Miketntgr's Stories | xHamster


Μία από τις κυρίαρχες φαντασιώσεις της γυναίκας μου, ήταν το να κάνουμε τρίο με έναν άνδρα, ή εκείνη να το κάνει με κάποιον και εγώ να τους βλέπω. Για να πω την αλήθεια μου, υπήρχαν στιγμές που αυτή η φαντασίωση της με ιντριγκάριζε αρκετά, αλλά με φόβιζε παράλληλα, από την άλλη όμως μου έδινε την αίσθηση ότι μια τέτοια φάση θα απογείωνε τη σεξουαλική μας ζωή και κάπως έτσι άρχισα να το δουλεύω στο μυαλό μου, ώστε να συνηθίσω στην ιδέα. Δίχως λοιπόν να της πω κάτι δημιούργησα ένα προφίλ ζευγαριού και έβαλα αγγελία για παρτενέρ. Τα αποτελέσματα ήταν τα αναμενόμενα. Γέμισαν τα εισερχόμενα μου από… Read more

Posted by elnik 6 years ago 26

friend at the beach

The beach shimmered in the hot sun, bursting from a clear sky. The sand was warm beneath our blankets as we sat with our cold drinks. I wore my white bikini and was enjoying the heat and being outdoors. As we sat a bloke walked by and had a long, slow look. As hubby pointed out, i was practically topless. A few drinks later we were very relaxed and chatting. The bloke came back, knelt down and got a good look as he asked if it was a nudist beach. As conversation openers go it wasn't the best but he seemed Ok. He was also, rather obviously, playing with himself thru his shorts. We all talke… Read more

Posted by ricardo1912 11 years ago 7


a little boy went off to camp for the first time ever.the first nite there it started to thunder and lightning,so the the little boy ran into the sexy counselors tent.. boy: i am scared can i sleep with u woman: no its not right boy: but mom says its OK woman: fine so the boy crawls over and lays beside her boy: can i play in your bellybutton,it will calm me down woman: NO! boy: but mom says its OK woman: fine after a few minutes woman: THAT'S NOT MY BELLY BUTTON! boy: and that aint my finger… Read more

Posted by LORDLONE 11 years ago 7


A man was having problems with premature ejaculation so he decided to go to the doctor. He asked the doctor what could he do to cure his problem. In response the doctor said, "When you feel like you are getting ready to ejaculate try startling yourself". That same day the man went to the store and bought himself a starter pistol. All excited to try this suggestion out he runs home to his wife. At home his wife is in bed, naked and waiting on her husband. As the two begin, they find themselves in the '69' position. The man, moments later, feels the sudden urge to come and fires the sta… Read more

Posted by LORDLONE 11 years ago 7


A hippie gets onto a bus and sits next to a nun in the front seat. The hippie looks over and asks the nun if she would have sex with him. The nun, surprised by the question, politely declines and gets off at the next stop. When the bus starts again, the bus driver says to the hippie, "If you want, I can tell you how you can get that nun to have sex with you." The hippie of course says that he'd love to know, so the bus driver tells him that every Tuesday evening at midnight the nun goes to the cemetery to pray to the lord. "If you went dressed in robes and some glowing powder," says the… Read more

Posted by LORDLONE 11 years ago 11


An old man was on the beach and walked up to a beautiful girl in a bikini. "I want to feel your breasts" he exclaimed. "Get away from me, you crazy old man" she replied. "I want to feel your breasts, I will give you twenty dollars," he says. "Twenty dollars, are you nuts!? Get away from me!" "I want to feel your breasts, I will give you ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS" he stated. "NO! Get away from me!" "TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS" he offered; She paused to think about it, but then comes to her senses and said, "I said NO!" "FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS if you let me feel your breasts," he cl… Read more

Posted by LORDLONE 11 years ago 11


Little Johnny hears strange noises from his parents bedroom, He opens their bedroom door and looks inside. On the bed his naked father was bouncing up and down on his equally naked mother like a demented frog, His dad realising the door has been opened looks around to see that he's been watched by his son. He starts laughing and tells him to "Fuck off and shut the door". 10 Min's later he hears screaming coming from little Johnny's room, Where he discovers to his horror that little Johnny has forced his granny over the end of his bed, And is now furiously butt fucking the old dear. H… Read more

Posted by LORDLONE 10 years ago 9