Picofthenight's Stories | xHamster

Mid-afternoon at the Cafe de la Petite Mort

Stella blinks as she emerges from the dimness of the cafe onto the large patio. The patio is mostly shaded by enormous, ancient oak trees but here, at the edge, the sunlight is bright. She squints into the dappled shade, looking for table 27. It is on the far edge of the patio, which is busy today, every table occupied. There is no direct path from here to there; Stella must meander between the tables. And so she begins, careful with her tray of two drinks. Careful also with her walk - her heels are very high, and the stone surface is treacherous. As she walks, Stella is aware that conversat… Read more

Posted by Picofthenight 4 months ago

Pizza with You...

It’s Friday evening. Long day at the office, and some of the girls are going for pizza. When we arrive at the restaurant I maneuver, surreptitiously, to sit next to you. The pizza’s slow to arrive but no one cares - we’re all on our second drink and the conversation’s kind of raucous. Everyone’s having a good time. You’re in earnest conversation with the girl on your left, while I’m listening to office gossip from the girl on my right. I’m nodding and smiling at the appropriate times but my mind is elsewhere. Under the table, out of sight, my hand settles gently on your knee. I’m holding my… Read more

Posted by Picofthenight 4 months ago

Letting Go of You...

I suppose I always knew it could happen. But I didn't anticipate the manner of it - that you would simply disappear without a word. It's been <strike>five</strike> six months since I heard from you. My messages are unanswered, unread. Are you sad? Are you hurting? Are you in trouble? It's the not knowing that is killing me.  I've been checking every day to see if you have returned. I guess eventually I'll taper off, perhaps to once a week. I guess eventually I'll stop altogether. I don't know - I have no recipe for this. There is no color here now, no sparkle, only a fading… Read more

Posted by Picofthenight 4 years ago 2

Confessing to You...

My sweet, there is something I've been keeping from you for as long as we've known each other. A secret so dark and dangerous I feared it would break us apart, were I to say it out loud. And so I said nothing. But now I find the crushing guilt of my silence too much to bear. No matter the consequences, regardless of the pain it might cause, I have to tell you. Given the choice, and all other things being equal, I'd take a good Sancerre over a Chablis any day of the week.… Read more

Posted by Picofthenight 4 years ago

Thinking of You...

It’s 5am and I’m thinking of you. It’s cold and dark outside, but warm and cozy here in my bed. I want to go back to sleep, but I can’t stop thinking about you. What are you doing, thousands of miles away and five hours in the future? Probably busy with your day. Do you spare a thought for me? Because you are all I can think of. And this ache that I feel in my heart - is it pleasure or is it pain? I can’t tell the difference...… Read more

Posted by Picofthenight 4 years ago

Going out with You...

We were getting ready to go out. Somewhere fancy, all dressed up and glamorous. You admired my eye makeup, so I gave you a smoky eye. I admired your lipstick, and you put it on my lips. Then we were trying on different clothes, and I said I really liked your panties. And you said you really liked mine. So we switched, giggling like schoolgirls. Then we stood there, you looking at me in your panties, me looking at you in mine. And you had that look on your face. And you were biting your lip. And I had to touch you. ... We can always go out tomorrow night...… Read more

Posted by Picofthenight 4 years ago 1

Exploring You...

We’re in bed. It’s dark and cozy and we feel very safe. You’re on your back. I’m lying on your right side, my whole length pressed against you. My left arm is under your neck, my hand curled around your breast. My lips are nuzzled into your neck. My right leg is hooked around yours, holding your thighs apart. And my right hand is between them, fingers circling, sliding, probing, slow and patient. I’m in heaven - I could keep this up indefinitely. You, however, are on the edge. Panting, moaning softly, hips gyrating, wordlessly pleading. But I’m in a trance, utterly lost in the roughness of… Read more

Posted by Picofthenight 4 years ago

Wishing You...

