Nobody complained about toxic masculinity when we were saving the world from Nazis. Read more
All women must register for the draft rant.
All women must register for the draft, end all alimony, no paying for dates, let them move their own furniture. #Mgtow Read more
I love female bare feet/soles in my porn.
The main thing I wanna see in my porn is bare soles/feet in the air while fucking. I love bare female feet in my porn. Read more
Love your pets. www.furk** www.thea**** lifelinea**** www.thea**** Read more
If you want to be happy stay single.
The longer a woman stays with a man the worst she will treat him. The more she will nag him and the more money she will spend. If you want to be happy stay single & have no attachment to women. #Mgtow Read more
Women don't care. Go Mgtow!
*DEAR MEN:* Women don't care about us for us, they care about us because of what we can provide for them. Don't believe me? Stop providing your money, time, emotional support, companionship, sexuality, or whatever else it is that the women in your life want from you and see how fast they start complaining.. see how fast they're willing to stop interacting with you. They don't want you, they want what you can give to them. #MGTOW Read more
Fund The Wall.
Fund The Wall Read more
Cool quote I found online from a Mgtow bachelor.
I have been married, had girlfriends and been a bachelor. The one thing I have learned is you get more sex & have more money being a bachelor. Read more
Email the media!
Email the media about Mgtow. Keep speaking out! Read more
Free Speech Quotes.
Free Speech Quotes: Many people don't know this, but it's possible to read something you don't agree with on the Internet and simply move on with your life. Freedom of speech doesn't protect speech you do like; it protects speech you don't like. Being offended doesn't make you right. When you resort to attacking the messenger and not the message, you have lost the debate. Learn to be open minded and respectful to people's opinions, even when you don't agree. A funny thing about tolerant people? They're really only tolerant when you agree with them. If we do not believe in freedom of spe Read more
Share Mgtow With Every Man!
Share Mgtow with every man you meet & know. Mgtow can save a man's life. Read more
Feet, soles and toes.
Feet, soles and toes. Read more
All women create drama!
Many men make the mistake of thinking foreign women won't screw you over and they are less drama. Never forget all women want money & create drama in a man's life. #Truth Read more
Dirty ebony bisexual slut.
Ashley Dodd Ebony Bisexual Slut Read more
Pump & Dump
Women will never like you as much as the beginning stage. After they trap you it's all down hill from there. #Pump & dump Read more
Conservatives on YouTube.
Subscribe on YouTube: The Iconoclast, RT, StevenCrowder, No Return, Mark Dice, NBT Films, Candace Owens, This is Europa, Stefan Molyneux, The Daily Wire, Campus Liberty, Refugee crisis in Europe, Rebel Media, The Rubin Report, Pamela Geller, TRUTHBOMBS, Blaire White, CGTN America, Ben Shapiro, CampusReform, Red Ice TV, Voltaire, CRTV, OpenMind, The Liberty Hound, British Fight Back, Hunter Avallone, ACT for America, Paul Joseph Watson, JihadWatchVideo, MILO, One America News Network, TheFallenState, Roaming Millennial, Conservative Resurgence, Domination Station, Angry Foreigner, Gavin McInnes Read more
Mgtow on YouTube.
Mgtow on YouTube: Sandman Mgtow, Tom Leykis, Howard Dare, Happy Humble Hermit, Mgtow Truth, Replicant Fish, Sunrise Hoodie, Marcel Enlightened, Red Pill Wisdom, MGTOW Money, An Ear for Men, LFA, Turd Flinging Monkey, Grizzly MGHOW, Itachi Uchiha, Terrence Popp, Liberation Y, The Enlightened Kiwi, Lion of Mgtow, HuMan, Mgtow Savior, Sydney Mgtow, Mgtow is freedom, Misandry Today, Kris Cantu, Ronin Man, Stardusk, Messenger Rising, Victor Pride, MGTOW Truth. Read more
Sexist womanizer pig vs. Incel.
If you have a lot of sex with different women you are a sexist chauvinist pig that uses women. If you don't have sex you are a loser incel who just can't get laid. I'm done. Mgtow# Read more
Show more soles in missionary position.
Please show more female soles while couple is in missionary position. Read more
Bring back classic Xhamster!
Bring back classic Xhamster! Read more