Tina Schmitt ist der Name meiner Protagonistin. Sie ist jung, naiv, ein klein wenig mollig und hat gerade ihr Studium begonnen. Nach außen hin wirkt sie wie das langweilige Mauerblümchen vom Land. Seit ihrer frühen Jugend weiß sie bereits, dass sie anders ist. Im Internet stößt sie auf eine BDSM-Sekte, die ihr Schicksal werden soll. Ich will im Roman jeweils ein Kapitel für eine bestimmte BDSM-Spielart verwenden. Tina wird gegen ihren Willen in die Sekte eingeführt. Was vielleicht nur ein Traum war, wird nun brutale Realität. Die Sekte ignoriert Tinas Tabus vollständig. Über allem steht der G Read more
My BDSM experience / Meine BDSM Erfahrung
*deutsch unten* Since a *lot* of people ask me about my BDSM experiences and since it's becoming more and more tedious to write the same thing over and over, I will describe it here: Sometime during the summer of 2019, a dom guy let me kneel before him. I sat there naked and he put my arms in handcuffs behind my back. He demanded to suck his dick, so I did. He did not cum into my mouth. Afterwards he fucked me in my pussy using a condom. That's the whole story :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Da mich eine *Vielzahl* von Leut Read more
Messages that I get
The meeting before moving in.
The meeting before moving in. Today was the day I had a meeting at the local authority, I had the change my address, I was permanently moving in with daddy, I was getting a full time latex sissy boy and I was happy. The meeting today was set to 10 o`clock, daddy would drive me he said, so that made things a lot easier, so I had time to get dressed in what I thought was ordinary cloth, but no, of cause not. If I wanted to have my jacket and gloves on, I still had to wear my latex under, daddy already had found my outfit for today, and placed it on the bed, black latex Catsuit, gloves and stil Read more
24 hrs with a girl?
It is Friday evening at O’Toole’s Pub. This is my usual place to hang on Friday nights. It’s 6 pm. The food is good and the people are friendly and not so rowdy. For the past few weeks, I had noticed a girl who would come to stay a while to have a drink and then leave by herself. I had been watching this cute girl and was working up the courage to get up from my usual spot to talk to her. Tonight, as she found a spot at the bar, she was wearing a black low-cut dress with white stockings and Mary Jane shoes. She had long brown hair that flowed down her back and was made up to kill. I wondered w Read more
What I would do with your cock
I would take your cock and gently massage it and caress it with my hands. I pull your cock so close to my face and blow on it. It would smell of your cock juices and put them in my mouth. Oh how sweet your precum would taste in my mouth. I would put my mouth over your cock head and suck. Grabbing the base of your shaft, I would hold your cock while I tongued your peehole and up and down your shaft. Your cock would grow very hard and want to come so bad, but I will not let it. It will let you beg me to let you come but I will not let you. As I suck your cock, I have my fingers up your ass and I Read more
I am a slut bitch who wants to have fun sex
As your slut bitch, I pee all over your near naked body and wet you all over. You love the smell of my pee as I pee on your face and mouth. Pee is flowing out of your mouth as you try to drink as much of my pee as you can. I pee even more and drain myself to a trickle as you lay on your back. As you jerk yourself off, you tell me, your dirty slut bitch, to put on a black garter belt and stockings with a black crotchless thong. Your shorts, pulled down to your knees, are soaked in my piss your cock is getting sticky hard. You are ready to fuck me and you say, “I am going to fuck you bitch! Turn Read more
I wanna be your slut bitch
As your dirty slut bitch, I am lying on the bed with my nude-colored stockings and crotchless panties. My cute little clit is ready for you to kiss and to suck. But you don't do it quite yet because you are so taken by my beauty and sexiness. That you hover over me and wank your cock so long and so hard that I am begging for you to put your warm spunk all over me. But you make me wank you and you stuff your cock inside my mouth and tell me to suck the piss from your cock and drink all of it without spilling a drop. After I drink your pee, I now want your spunk but you beckon me to wank your co Read more
Married Man 2
He couldn't even make eye contact with me the next day. I waited and tried to get moments alone with him. I helped him carry dishes after lunch and told him I had a great night and he blushed and looked at his shoes... That afternoon my bestie and her boyfriend went shopping and his wife was in the house relaxing.. I asked her where her husband was and she told me he was piddling with their car. I told her I was probably going to just lay down for a nap and she agreed that was a good idea and said she would too. I took this opportunity to head off to the carport. I found my new favorit Read more
Married Man 1.