It was your birthday. I had no money for a gift. But you will know how I love you when you see that I made you a bikini entirely of kisses...… Read more

Posted by Picofthenight 4 years ago

What a Wicked Thing To Do...

If I could have a super power, it would be the power to slip undetected into your dreams. I would awaken your senses - only your senses. You would feel my touch, my caresses, my breath, my lips. You would be enveloped in my scent. You would hear my secrets whispered in your ear ... such delicious secrets. And I would not stop until you could take no more, and silently begged for peace. Then I would leave you to slide down the veil of night, while I slipped away into the darkness smiling my secret smile. And in the morning when you awoke all tousled and sticky thighed, you would roll ove… Read more

Posted by Picofthenight 4 years ago 2

Teasing You...

I see you standing at the kitchen sink, doing something domestic, and I can’t resist... I sneak up behind you, place my hands firmly on your shoulders, and say (in my Voice Of Command): “Don’t move!” You give a little jump, then freeze as instructed. I slide my hands down your back, over your waist and hips, and down the outside of your thighs until I reach the hem of your dress. And I slowly inch it up, one side at a time, until I reach the waist of your panties. I hook in my thumbs and inch them down one side at a time, until I have you where I want you: dress hiked up to your waist, pant… Read more

Posted by Picofthenight 4 years ago 1

Waiting for You...

You said you’d be back around 5:00. It’s 5:30 now, and you’re not here. I took a nice luxurious bath, anointed myself with scented oil, and now I’m all smooth and smelling nice, but you’re not here. Around 4:30 I clicked the cuffs on (I slipped the keys into your purse before you left). The anticipation quickly became almost unbearable, but you’re not here.  I hope you didn’t go for “just one quick drink”. I hope you didn’t get a last minute dinner invitation. I hope you didn’t leave on an emergency business trip, so urgent you didn’t have time to come home and pack. The longer I wa… Read more

Posted by Picofthenight 4 years ago

Longing for You...

I’m alone in my bed. You are not here. I only know you as an icon, witty messages, clouds of emojis. And yet I long for the feel of your soft skin next to me. For your secret places yielding to the gentle insistence of my fingers, my tongue. For the scent of your arousal. For the music of your moans as I ease you towards ecstasy.  For your trembling, sighing surrender. And finally for the warm weight of you in my arms as we slide together into sleep... Is it too much to ask?… Read more

Posted by Picofthenight 4 years ago

Remembering You...

We made love all afternoon on my bed. You came so many times, we lost count. You couldn’t understand why I wouldn’t let you take off your panties, but you indulged me as always. Around six, as the light began to fade, I reluctantly released you so you could take a quick shower. Afterwards, we couldn’t find your panties anywhere so I give you a pair of mine. As you left I was smiling inside to think of you having your business dinner wearing my underwear, and I knew you’d be conscious of it too. ... Later, as I snuggled down in bed, my fingers eased under the pillow and slid out the stolen p… Read more

Posted by Picofthenight 4 years ago

Imagining You...

I’m imagining myself standing, naked, hands tied above my head. And you’re standing behind me, naked. And I can feel your fuzz against my bottom. And you’re cupping my breasts in your warm hands. And you’ve made my nipples slick with spit. And you’re twirling them in your fingers, pinging them with your nails, until I can feel the electricity almost down to my toes. And you’re kissing my neck. And I’m dying from sensual pleasure. Just dying...… Read more

Posted by Picofthenight 4 years ago

Stella needs to go

I had a dream last night, probably prompted by recent happenings on DeviantArt. It's mostly faded now; only a scene and a scrap of dialog remain: Stella is tied standing up, hands above her head, legs stretched apart, feet barely touching the ground. Her beautiful lacy bra has been cut away, and she's naked except for a pair of very expensive, silk, French knickers - fuchsia with white lace trim. She has been in this position for some time, as Claire has tried everything to break her, so far without success. The only concession Claire has made to Stella's comfort is to offer frequent sips of… Read more

Posted by Picofthenight 5 years ago 3