There NEEDS to be a realistic guide about introducing daughters to black men...something that either parent (dad or mom...or BOTH) could follow to help steer them toward black cocks. Not a "fantasy" guide, but a practical resource to follow for those parents that want the very best for girls. I can tell you, in real life, it takes time and commitment and even then you can only hope. If anyone decides to put together a serious project, I would be happy to volunteer some suggestions as I've been working to guide my own daughter for many years and she's now just about starting high school...I hav Read more
BEN DOVER aka STEVE PERRY British porn actor
. british milf emma's one and only ever vid 30:58 m[/im Read more
First time wanked
One December evening many many years ago I was on my way to my girlfriend's house and needed a pee. Didn't have a car in those days and as I still had 15 mins to get there I made a diversion into a Public Toilet in the middle of town. It was near a roundabout and row of shops so at that time very few passers-by. Never been in it before, it wasn't on my route anywhere. It was underground, down stone steps, and as I went down my footsteps rang out loudly. It was brightly lit, glass bricks in it's ceiling meant you could see people above about to come down. Old victorian tiles on the wall, 8 por Read more
I’ve got to say, I love panties, wearing them, sniffing them, cuming in them mmmmm. Read more
white boi on stage at concert - face peed on!
just when you think white bois can't get any lower. in florida the other night there was a concert and black female singer of a band had to pee. she brought a willing white boi on stage and had him lie on the stage and she stood over him and peed all over his face. and he didn't move or try to stop it. this just shows you were white bois are at in our society today. people are mad at her, but i applaud for her for showing what white bois are. white women in the audience should have got the message! watch the crazy video below article: Read more