I woke up To use the bathroom and saw a glowing light and heard groaning coming from the den. I padded my way to the back of the house and watched him sitting at the desktop with his robe open tugging and rubbing his cock watching a porn. If I had been married and wasn't getting laid I'd be watching porn too. You can't blame the guy. My inner slut wondered if he had really been celibate for so long. I walked over and he was so caught up in the sloppy blowjob on the screen he didn't even notice me ... I watched him, older and hairy with a bit of belly, stroking an extremely hard cock. I was Read more
Hotel Fantasy 2.
Another Hotel Fantasy situation I have would be having my anonymous lover leave me a hotel room card key at the front desk and telling me to be naked and blindfolded on the bed. Give me a phone number to text that I'm ready and then I am to bind myself using the handcuffs left on the bedside table. I wait anxiously handcuffed and naked, blindfolded on the bed for I don't know how long each moment seems like eternity. I can feel myself getting wet with anticipation. I hear the door open I hear him groan and I hear the sound of clothing. I imagine each article being removed.. Is that a jacke Read more
Hotel Fantasy 1.
One of my biggest fantasies is anonymous sex... We could arrange a meeting in a hotel. He could be at the bar and I'd approach him. I'd ask if he was in town alone or with his family.... naturally, he'd say alone. I'd tell him about how much I love the idea of a married man and ask him back to my room. He'd be surprised and admonish me about his marriage. That's ok though, I'd remind him that I'm not proposing, I just want to be a live action sex toy. He'd find that intriguing and ask me to prove it. I'd ask him to lay his hand on the barstool next to him, I'd climb on and settle my bare puss Read more
Amanda - CHAPITRE 2 - Sylvie de l'Arc
J'ai la bouche pâteuse. Mon cerveau embrumé peine à comprendre à ce qui se passe, mes yeux me renvoient des images que je ne comprends pas et mes membres endoloris me semblent tellement lourds qu'ils ne me répondent pas. Mes oreilles bourdonnent, j'entends une voix, une femme téléphone mais je ne comprends pas ce qu'elle dit. Ho mon dieu qu'est ce que ça tourne. Une main passe dans mes cheveux, une voix apaisante résonne. Je ne comprends pas ce qu'elle dit. Mais je me laisse aller et sombre de nouveau dans un sommeil profond. Du temps a passé. Je ne sais pas combien exactement mais je pense q Read more
Petit challenge
Bonjour à tous :) Merci de prendre le temps de lire ce billet :) Comme vous le savez peut être si vous avez lu mes textes il m'arrive d'écrire des textes sur les sujets et fantasmes qu'on me propose en échange de captions sur certains de mes vices. Je ne compte pas reprendre tout de suite l'écriture de mon texte principal sur Amanda donc je peux me dégager un peu de temps. Si il y a des intéressés n'hésitez pas à me contacter en MP, on pourra en discuter plus amplement et voir si on arrive ou non à s'entendre :) Personnellement ça me permet d'en apprendre plus sur différents fantasmes et de m' Read more
Amanda - CHAPITRE 1 - Le piège
Du haut de mes 20 ans je pense avoir plutôt réussi mon entrée dans la vie adulte. Mon enfance dans un orphelinat n'a pas été un début facile c'est clair. Mais ça a été des plus instructifs. Depuis que je suis enfant je suis doué d'un certain don pour l'observation voire même carrément d'un sixième sens si j'en crois certaines personnes. Et c'est vrai que j'ai toujours su cerner très rapidement les gens, parfois en un simple coup d'oeil. Qui plus est apparemment j'inspire une certaines confiance et durant toute mon adolescence j'ai été "l'oreille attentive", le confident de bien des gens. Je n' Read more
Les voisines du manoir
