huntyoudown's profile | xHamster
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Last seen 11 years ago
4118 days on xHamster
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You're going to 'hunt me down' and I'll wish I was never born?

Motherfucker, I wish you'd bring your hypocritical Islamist ass on over here to the States States and try some bullshit with me. This isn't the UK, I got something really nice waiting for you and you won't have the time to regret your birth from that BITCH (we all know that you Muslims are so fucked up, you even hate dogs) .

You fucking Muslim hypocrites crack me the fuck up, you spend your time on sites such as this, jerk off, post pix of your cousins, sisters, wives, ad nauseam, and then feel guilty and want to make empty internet threats. After what someone like you did to that British soldier, you best protect your fucking mosque or Uncle Kareem' s store because the Brita are sick of you motherfucking hairy ragwearing perverts. FUCK OFF MOTHER FUCKER!!!