Sg14Shag's Stories, #3 | xHamster

064 – Lilly’s Debrief With Sonia

It was like time stood still as she came up the path in slow motion with her dress flapping showing a bit of thigh but soon her thunderous knock on the door woke me from my daydreaming.. “Mr English” she said sternly as I opened the door and glanced down at her loose-fitting dress quickly confirming the lack of a bra.. “Thank you for making yourself available oh and wearing the appropriate attire” she said barging inside looking down at my doctors coat.. I was somewhat speechless as she marched into the lounge with me in hot pursuit watching her arse cheeks wobble under her thin dress definite… Read more

Posted by britguy 2 years ago 2

058 – Back To Nature Part 2

Suddenly I heard some rustling in the bushes and then, “Oooh you’re looking very cosy there.. topping up your tan are we?” the female voice said and automatically I’m thinking I’d stolen someone else’s sunbathing spot.. I half opened my eyes to see a smartly dressed woman in her 30’s looking down at me.. she certainly wasn’t dressed for sunbathing in her white blouse and dark knee length skirt.. “Yes ma’am” I replied with half a smile knowing I was showing more than I should be to a stranger.. “Ma’am?.. my student call me Miss or Mrs Mansfield but you can call me Sonia” she said moving a littl… Read more

Posted by britguy 2 years ago 2

057 – Back To Nature

I enjoyed a very good night’s sleep and got up just in time for my morning legs show albeit the majority had already passed but in just my open robe I made my coffee while peering out at the remaining passers-by.. nothing apart from a few glances and a couple of smiles.. I sat down and had my coffee in peace thinking of a plan for the day.. the park toilets were high on my priority list as I wanted to check the daytime activity… I sat there half naked lost in my thoughts and memories of yesterday when a figure appeared at my open window.. “Did ya check out the woods sir?” came the soft voice a… Read more

Posted by britguy 2 years ago 4

056 – A Walk In The Park Part 2

“Can I check yours again sir?” he asked as I edged closer to him and he reached out with one hand and cupped my balls but this time his finger pushed through into my crack searching.. “Oh yes.. I love how smooth they are sir and your penis is hard too” he said with his head just a few inches away from my pulsing dick.. we were both naked in the small clearing and even if somebody did wander past I doubted they would see us unless they were looking so maybe this was the opportunity.. "Why don’t you check the hardness as well mate and then we can compare that too” I suggested and he looked up at… Read more

Posted by britguy 2 years ago 3

052 – My Parcel Delivery

I had a bit of a lay in and woke to a couple of messages from Sue telling me how pleased Gloria was with her massage and thanked me for offering such an outstanding service and I have to say that Gloria was an outstanding client who fully enjoyed the experience and I had to smile at the positive feedback.. I went down in just my robe to make some coffee feeling pretty pleased with life and although I’d missed the morning walk past to school I figured I’d have a relaxing day and as I looked out my window I saw a young lady looking lost carrying a parcel.. was this my order for Maisie? The couri… Read more

Posted by britguy 2 years ago 1

Will Wife Cheat with a Large Cock YES!

Nancy, my wife of ten years was totally faithful. That was until I discovered her infidelity almost by mistake or rather by luck. I had often teased her about coming on to other men, something she had done from away back in the days when we first met. I had been working for the same company for almost fifteen years now, and had moved steadily up the promotion ladder to the point I had several area managers under my guidance. One of these, was a guy named Bob, slightly arrogant, rugged looks, but also slightly overweight. He had been a guest at several office parties, where both my wife Nancy… Read more

Posted by 425olds 2 years ago 1

051 – A Massage From Rosewood

Maisie hadn’t been gone long when I got a call from Sue at Rosewood, could I do a massage this evening.. it was a regular customer who was more than happy to cone over and relax for a couple of hours and be pampered.. her name was Ms Griffin and Sue warned be she was a bit quirky.. well it does take all sorts. She was due at 6pm so I had time to shower and sort everything out and with the candles lit and soft music playing I was all set to welcome the quirky Ms Griffin. I had a tight vest and small shorts which I felt suitable and with the booking being for an all over massage I was in no rush… Read more

Posted by britguy 2 years ago 2

So many Sissy faggots

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Posted by SissyChloeCocksucker 2 years ago

