Sammyjay's Stories | xHamster

innocent flash gets exciting

I don't have much time to do this but here goes. Last night I was at a gig with my girlfriend and her friend. We stayed in a hotel for the was a double bed with a single bed right next to it. My girlfriend and I were quite drunk so we went straight to bed. Her friend said she was gona read another chapter of her book. In a few minutes my girlfriend was snoring and sleeping soundly. I couldn't get to sleep and was getting bored. I decided to hhave some fun. I pulled my penis out the leg of my shorts and rolled over, moving back the covers as though I was too warm.I pretended to snor a… Read more

Posted by Sammyjay 9 years ago 5

Masturbating toy for this week.

Jelly pussy. Take a 500ml bottle. Cut the top off at the widest place or wide enough to fit round your penis leaving lot of room. Make the cut edge safe by taping it off or adding some soft padding before taping it for more comfort. Make a jelly mix and pour into the bottle stopping 2 - 2.5 cm from the top. Put in the fridge to set. Then aquire some latex gloves, 3 should be enough. Cut the middle finger off each glove. NOTE. When cutting latex you must do it in one cut to avoid a rough edge that will split and spoil your fun. Once the jelly is set( this can take some time so I usually make 3-… Read more

Posted by Sammyjay 11 years ago 1