Rebuff10's Stories | xHamster

more random musings

on looking at vids on this and other sites, think a lot of the porn stuff being made is very very samey, bloke with a big dick, american female with orrible tattoos, either drunk or on something, he bangs away, she pretends to have fun, then at the end he then sprays all over her face, perhaps i have led a sheltered life, but dont recall any female i have been with would allow me to do that, even if i wanted to, liable to get a kick in the ole knackers... also why do some of my fellow males, pay tokens to watch some bored girl gyrate on webcam, get a life, spend your money on more interesting… Read more

Posted by rebuff10 12 years ago

random musings

having just discovered the live cams bit at the top of the page have come up with the following musings... do women get of with watching a headless bloke wanking his penis?? am surmising the answer probably is no, as when a female cams its like feeding time at the zoo, and most blokes cams have nobody watching. when a female cams most blokes me included are just happy with watching a nice pair of breasts being played with, we are hardwired that way to look at breasts, i get very disapointed when the cam goes down south to show a full gynaecology view.. lastly today there have been at least… Read more

Posted by rebuff10 12 years ago

cock sizes / sexual prowess

why do some of the men who use these type of sites have to bang on about the size of their cocks all the time???...come on girls have a look at my hard 12inch, 22inch, 36ft cock...tis very dull, you never see mention of normal sized appendages, also stuff like "doris, come and suck my cock and then ill make you scream when you cum" makes me laugh, it wont happen mate cos she isnt there with you!!!… Read more

Posted by rebuff10 12 years ago

fake profiles especially men

why do some men on here have as their profile pic a picture of a penis which is obviously fake, as in about 2ft long and a foot wide, or have a pic of a 20yr old body builder with a 6 pack??? If shock horror they ever meet a female on this site, how would you explain away the fact you have a beer belly and a normal sized penis????… Read more

Posted by rebuff10 12 years ago 1

american porn

why does most american porn have very odd men with unfeasibly large knobs??? and very odd positions that you could only get in if you are a top gymnast??… Read more

Posted by rebuff10 12 years ago