to dig out my table, dust it off and configure it to suit the needs of the client (and myself). I got up feeling excited about my new venture and got my table out and set it up in my bedroom at the bottom of my bed as there was sp… Read more

Posted by britguy 3 years ago 1

Sample Results

I had forgotten that I’d received a text from Anne at the surgery that I needed to go back and see Dr Kemp regarding my samples and it was suggested I go in early so she could fit me in properly so I wasn’t able to give my new shower the baptism I wanted having a quick wash down but even a quick shower was invigorating. I slipped on a tee shirt and a pair of sports shorts and headed off to the surgery in plenty of time for my early appointment, even Anne hadn’t arrived yet but as I saw her approaching I could see she’d made an extra effort today, a bit of extra makeup and a flowing summer dres… Read more

Posted by britguy 3 years ago 3

A Visit From Anne

I loved my new shower and I knew Anne had the hots for me so inviting her around was a no brainer even if taking an interest was just a rouse to get alone with me. I got home and decided to hold back on testing out the shower in more detail thinking that if Anne wanted a demonstration then I could plus if I was lucky enough to get my cock in her mouth how exciting would it be if she tasted Dr Kemp’s juices although it would be a dead giveaway on what happened but I can’t see Anne telling the medical board of her boss’s indiscretion. I decided to wear my tatty old shorts as they were laying aro… Read more

Posted by britguy 3 years ago 1

The Project Begins

So the challenge now is for me to find a good contractor to fit my wet room and while I knew what I wanted I needed someone to sort out the finer details, I made a couple of phone calls to some friends of mine in the trade and was given the number of a bathroom specialist who specialized in wet rooms and when I called him he was happy to come along and take a look and price it up for me, hopefully with mates rates. The guy’s name was Jay and he sounded more than helpful on the phone telling me that anything was possible and he would make sure I was completely satisfied which all sounded good s… Read more

Posted by britguy 3 years ago 1

Black sheep

This is a story I’ve written a while back. And an sharing for anyone interested. Ding, dong… The morning bell rings signalling classes will start soon and the students should hurry up. And I made it just in time. It can be confusing when ya just move to a new city and are merely given a scribbled map where your new school is suppose to be. But, none the less I was sooo exited. My first day in an all new school. Here I was fifteen and had no official escort to school, or an infuriating buss full of idiots to deal with. This time it was a relatively short walk from my family’s new flat. And… Read more

Posted by Lizz_SS25 3 years ago 3

Lunch In The Park

Having been given a clean bill of health I decided to treat myself to lunch at the cafe which was on my way and although a little early for Doris’s specials I knew I’d get something to fill the hole. For late morning it was pretty quiet and even Doris was sitting down having a cup of tea with just one other customer sitting down having a cheese salad sandwich and she seemed in a world of her own not even noticing my existence as she flicked through her phone. Judging by her short yoga shorts and sports bra I was guessing she was a jogger and as Doris told me she comes in a couple of times a w… Read more

Posted by britguy 3 years ago 2

Delivery Of My Order

I made up a large batch of squash for the girls as I knew Jane liked it and was sure her sister would like it too and who knows, they may have bladder issues that need addressing before they leave, I sat with a beer in just my tatty old shorts and tried not to get aroused before they arrived. It was just after 4pm when a car pulled up out the front and I was on my 3rd beer and had got a bit of a buzz going and it was Jane who got out first and opened the boot of the car, I have to say that although she wasn’t dressed in her business attire she did look nice in a short sleeved button from shirt… Read more

Posted by britguy 3 years ago 1

An Unexpected Cold Caller Part 2

As I stepped back Jane reached over for her drink and finished the lot, “I don’t know what’s in this drink sir but it’s awesome.. makes me feel so good sir” she said as she looked down at my hanging cock and smiled. She sat back on the sofa and started to rub my cum into her chest like it was some kind of moisturising cream and I could see her dreamy eyes were glazed and as I looked down she opened her legs allowing me an opportunity which I wasn’t going to refuse and without another word I got on my knees between her outstretched legs and looked directly at her red panty clad cunt, she let o… Read more

Posted by britguy 3 years ago 2

Ass Pounding Gay

I arrived in the parking lot of the local adult bookstore. Inside was a maze of dark cubby holes, booths, and gloryholes. Outside it was bright and the lot was filled with cars. I was ready for some action, cleaned up inside and out. A dialup of Vaseline in just the right place. I paid for admission and entered the arcade. There was a crowd alright. Several men leaned against the walls close to the entrance. I checked the first row of booths. The two with the gloryhole are full. I move on to the next row. The booth at the end has no door. I can see the exposed rear of a young man bent up just… Read more

Posted by 425olds 3 years ago

My Neighbor has a Sybian

The summer after my first year at college, I did something remarkably stupid. I have my excuses. I was eighteen years old, still just a k**, what did I know? Not much. My first time was with a guy that I'd only been on a couple of dates with during my third semester. He was hot and I was tired of being the only virgin I knew. It was okay. But I knew it could be better. I read a lot of dirty stories online and that's pretty much what my Kindle was devoted to. And I don't mean 'erotic romances,' I mean down and dark dirty, perverted, kinky nasty shit. I had started off innocently enough, rea… Read more

Posted by 425olds 3 years ago 5

First Time You're a Lesbian Now!

I was 35 before I had sex with another woman. I admit having thought about it; I think most girls do. I had masturbated to pictures of women in my brother's Playboys, but never saw myself actually having lesbian sex. I liked boys. Or thought I did. My first boyfriend, Jock, owned a Harley-Davidson motorcycle, and I think I was more in love with that bike than Jock. I rode everywhere with him on the back of it, but would never take the controls. I didn't want to look like a dyke. Anyway, I married Jock and we had a couple of good years before he tried passing a semi on a two-lane blacktop and… Read more

Posted by 425olds 3 years ago 1

Helping Out

It was the worst flood that hit the state in almost a century. My coworker, Alisha, lost her house in the flood. She only was able to save what few pieces of clothing and possessions in two garbage bags. When I found out she was homeless, I offered my spare bedroom to her. Now I admit, I was very physically attracted to Alisha from the first time I met her. She was 19, stood around 5'2"tall, had a nice curvy body with huge breasts....that she enjoyed showing off with tight fitting low cut tops. Which made her very popular with the other guys. She had bright sparkling brown eyes, nice full lips… Read more

Posted by Daleharris 3 years ago 1

Doctors Appointment

I got up early and showered making sure my arsehole was well scrubbed seeing as though I’m going to have some medical professional poking around and decided on a pair of shorts without underwear and a button front shirt which will be easier for the doctor to stick her cold stethoscope into and decided to go early and have a slow walk up to the surgery. Things had changed since the last time I was there and they have a separate area for examinations which is set aside from the actual surgery which was nice as I was the only one there and as I approached the lady at reception she knew all about… Read more

Posted by britguy 3 years ago 3

Roadside Motels

The late 70's had loads of motels located just off of major highways through the states. Eventually these roadside Motels would become a thing of the past with the highway expansions and new bypasses. But before that, they were a treasure trove of sexual experiences.... I was like most 18year old boys. I was always hard, thinking about sex, masturbating constantly, and an insatiable appetite for anything sexually. My only problem was no girlfriend! So what was a boy to do....... Only a few months before my 18th birthday, I was spending the night at my friend Jeff's house. We had figured out th… Read more

Posted by Daleharris 3 years ago 1