Satansfuckslut's Stories | xHamster

The Satanic Path

The Satanic Path 1)If you wish to serve in HIS kingdom, you must be willing to grovel in the dirt, naked, before HIS throne. You must be willing to dig your fingernails and cocks into the earth while welcoming the fuck of a demon up your ass. 2)You must wear upon your body the ‘mark of the b**st’ and know that you are HIS eternal slave and fuck. 3)You must chant HIS name over and over while masturbating and must be willing to piss upon the sacramentals of false theologies that preach sexual abstinence rather than sexual indulgence. 4)You must be willing to imitate HIM in sucking every cock p… Read more

Posted by aliveandready 3 years ago 67

Are You Gay quiz. (entertaining)

From post at guynky12 profile, Are You Gay? My answered quiz You should copy this and answer it for yourself. It's fun if nothing else. STAGE 1 ======= 1. Do you like shemale pornography? (y/n) Oh hell yes. 2. When you watch straight pornography, do you prefer videos of handjobs and blowjobs over videos of ordinary intercourse? (y/n) N, I hate it when half the porn clip is blowjob. 3. Have you ever wondered what cum tastes like? (y/n) Y, I've tasted my own cum. 4. When you watch pornography, have you ever found yourself focusing on a guy's cock despite the presence of an attractive fema… Read more

Posted by Thailover2577 2 years ago 3

For The Glory of Satan

Praise the Dark Lord. All genders, all sexes, no sexual limit for you...100% depravity for the enjoyment and glory of Satan. Whore yourself with strangers. Suck cock and lick the assholes of complete strangers, for the glory and worship of Fuck.… Read more

Posted by Thailover2577 2 years ago 25

Satan is our Shadowself

Satan is the thing that slithers and slimes in our personal un-conscious. We are each capable of being what others have been, for it slinks in our collective un-conscious. Heros and saints live inside of us, and we are they. So too does the n*zi camp guard, the tort*rer and ped*(file). Under differing circumstances, we could have become any of these things because we each come from the same seed. Our personal temperaments and surroundings helped shape the particular ways in which we manifested. We each contain a grain of divinity, and a grain of cruel, evil monster. We each are the righteous f… Read more

Posted by Thailover2577 2 years ago 6


HAIL SATAN [image class="blog-image align-center size-large"]379… Read more

Posted by want2bcuck 4 years ago 23

Turn to SATAN

Give into your deepest darkest desires Give your soul to SATAN. Enjoy free will and indulge call out the hypocrisy of the religous zealots. HAIL SATAN… Read more

Posted by want2bcuck 4 years ago 27

The Satanic Path

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Posted by crazybitch71 3 years ago