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I think Who Kigurumi shows me, I can appear if I hide my face. This way offers teaches me the way.
I don‘t hope to now open at all about me. You should judge only from my uploaded Videos. I am such a fool weakness who only can masturbation or fuck or watch other‘s fuck.
鼻に水入れた訳だ。これを1000回やると、私は偉くなれるんだろうか。そうではない。だって、私は単なる道具に過ぎないからね。そしてだが、やっぱりそうだった。肌は公開されねばならない。(Show the skin) あるいは、見なければならない。(Look the other's skin without veil)
やめた。逆に私は、イスラム教徒の罠にはまって、脆弱な自分を、晒させて、殺させようという計画に、はめられていただけだ。なんというか、そういう攻撃法もあるんだと思った。新しい宗教だけあって、かなりネット社会に、対応型に思える。ただ、学んだ事もあって、それは音読の習慣である。あの人たちは、毎日同じ音読を、同じ動作で行っている。私は、使徒列伝を、音読すると思われる。これは、アメリカ人も気をつけるべきである。というのは、イスラム教徒は、綺麗な声で魅了してくるからだ。あの人たちは、あなたたちキリスト教徒より、文字バイタイにおいては、優れている。簡単に信仰告白させられて しまうだろう。あるいは、簡単に殺されてしまうだろう。(I think Isramic believers is superior than you in term of literacture by letters only. They will enchant you if weaker than her or him by their beutiful voice and you will tell your all information for them and their friends and they will move to kill you. Be careful, I am such a Japanese, but do you believe really Isramic believer not exist in Japan? No way, They hope to kill me weak and activate their dengerous beautiful literacture to like me even this time. On going suffering.) つまり、キグルミだけど、そんなによくないのかも知れない。というのは、イスラム教の女性って、スガタ隠す習慣あるよね。(I think Isramic female needs to hide herselves. So... I think Kigurumi female is dengerous... for me weak. Perhaps. My videos's Kigurumi female can be debuted "Japanese Isramic woman" Oh... Really? She is like Predator Plant for a insect. Well... Or why does she hide? I have read a Japanese Isramic Literacture is really. While I don't know Japanese Israimic Female Sexual deed clearly. While I hide for protection for my self, because I am weak. You shall know Isramic men don't need to hide themselves at all. I am too hard to follow Isramic accostom, weak man. Against she is female, who Kigurumi. I have no protections. Do you believe Donald Tramp is right president for United States? really? I hope to try Joseph Biden for... I revenge my assailant Isramic writer. I will with Joseph try to see her/his((the Isramic Beaufiful voice writer)) newer attitude, please lend your devote for me. Well.. Like oldtestament is too hard for me, I will read only like.. appostles. I think, harder is that 1. Isramic, 2. Old Testament, 3. Appostles, after is easier. Because I am weak and easy to be killed. Some appostles are weak like me to enough to approach to near to be killed. I symphasis about this weakness. Well... I don't know in Japan, which is more Christanity or Isramic. Finish. Do you mean about No Sex is Smaller Genital? I shall chose No sex. I don't know.)
私は友達がいないので、旧約聖書の民族にとって、私は劣った人間か、見下して迫害すべき人間か、あるいは人間ではないか、あるいはチンパンジー未満の存在です。私はプラナリア程度の存在です。旧約聖書では、無限に多岐に渡る表現で、私を貶めますが、これは一つであって、ただ私に友達がいない事を批判して、そして、友達がいない人の傾向をその後列挙しているだけです。つまり、もはや人種は関係ないです。I have no friend, Belivers will understand I am not enough human. 私はむしろ、クルアーンを読みます。You abandon me, so I will go to Quran than not oldtestament. それとも何か、私の人種には、友達が生じないように、あなたがたの神が、操作加えているとでも言うのでしょうか?
I don't need to choose both Old Testament or Isramic Book. So I can compare both. I hear Real Isramic People don't choose sexual intercourse. If I bare my skin from my gran, then I am same who without skin above gran.
(I regret my old account), I couldn't bear from that persecute. So I deleted my account.
My previas account is blocked by gOOGLE. While this xhamster keep this still now(2020/5/14).
If you don t lose any molar, like me lose two frontal molars upper jaw, you will be seemed don t need to refer to your or who you love s left molar or other kind of teeth.
Do you need my or other s broken face? You will watch the human face to distinguish the human race.
I will watch the Femur longer. As my pity molars and tied face is broken. Why do you judge from my face. From my sayings. I am a dog already because of you will search the skull jaw the dog hound.
But my femur is not of dog. Dentist destroyed my molars, but dentist didn t destroyed my leg. Now I have dog face and elephant legs. My femur is longer than tibia.
You can search at the ancient animal Diatryma, which bird has very longer tibia than femur. While you can find elephant skeleton, which have longer femur, My sleleton is face is bird, and leg belongs elephant.
Why my assilantal dentist removed my frontal molars? Do you know the reason? Do you teach the dentists japanese?
I think Diatryma and Elephant both are important and you should store both. Elephant survive still, so you can choose to keep them still.