My first time in a gay bar

One day when I was in my very early twenties, I was laying on my bed , the sun was streaming the the window and I started to get real horny, I started to edge until I was so hard, I needed to cum, but then all of a sudden, I was disturbed as the door bell rang, suffice to say I never got to shed my load, I quickly had a shower and decided to head into town and before I knew it I was sitting in a cubicle in a gay bar, I swear I didn’t know, until I caught glimpse of two guys kissing. I ordered a beer and sat reading the paper, I was hoping to meet an older guy,I didn’t have to wait long. I look… Read more

Posted by Hornyguy4all 2 years ago 34

047 – An Unplanned Evening Part 2

“In here grandad” Maisie said reaching up to the fence adjoining our gardens, “Frank asks if you wanna beer?” she added and while I couldn’t see the old man I heard him say.. “Give me 5 sweetheart” but more interesting was that Maisie’s skirt had risen up and I could see her knickers were still all over the place and as much as it breaks my heart I had to mention it for fear of the old man catching wind of it.. “Err Maisie.. you might want to straighten your underwear” I said with a giggle as she walked back into the garage.. she giggled.. “Oops.. don’t wanna give grandad a heart attack do we”… Read more

Posted by britguy 2 years ago 2

045 – Maria Comes Cleaning

When I got home Maria was waiting in her car chatting to some young guy sitting beside her, it was her brother who she’d picked up on her way and as I got out my car Maria’s window came down, “Mr Frank.. this is Pedi, my brother.. do you mind if he help me today?” she asked in her broken English and as I looked in I saw this young guy in his school shirt/tie and long black pants.. hardly the dress code for a cleaning session.. Pedi smiled at me.. “Hello sir, nice to know you” he said in slightly better English than his sister.. Maria looked at me and I think she realised he wasn’t dressed for… Read more

Posted by britguy 2 years ago 3

Thrill of exhibition ll

Mary's heart beat quickly as she thought about yesterday. Closing her eyes, she thought about people looking up her skirt. Cupping her breasts, she gently squeezed. Moving her hands down, her stomach quiverred as it glide downward. Brushing through her pubic hair, she was surprised to find she was wet. Mary jumped as if she was shocked when she touched her clit. Teasing it, she reached into her bra. Squeezing her nipple as she pushed her finger between her folds. Her knees began to shake as vaginal liquids tricked down her fingers. The sound of her screaming snapped her back to reality. Ste… Read more

Posted by Ilikestroking 2 years ago 3

Thrill of exhibition

Mary looked at the clock and realized she forgot to set the alarm. Jumping out of bed, she rushed to take her shower. Quickly dressing, she grabbed her coat and ran to the bus stop. Out of breath, she arrived just as the bus pulled up. Finding a seat at the back of the bus, Mary unbuttoned her coat and caught her breath. After a few minutes she noticed a couple men staring her way. Feeling subconscious she checked herself. Looking down, her blouse was buttoned all the way. Her skirt was just above her knees. Nothing out of the ordinary she thought, but as her trip continued she noticed other… Read more

Posted by Ilikestroking 2 years ago 4

041 – A Surprise Visitor

I had donned a pair of rather short shorts and grabbed a beer and sat out the front of my house overlooking the canal, so peaceful and tranquil that I sat back and shut my eyes.. “Wanna be careful dressed like that around here.. people can be weird” said a soft voice of a man that had stopped by the canal.. I looked up.. “Oh not me I might add.. I don’t care what flops out” he said with a giggle making a gesture towards my open legs and clearly visible testicles.. “I’ll bear that in mind” I replied looking up briefly at the man insistent at making his point.. “Like I say.. I don’t mind in fact… Read more

Posted by britguy 2 years ago 4

040 – A Family Night In

This could prove to be an interesting night especially as Rosie was excited about having us both there and was determined to sit in the middle of us feeling the comfort that she’d probably never experienced before.. it was obvious to her mother how close we were as Rosie snuggled up.. “Why don’t you go get your nighty on girl and then you can snuggle up to Uncle Frank” Lynn suggested and as I kept clothes here Rosie scooted upstairs to change.. “Oh Frank.. this is so nice of you.. thank you” she said softly reaching across and giving me a kiss on the cheek. Rosie returned and Wow!! A nice bag… Read more

