so came home from work and my roommate was watching tv. I noticed that her gold flats were alittle dirtier than the last time I took pics of them. So I already knew I'd take a few pics later and keep you all updated on their status/dirtiness. I settle down with her as she watched teen mom, I start to play alittle golf on my phone. OUT OF FUCKN LEFT FIELD she shoves her left toes right under my nostrils...not nose, nostrils! I FUCKN SHIT YOU NOT FOOT FIENDS! She. Put. Her. Smelly. Toes. Under. My. Nostrils. Lol. She asked me if her feet smell because she hasn't been wearing socks with her f Read more
See (cats?) video
(cats?)Backstory: So there I was..... hanging out with my roommate and her feet. Just as things were gettin pretty fuckn sweet, my telephono slipped out of my fingars and tickled her foot. SHIT! I was crouched in a semi-fetal position at the foot of her bed for approximately 10 minutes. What better time to delete sound (shitty night time TV anyway, your not missing much). Oh..her 2 cats were like deviant voyeurs about half the time. Fuckn creepy lol. side note: it was weird, while I was in my crouched/fetal position, she pulled the blankets up to mid-thigh. Almost on purpose or k Read more
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7 years ago