I think Who Kigurumi shows me, I can appear if I hide my face. This way offers teaches me the way.
I don‘t hope to now open at all about me. You should judge only from my uploaded Videos. I am such a fool weakness who only can masturbation or fuck or watch other‘s fuck.
鼻に水入れた訳だ。これを1000回やると、私は偉くなれるんだろうか。そうではない。だって、私は単なる道具に過ぎないからね。そしてだが、やっぱりそうだった。肌は公開されねばならない。(Show the skin) あるいは、見なければならない。(Look the other's skin without veil)
やめた。逆に私は、イスラム教徒の罠にはまって、脆弱な自分を、晒させて、殺させようという計画に、はめられていただけだ。なんというか、そういう攻撃法もあるんだと思った。新しい宗教だけあって、かなりネット社会に、対応型に思える。ただ、学んだ事もあって、それは音読の習慣である。あの人たちは、毎日同じ音読を、同じ動作で行っている。私は、使徒列伝を、音読すると思われる。これは、アメリカ人も気をつけるべきである。というのは、イスラム教徒は、綺麗な声で魅了してくるからだ。あの人たちは、あなたたちキリスト教徒より、文字バイタイにおいては、優れている。簡単に信仰告白させられて しまうだろう。あるいは、簡単に殺されてしまうだろう。(I think Isramic believers is superior than you in term of literacture by letters only. They will enchant you if weaker than her or him by their beutiful voice and you will tell your all information for them and their friends and they will move to kill you. Be careful, I am such a Japanese, but do you believe really Isramic believer not exist in Japan? No way, They hope to kill me weak and activate their dengerous beautiful literacture to like me even this time. On going suffering.) つまり、キグルミだけど、そんなによくないのかも知れない。というのは、イスラム教の女性って、スガタ隠す習慣あるよね。(I think Isramic female needs to hide herselves. So... I think Kigurumi female is dengerous... for me weak. Perhaps. My videos's Kigurumi female can be debuted "Japanese Isramic woman" Oh... Really? She is like Predator Plant for a insect. Well... Or why does she hide? I have read a Japanese Isramic Literacture is really. While I don't know Japanese Israimic Female Sexual deed clearly. While I hide for protection for my self, because I am weak. You shall know Isramic men don't need to hide themselves at all. I am too hard to follow Isramic accostom, weak man. Against she is female, who Kigurumi. I have no protections. Do you believe Donald Tramp is right president for United States? really? I hope to try Joseph Biden for... I revenge my assailant Isramic writer. I will with Joseph try to see her/his((the Isramic Beaufiful voice writer)) newer attitude, please lend your devote for me. Well.. Like oldtestament is too hard for me, I will read only like.. appostles. I think, harder is that 1. Isramic, 2. Old Testament, 3. Appostles, after is easier. Because I am weak and easy to be killed. Some appostles are weak like me to enough to approach to near to be killed. I symphasis about this weakness. Well... I don't know in Japan, which is more Christanity or Isramic. Finish. Do you mean about No Sex is Smaller Genital? I shall chose No sex. I don't know.)
私は友達がいないので、旧約聖書の民族にとって、私は劣った人間か、見下して迫害すべき人間か、あるいは人間ではないか、あるいはチンパンジー未満の存在です。私はプラナリア程度の存在です。旧約聖書では、無限に多岐に渡る表現で、私を貶めますが、これは一つであって、ただ私に友達がいない事を批判して、そして、友達がいない人の傾向をその後列挙しているだけです。つまり、もはや人種は関係ないです。I have no friend, Belivers will understand I am not enough human. 私はむしろ、クルアーンを読みます。You abandon me, so I will go to Quran than not oldtestament. それとも何か、私の人種には、友達が生じないように、あなたがたの神が、操作加えているとでも言うのでしょうか?
I don't need to choose both Old Testament or Isramic Book. So I can compare both. I hear Real Isramic People don't choose sexual intercourse. If I bare my skin from my gran, then I am same who without skin above gran.
(I regret my old account), I couldn't bear from that persecute. So I deleted my account.
My previas account is blocked by gOOGLE. While this xhamster keep this still now(2020/5/14).
If you don t lose any molar, like me lose two frontal molars upper jaw, you will be seemed don t need to refer to your or who you love s left molar or other kind of teeth.
Do you need my or other s broken face? You will watch the human face to distinguish the human race.
I will watch the Femur longer. As my pity molars and tied face is broken. Why do you judge from my face. From my sayings. I am a dog already because of you will search the skull jaw the dog hound.
But my femur is not of dog. Dentist destroyed my molars, but dentist didn t destroyed my leg. Now I have dog face and elephant legs. My femur is longer than tibia.
You can search at the ancient animal Diatryma, which bird has very longer tibia than femur. While you can find elephant skeleton, which have longer femur, My sleleton is face is bird, and leg belongs elephant.
Why my assilantal dentist removed my frontal molars? Do you know the reason? Do you teach the dentists japanese?
I think Diatryma and Elephant both are important and you should store both. Elephant survive still, so you can choose to keep them still.
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