Purplesword's Stories | xHamster

Interesting Christmas Proposal 2023

Firstly to those who read my previous posts and said they were too long...go get a life! Real life is long and sometimes boring too, and is definitely NOT one continuous sexual adventure..more's the pity..?? Sunday 17/12/23 Well there I was having breakfast, casually reading and replying to those xh messages that took my fancy! when I had a whatsapp message from my local DOM Howard.. Message read "Legion, 14:00, dress casual, Christmas Proposal - Don't be late. xx". The message had been sent to his 'fav5' group, that is me Jill, Anja and Mairi and her Mum. Just to enlighten those tha… Read more

Posted by Concordski 9 months ago 11

Help with a few things...

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Posted by StrawberryFran 3 years ago


So I thought I'd write this blog post mainly as one of the most frequent questions I get asked is - 'What have you done before?' I don't mind answering it but it does get a bit repetitive after a while, so here's a brief account of the previous Dom/Master situations I've had. Both these took place about 18 months ago while I was still at University My first situation was with a friend of an ex boyfriend who I'd know for a short time, he was in his mid 30's. When I split from my boyfriend he got in touch and we had a few drinks and the subject of sex came up. We somehow got onto the topic of s… Read more

Posted by littlemiss_k 3 years ago 9