Lesgirl18's Stories | xHamster


Why is it so hard to let go of something that was so perfect & letting go of someone who you thought was the one who had meant the whole world to you someone who you thought you were going to spend the rest of your life with & feeling that without that someone your nothing. I feel that I have lost my puddin for good that she's never coming back & no longer loves me I am once again alone, broken hearted, hurt & feel like dying like a dead rose, why is it that love doesn't work out for me why can't I have happiness like everybody else? I don't know what to do… Read more

Posted by Lesgirl18 7 years ago

If only I was strong enough

I wasn't strong enough to hold on to Sarah who I had loved her very much but I let it slip away like how Rose let Jack go if only I didn't live in New York if only I was close enough to her then it would of worked out I CAN'T LET MYSELF GO!!!!!!! I DON'T WANNA GO DOWN!!!!!… Read more

Posted by Lesgirl18 7 years ago

Stop The Heroin

December 6th 2016 I have lost a friend that I went to middle school with who had died from a heroin overdose she was 23 years old same age as me it breaks my heart to have to bury another friend but to be the first friend to have died from one of the most dangerous & deadly d**gs, I wish that people can see that heroin should be banned I know that I can't bring my friend back but I can do something to get the word out to prevent another person to lose their life, I know that it was too late for my friend but it's not too late for anyone else who is still alive & struggling I pray that one day… Read more

Posted by Lesgirl18 7 years ago 2

Still Single

Still single hopefully I will find the right women to be my girlfriend & be my new mommy as well I'm so lonely where are you mommy??… Read more

Posted by Lesgirl18 7 years ago

Can't sleep

This princess needs a mommy right now because she can't sleep & really needs a mommy right now that can take care of that a princess needs her mommies arms to whrap around her storke her & tell her a bedtime story till she falls asleep peacefully… Read more

Posted by Lesgirl18 7 years ago

Very Unhappy

I'm not very happy now that trump is my new president of the United States, I am very worried of what is going to happen with the LGBT community, the fact he hates the gays & doesn't support the rights, I really do not believe his lies but he has already brainwashed people like my parents if things do not change I'm moving myself to Canada since they are very supportive of LGBT rights & it's better to leave before it's too late because I really don't want to be around when world war 3 & a real life hunger games war happens… Read more

Posted by Lesgirl18 7 years ago 2

Prays for Florida

With Hurricane Matthew on its way to Florida I pray that my family down there will be safe… Read more

Posted by Lesgirl18 8 years ago 2


I am still hurt by my ex this pain is bad then any other pain I ever felt it's like she simple got a knife stabbed me to my heart as she's about to plunged the knife out she's whispered the words I'm sorry then as she plunged the knife out with my heart on the blade the blood dripping down as the hole of my chest the blood gushing out as I fall to the ground where she has left me to die & taking the knife with my heart on it with her… Read more

Posted by Lesgirl18 8 years ago 3

Something to say!

I have something to say, I am a survivor from what I have suffered from a very deep depression, 6 years ago of that day of August 9th 2010 changed my life forever, It was almost the end of summer in 2010 & almost back to school time now normal I hated that time but only that time was different because it was gong to be my senior year of high school I was really looking forward to that but instead it became one of the worst times in my entire life, August 9th 2010 around like 5 in the afternoon our phone was ringing my brother who was downstairs answers the phone it was my aunt rose s… Read more

Posted by Lesgirl18 8 years ago 1

All About Me

I have something to say before you all jump to conclusions please understand & not judge me at all, July 8th 1993 I was born into this world but I wasn't born like everyone else, right after my mother gave birth to me at first it seem I was born healthy & normal but sadly I wasn't I was diagnose with Neurofibromatosis type 1 aka NF it's a nervous system disease I am the only one in my family that has this, The disease has infected my life one of them is called Scoliosis which makes my spin curb I can get surgery but my doctor doesn't want to do that yet in case I do go for it & have probl… Read more

Posted by Lesgirl18 8 years ago 17