Posted by britguy 2 years ago 4

039 – A De-Brief With Lyndsay Part 2

I decided to be daring and slipped on a pair of shorts that weren’t too revealing but had enough leg room to tease and as I saw Lyn walking back I had to take a double take.. OMG she looked half decent.. she had a lovely off the shoulders summer dress in white with a few flowers dotted about.. buttoned up the front.. short but not slutty shirt and when she did a twirl her bulbous bubble butt protruded showing how fine and lovely her curves are.. I opened the door.. “Wow!” was all I could say.. I looked into her eyes and she had just enough makeup to make a difference.. her top button unfastene… Read more

Posted by britguy 2 years ago 1

Another White Bitch Knocked UP

Sean smiled when he read the personals ad: "Couple seeks attractive, virile, black man. Must be 9" or greater, and have proof of vasectomy. Open minded and STD free a must." This was an offer Sean couldn't pass up. He responded to the ad and sent a picture of himself. A week went by before he received an answer. They wanted to meet with him. They suggested a meeting at a local bar called "Snookys". Their letter asked him to bring proof of his vasectomy, and a recent SDT test. This was not a problem. He was certain he would test negative for any SDT's, he had always been careful to protect h… Read more

Posted by 425olds 2 years ago 4

037 – A Treatment For Nicky

My choice of attire was a pair of baggy shorts with a fair amount of wiggle room and a tee shirt.. I didn’t want to be presumptuous about Nicky as she’s a bit quirky and you never know for sure what’s coming next.. apart from it won’t involve any sexual activity as she’s NOT that kind of woman.. The front door was ajar and as I pushed it open there was Nicky sitting on her heels holding on to the hallway cupboard.. “Oh Frank.. thank god you’re here.. I’m in such pain” she said grimacing and as I stepped in she reached out grabbing the waistband and my shorts and her momentum pulled them down a… Read more

Posted by britguy 2 years ago 1

038 – A De-Brief With Lyndsay

About an hour or so later another text came through from Lyndsay.. “Brew done? Putting on shorts and be over” she said so I sent a smiley face back, slipped my robe on as it was close to hand and went down to put the coffee on and wait for my neighbours arrival with all the juicy gossip.. I won’t tell you the scenarios going on in my head.. nothing suggested anything bad. Fuck me.. Lyndsay certainly knows how to show off her best features in her dress sense.. she came running up my path in a pair of shorts so tight they clinched to her like a second skin and hung on her hips and rather short t… Read more

Posted by britguy 2 years ago 1

She Fucks but not her Husband

Toni Fisher sat tapping her long finely manicured finger mails, she was fed up, in fact she was more than fed up, she was royally pissed off. It was Thursday night, she had just taken a call from her husband, he couldn't make it home this weekend, he had to work. The Project he was a senior Manager on was at a critical point in its construction. This was the second time this month and she was pissed off because she had arranged a special night for him on the Saturday, it was his 30th birthday, and followed two days later by her 25th. The c***dren had already been arranged to be at his mothers… Read more

Posted by 425olds 2 years ago

030 – A Weekend With Rosie Part 1

I don’t know if Lyndsay was taking advantage of having such a good sitter but she was doing extra shifts at work which I had no problem with as I don’t begrudge her the extra money and Rosie was spending more time at mine which was brilliant for our bonding process.. having her around and getting to know the real Rosie was enlightening to say the least. We’d got over all the uncomfortable bits like nudity and such like and Rosie was like me in that she wasn’t shy about undressing or even sleeping naked.. we were both open and if I was to teach her things then open is the way to be.. we didn’t… Read more

Posted by britguy 2 years ago 1

028 – First Session With Nicky

I went to bed thinking about Rosie’s comment and oh how I’d be her bitch any day of the week and weekends too plus her mum is a good fuck too.. made me wonder if they compared notes or is it all a secret, the excitement never ceases and I can’t wait for my next encounter with her and see what transpires. I woke up early and avoided any temptation to deal with my morning wood as I wanted to keep the medicine cupboard full so a quick shower and coffee and dressed in a tee shirt and track pants (it was chilly) I headed over to Nicky’s house for a 7am start, I was excited and it was beginning to s… Read more

