xhamster heartbleed patch !!! HEARTBLEED TEST RESULT( Site: Server software: ****** Was vulnerable: Possibly (known use OpenSSL, but might be using a safe version) SSL Certificate: Possibly Unsafe (created 9 months ago at Jul 26 00:00:00 2013 GMT) Additional checks SSL certificate yielded current certificate first seen (9 months ago) -- has not been reissued. Assessment: It's not clear if it was vulnerable so wait for the company to say something publicly, if you used the same password on any other sites, up Read more
Cam Section: Read more
Why haven't I uploaded anything in a while? Simple, I was taking a little break(video editing is a very tiring business) plus I was waiting for a better version of my main video editing tool Avidemx and I'm still waiting for a better version of Super(or a better alternative: too many adwares, too buggy) and Vobmerge. Read more
Down voting
Down voting should NOT be anonymous anymore too many cowards, 18+ years brats and jealous using it. It should be made mandatory to register and have to post a comment explaining why you voted negatively. when you post more than 2 negative votes for the same uploader(or a group of uploaders sharing some common characteristics: racial, sexual etc.) the uploader(s) should have a say in it(it's only fair). An added benefit would be that would-be pranksters and Read more