Jrpassionate's Stories | xHamster


We’ve seen in the last decades a particular phenomenon in porn industry, videos, photos and comics: the proliferation of an interracial gender, both on the straight and the gay side, in which most of the time blacks appear dominating whites. The novelty of this genre is to have introduced a virulent racial rivalry in porn, reaching extremes in which white men are ridiculed before blacks, by putting poorly endowed whites side by side with well-endowed blacks. The insane producers of this genre, when confronted to repeated protests against such abuses, claim that they simply respond to consumers… Read more

Posted by jrpassionate 6 years ago 1


Aparento ser una persona amable y dulce, pero CUIDADO; Soy muy fuerte y orgulloso. Puedo volverme muy cáustico y agresivo cuando estoy m*****o. Tiendo a vengarme, pero mi ira no dura mucho y perdono fácilmente. Normalmente soy muy impulsivo y lamento después mi precipitación. No tengo miedo a nada y no dudo en atacar o contraatacar, cuando alguien o algo me ofende, pero siempre estoy abierto a la reconciliación. Soy un luchador nato y no dudo en ir contra la corriente principal. No permito que nadie me domine ni tengo intención de dominar a nadie, por eso no es de mi gusto el juego amo / escla… Read more

Posted by jrpassionate 6 years ago


I look like a kind and sweet person, but BEWARE; I am pretty proud and strong. I may become very caustic and agressive, when upset. I tend to avenge myself, but my wrath doesn't last long and I forgive easily. I am usually very impulsive and regret aftewards my rush. I am fearless and do not hesitate to attack or counterattack, when someone or something offends me, but I am always ready to reconciliation. I am a fighter and do not hesitate to go against the main stream. I would not allow anyone to dominate me, neither would I intend to dominate anyone, that's why I have no taste for Master/Sla… Read more

Posted by jrpassionate 6 years ago 2

INTERRACIAL MEMORIES (Improvied translation)

Before visiting USA my involvement with other guys had been very limited: kissing, intimate caresses with a friend, for whom I was not even very attracted physically… and little else. With guys I was attracted to for different reasons it did not work. Everything was very different in the USA: my look drew the attention of many men and I was subjected to a long series of seduction attempts, especially from Hispanic and Black people. The most spectacular one came from a black boy. He was neither handsome nor ugly, but he was athletic, somewhat overweight, and not much taller than me. He was a fe… Read more

Posted by jrpassionate 6 years ago


Antes de visitar USA mi involucración con otros chicos había sido bien limitada: besos, caricias íntimas con un amigo, por el que además no me sentía muy atraído físicamente, y poco más, Con los chicos que me atraían, por razones diferentes, nunca pudo ser. El caso es que todo fue muy diferente en USA: mi físico llamó la atención de muchos hombres y me vi sometido a una larga serie de intentos de seducción, provenientes sobre todo de hispanos y de morenos. El más espectacular provino de un chico negro. No era guapo ni feo, pero era atlético, con algo de sobrepeso, no mucho más alto que yo. Era… Read more

Posted by jrpassionate 6 years ago