Posted by britguy 2 years ago 2

026 – Odd Jobs For Nicky

Nicky was 48 and offspring’s had flown the nest and her ex-husband had fucked off with a younger model so she wanted to completely decorate her house and wanted to run some ideas past me and price it up.. I finally made the appointment for lunchtime and she told me that if she doesn’t answer the door to go through the side gate as she may be sitting in the garden, seemed simple enough. As it was a hot day I decided to wear a pair of short shorts and a tee shirt and I did T need any tools as I was only quoting so I headed off using my trusty sat nav and arrived just before noon and have to say… Read more

Posted by britguy 2 years ago 2

Horned Up After the Club Lesbian

Marissa and I have been friends ever since grade school, but like most k**s, we grew up, graduated, found jobs in other towns, and drifted apart. So it was pretty exciting for me when she gave me a call out of the blue one day and invited me to be her roommate in Atlantic City. Rents were high, and even though she made fairly good money as a croupier in one of the casinos, she needed some help. She told me I would find a job easily, which turned out to be true. Well, payday came along, and we decided to go clubbing. Or actually Marissa decided she was going and that I was coming with. It was… Read more

Posted by 425olds 2 years ago 1

Getting EVEN

When I was just eighteen, I fell in love with a girl named Jodi. She was the sweetest girl I'd ever known, and she told me that she loved me too. She was also the first to suck my cock, the first pussy I ever tasted, and the first woman I ever fucked. I was convinced that after college she was the woman I was going to marry, and we'd live happily ever after. Of course, that was before I came home one night and found her in my parents' living room on her hands and knees while my older brother Dennis rammed his cock in and out of Jodi's ass. Pissed off doesn't even begin to describe how I felt.… Read more

Posted by 425olds 2 years ago 4

021 – A Second Opinion

I was up quite early checking emails and answering enquiries about my odd job advert and also the AirBNB was beginning to generate some interest and after that I went into the kitchen to watch the early morning ‘Leg’ show and it was obvious that it was the same few girls that showed interest with smiles as they saw me standing in the window pretending to be doing something, there was definite future fun to be had judging by the curious looks and giggles as they passed and it was just a case of opportunities presenting themselves. The procession soon passed but it did bring a smile to my face a… Read more

Posted by britguy 2 years ago 6

That's Just the Tip Blacken

It was hard to hear, but Katelin could tell there were moans coming from the bathroom. The party she was at was loud from all the dance music filling the air. She had thought she was lucky when she saw there wasn't a line for the restroom. Having a lot to drink and needing to use the toilet badly she figured she'd pretend to not notice the noises coming from behind the door, falsely hoping that they were from another spot from around the corner. Turning the doorknob she boldly stormed in immediately bumping into the couple that was inside. The door opened half way before bumping into a big b… Read more

Posted by 425olds 2 years ago 1

020 – Time With Rosie

I got home from the doctors with a couple of hours before the possibility of Rosie coming over although I wasn’t sure what Lyndsay meant by ‘keep an eye’ on her, was I just on call should she need anything or was it a full-on babysitting duty? I guess I’ll play that one by ear and at least she knows where I am if needed. I made a big batch of my homemade squash just in case Rosie did come round and wanted a drink and after that took a long cool shower deciding what to wear and as I wasn’t planning on going out again I thought my short silky robe would suffice, I do love that robe.. it’s so com… Read more

Posted by britguy 2 years ago 4

Cum Crazy

I came home from work today to find my sexy wife laying in bed with wet panties on as I got closer to her I could see white cum all over her thighs. I knew right away that she had been fucking someone right before I got home she knew that I couldn’t resist sucking cum out of her well used pussy. She reached down and removed her panties and offered them to me I stuck them up to my nose and smelled the fresh cum that had leaked out of her pussy and ass and had been trapped in her panties. I took the panties and started licking the crotch of them with my tongue. There was no mistaking the taste,… Read more

Posted by 425olds 2 years ago 2

Recycled Cum

It all started one night as me and the wife was lying in bed having kinky sex. We had been married about two years and I had cum in my wife’s mouth maybe twice, she always said she didn’t like the taste of cum. I was begging her to suck my cum down her throat tonight and she was refusing to do it so I made a suggestion that if she would suck the cum out of my cock she could keep it in her mouth and didn’t have to swallow it she could give me a big kiss and feed my cum back into my mouth. Well she looked up at me and I could tell she liked that idea. She ask me, how could I kiss her with my cu… Read more

Posted by 425olds 2 years ago 11