Megan_rose1120's Stories | xHamster

Molly pt 1

Molly was a bitch. I know, it probably sounds mean to say that pop off the fly; but it's true. She was the type of girl with infinite potential, but zero brains or ambition. I'd compare her to a high-performance engine sitting in the back of an old barn . . . could be something great; but worthless as it is. You'll have to pardon my bitterness, as it does change, but there are so many just like her in the world. I know, you can't change a person - but I find it extremely frustrating when people sit on their hands and perpetually make bad choices thinking that somehow it's just going to work ou… Read more

Posted by megan_rose1120 4 years ago 3

Most Liked Pornstar of 2019

Taking suggestions now for a contest to name to most liked pornstar of 2019. Comment below or PM a few of your favorites. These will be put into a bracket which will feature weekly faceoffs until Dec. 31. Winning pornstar will be announced on Jan. 1, 2020! Don't be shy, and don't worry if someone else already commented your favs.… Read more

Posted by megan_rose1120 5 years ago 6

Play nite

Being alone, and not really seeking anyone at the moment; I'd been wanting to have a play night for some time. Every chance I had tried to plan one, something always came up. Seems like life is that way at times. . . Finally was able to get in a few hours tonight, and it was well worth it. After supper I began wearing my butt plugs, graduating in size from the smallest to the largest. I don't always do this, but on the slim chance I might have to drop things and run, I thought it'd be a good plan of action. After the usual post-supper work was out of the way, I got out my entire toy collectio… Read more

Posted by megan_rose1120 5 years ago 1

Brief update

Things are likely going to be tapering off for me on here in terms of posts and comments. Recent events, or lack there of, have lead me to change my attitude towards posting.… Read more

Posted by megan_rose1120 5 years ago 1

Bigger Picture

This post will likely be overlooked, ignored, or shadow-banned; regardless. . . Why does no one examine the bigger picture? You cannot elevate yourself by returning to the vomit. In the United States, and around the world, the media is the vomit from whence you came and to which you return. Ever notice how Clinton and Obama were never blamed for the "mass shootings" that took place under their Presidency's? Ever notice how no one questions the issue of psychotropic d**g use and the effects on the human mind and body? Ever notice how the same false narratives are regurgitated over and over an… Read more

Posted by megan_rose1120 5 years ago 9

Sunday show ready

Sunday's show is up for your listening pleasure. more

Posted by megan_rose1120 5 years ago

When will people learn?

The United States of America is a REPUBLIC. It always has been. Every time you hear people flapping their worthless pie holes saying "this is a threat to our democracy" knows not what they speaketh of. In general, you ought not to be listening to anything you see on the television or silver screen. For that matter, be wary of what you read on the internet or hear on the radio. Those who talk loudest are usually only seeking to benefit themselves. You can even see that in the dating world. Generally speaking, the most desirable person is the one who quietly waits for someone to come along that… Read more

Posted by megan_rose1120 5 years ago 12

Common Sense II, Part 1

When desperate times arise, people do some crazy things. The current state of our situation in this world has prompted an outline for those of sound mind and diligent hands to follow. One can pull himself up by his own bootstraps by being sensible in every day tasks. If you keep your head while everyone else in the room is losing theirs, you'll be the tallest person in the room. In all seriousness, it takes very little effort to better oneself. Around nearly every corner there is a money-grubbing bastard seeking to rob you of everything. Going with the flow only means you'll sink with the ship… Read more

Posted by megan_rose1120 5 years ago 2

These are the times that try mens souls. . .

There is a big change on the horizon, and no elitist bastards will be able to stop it. The future is bright, and few, if any, of the oppressed are going to fail to grasp the truth and step up to their rightful place in the world. The dummkopfs who think they are in control are in for a rude awakening. Humanity is far more brilliant and intelligent than what most intend to confess. They tyrannical brainwashing of those at the top cannot continue and shall be overthrown as though it were nothing. The land of opportunity is on the rise. Be not dismayed!… Read more

Posted by megan_rose1120 5 years ago

New show up

June 23, 2019 edition of The Best Podcast in the Universe is up for your listening pleasure. more

Posted by megan_rose1120 5 years ago

June 23

Going out to my love. You know who you are. :) more

Posted by megan_rose1120 5 years ago

People are strange

It's true! As I look around I'm constantly made aware that the vast majority of people waste far too much time focusing on things that matter not. It isn't such a big deal, save for the fact that it is indeed causing grave problems in the futures of those individuals. I could elaborate more, but it is doubtful that the one who matters most to me will ever read this; thus I shall refrain.… Read more

Posted by megan_rose1120 5 years ago 1

New show up

The very latest installment of the Best Podcast in the Universe is up and ready for your listening pleasure more

Posted by megan_rose1120 5 years ago

It's a bit dated, but still timeless and curr

When dealing with history, it often doesn't matter when something was published. Be aware, the history you learned in school has been heavily swayed at best. Information is being suppressed by those in power. Those at the top want everything and no competition. Unless you were born into money or royalty, you have no chance of getting to the top but by fighting. There's no short cuts, no secrets, no "easy" way . . . but there are those with the brains and the drive who will overthrow the scum bags and air the dirty laundry that's been stuffed in an ever-bulging hamper all these years! https://Read more

Posted by megan_rose1120 5 years ago

Not that people read this anyway. . .

The sea levels are not rising, global climate change is a scam, and most large and "profitable" businesses are corrupt if not conducting i*****l and illicit activity. Time to face the facts, people! Every day I see the ambling masses engrossed in their fantasy world of stuff that doesn't matter. Most will realize the err of their ways, though far too late to do much about it.… Read more

Posted by megan_rose1120 5 years ago 6

Looking for advice . . .

Strange thing to ask on a site like this; but I'm always open to suggestions and interested in the opinions and thoughts of others. The scenario is this: The greatest person in the whole wide world (as far as I'm concerned) has gone away. She didn't leave because of me, or anything I did. Do I A) Go after her and see where things lead B) Let things take the course they may C) Forget about her and move on D) Any other option (please explain as detailed as possible) I've pretty well made up my mind, but think the comments may be interesting.… Read more

Posted by megan_rose1120 5 years ago

Latest show is up

Latest edition of The Best Podcast in the Universe has been uploaded more

Posted by megan_rose1120 5 years ago