Oldsoul's Stories | xHamster


The dim flicker of the candles, and the shadows they cast dance around the room. The sweet scent of your perfume is lingering in the air, I can almost taste it on my tongue as I walk through the door. You've certainly prepared for my arrival. My eye's struggle to adjust to the dark as I hear your voice softly telling me to come in and make myself comfortable. The living room is open and spacious. I easily find a comfortable place to sit on the couch as you appear from around the corner. Even in this dim light you shine, long flowing black hair cascading down your shoulders. Your silhouette def… Read more

Posted by oldsoul 13 years ago

Idea's and Thoughts

Figured I'm on here enough poking around (no pun intended) that I ought to start to write something. So what the heck here I am. Now I enjoy writing short stories, I've written several upon request for special individuals. Something quite tailor made as it were. And I found that easy enough, but it seems I've run up against a bit of writers block for different ideas, I'm normally quite able to think of countless situations but I've just been drawing a blank. So this is where this blog comes in. I want to just make a free form flowing story with everyone's input, as much or as little as is offe… Read more

Posted by oldsoul 13 years ago