Le manoir: Enfin, après presque trois ans de déboires j'ai enfin trouver un appartement convenable. Ce n'est pas trop tôt, à 28 ans il est temps que j'ai enfin mon chez moi. la coloc ça va bien un temps. Et puis franchement, je n'aime pas me lancer des fleurs mais je suis très satisfait de ma trouvaille. Un ancien manoir, réaménagé en quatre appartements distincts partageant un grand jardin. Certes le tout est un peu isolé mais j'ai fini de payer ma voiture et en plus il y a un garage. Le rêve. Seule ombre sur le tableau je n'ai pas encore rencontré mes futurs voisins, mais bon je suis Read more
A genoux, nue, les poignets menottés entre eux par d'imposants cercles de métal, les yeux bandés et les chevilles enchaînées, elle ne peut que respirer. C'est son seul droit. Comme en témoigne le collier cadenassé autour de son cou, ce n'est plus elle qui dispose de son corps ni même de son âme. Ce n'est plus elle car c'est moi. C'est à moi que revient le privilège et la responsabilité de diriger sa vie. Je contemple ce corps qui est ma propriété aujourd'hui. Qu'est ce qu'elle est belle. Une peau lisse et douce d'une couleur indescriptible mais parfaite. Un ventre fin et ferme où se dessinent Read more
Une vie en passant vite
Au départ ça commençait bien, on se plaisait mutuellement et nos échanges par sms ou en réel égaillaient les fades journées de travail. De sourires complices en petites taquineries le sujets de la sexualité a fait son entrée. Et de la théorie à la pratique, on s'est enlacés. Mais un jour cet érotique épisode de ma vie a prit un tournant inattendu. Lorsqu'à force d'insistance, j'ai cédé à son désir de me voir porter de la lingerie féminine, du maquillage et même une perruque. Ainsi qu'une paire de menottes... Le flash de son appareil photo a surprit ma rétine et scellé mon destin. Face à mes p Read more
La Pomme - Amélie
Au pied de la pile de pommes bien ordonnée de cet étal, la pomme brillait de tous ses feux au soleil du printemps. — Quentin, j'aimerai bien une pomme ! dit Amélie à son ami. Il se rapprocha de la file de clients qui attendaient pour être servis et en surveillant les vendeurs occupés, un à présenter des radis, un autre à faire gouter des fraises, il tendit la main. Il était attiré par cette pomme rouge qui semblait lui dire "Prends-moi !" Une fois son forfait accomplit, il revint vers la jeune fille et lui montra un grand sourire aux lèvres le fruit de son larcin. Ravis et riant aux éclats, il Read more
My First Real Threesome
1978. . . it was the Summer of this song. . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8JPXwst6P4&ab_channel=AlejandroGabrielAtia%2FMusic Stevens County Washington, where an old high school friend persuaded me to come in the Summer of 1978, was a hilly, forested expanse in the Northeast corner of the state, right on the Canadian border where the Columbia River crossed over. My friend needed transport up there to finish off her paralegal internship, and I was in a period collecting unemployment after being laid off from a temporary appointment in the mailroom of a VA hospital. 1977 had be Read more
After my mom and dad divorced I lived only partly with my father. It was mostly odd long weekends and I kept most of my things at mom's. She regularly brought home men andintroduced me but only very few of them I saw more regularly or seemed interested in a relationship with ma. Many spent time talking to me while mom cooled or made herself up to go out. Very often I heard them make love afterwards. As I grew older I fantasised and masturbated to the sounds, and occassionally peeked on them. I watched some porn and experimented sexually and one day one of my mom's friends rang the door althou Read more
Crazy afternoon
I just got home. After a long warm shower I am slowly calming down. This was an absolutely crazy afternoon. Thomas picked me up as agreed. I've met him regularly over the last year and he treats me good and is generous, even if he has strange perverted ways with me as well. But today he drove us to an old school gym and not his home. He guided me inside and we sat down and watched two basketball teams of the school do a test match. The young men were all super tall and fit. The trainer and referee turned out to be an old friend of Thomas. When the match was over, Thomas walked me out onto the Read more
God Sex and Truth - Script
God, Sex and Truth In 2018 the Indian film director Ram Gopal Varma (RGV) released an important short film, a 19-minute monologue by porn star Mia Malkova called God Sex and Truth. Western readers unfamilar with Indian cinema should understand that RGV is a hugely successful director, with 55 movies to his credit over three decades. He is the Steven Spielberg of Indian cinema. He had to make this film in Paris because it would have been i*****l under Indian obscenity laws to make it at home. When it was eleased in 2018 there was huge controversy in India and RGV is being Read more
We walk into the hotel room and I'm feeling so nervous. You have a big smile on your face for numerous reasons. One, you can't wait to do what we are going to do. Two, you see the nervous expression on my face and that makes you like it even more. And three, you know that you will really be punishing me and taking me one more big step to becoming your complete bitch. The plan has been in motion for awhile and I can't believe we are actually doing it, we've talked about it so many times but the fact that we actually went to a gay bar and picked up a guy and brought him back with us so we can c Read more
una serata iniziata male
Mi sono preparata, una doccia, poi sono uscita, il viaggio sino al punto di battuage, mi sono truccata, infilato un paio di calze autoreggenti velate nere, mutandine rosse, con qualche traccia di leopardato "fa molto mignotta" una gonnellina nera top a rete per dare risalto alle mie bellissime tette, un filo di rossetto e poi, non appena in tiro, Bum il temporale. La serata era cominciata male, un temporale tremendo, poi gli amici che attendevo mi hanno bidonato e non sono venuti, pensavo ormai di avere fatto un giro a vuoto, poi la fortuna mi è stata favorevole, un vecchio amico conosciuto du Read more
Michelle's visit to porn cinema
My best friend
Never thought about sucking a cock in my life until the one night Jeff (my straight friend for many years) and I went out bar hopping. We ended up at a strip bar in W. Nanticoke. We were both drunk, Jeff was very drunk. We were having a great time and I was watching him getting excited watching the dancers, he was rubbing his crouch and than I could not believe it when he pulled his dick out and flashed it to the one of the girls. Well when I saw his cock something inside me said I have to have it. I never touched a dick in my life let alone suck one. But I had to have his dick, I needed to s Read more
Frozen Banana - a repost
Frozen Banana When I was much younger I came home from work to my beautiful girlfriend naked on the living room floor masturbating with a frozen banana. It was completely peeled and slowing going in and out of her very moist pussy. She had always shaved her pussy, even before it was the norm, which I now prefer. I stood for about 3 minutes just staring in absolute amazement, when all of the sudden my head from down lower reminded me that I need to do something. So I threw my clothes all over the room and just started working my cock into her pussy, burying the now "cooler" banana up into her. Read more
The sharing of cum - a repost
You're down enjoying your girl's beautifully moist pussy. You are nibbling on her clit, and then you start to lap up her juices as they are pouring out, Then you start tongue fucking her, your tongue slips into her ass, sending her closer to nirvana. Then you start a full on assault on her clit lapping it like a dog would. She starts breathing louder and more frequently, you know she's close. Then her back arches and she tightens her legs around your head (this is my favorite part), you continue lapping away she continues her orgasm, it goes on for 15 to 20 seconds, you continue lapping, but t Read more