Heavenly_joy's Stories | xHamster

Classic Porn Books sleep-In For Daddy ch15

Chapter 15 Hand in hand, and not bothering to hide their nakedness, Jerry and Mary walked back into the kitchen, but found no one there. "They're probably in the living room," he said, "leaving us alone for awhile as we left you and your dad. And they're probably screwing hell out of each other by now. Hey - are you hungry? I am; fucking always makes me hungry." She grinned at him, piquant face and rosebud lips. "I could use a sandwich, I guess. Let me help." As they pulled the makings from the reefer, Jerry asked, "Did you ever… Read more

Posted by heavenly_joy 14 years ago 4

Classic Porn Books sleep-In For Daddy ch14

Chapter 14 They left the new lovers alone for awhile, allowing them to luxuriate in the culmination of their long hidden desires, and as Jerry moved away with the two women, he looked back to see Lester's prick still buried into the steaming tightness of his young daughter's pussy. They needed time to themselves, Jerry knew. thinking back to how glad he had been to explore his mother's body leisurely, without anyone nearby. But Lester would soon bring the girl over next door so that they could join the others; he was too involved in fucking his neighbor's… Read more

Posted by heavenly_joy 14 years ago 3

Classic Porn Books sleep-In For Daddy ch13

Chapter 13 When Jerry sneaked off the bed, Debbie was giving her husband a blow job, and the guy was just beginning to angle his body, folding it around so that he would be able to get at her snatch with his mouth. They didn't need him right now, and he was interested in finding out what was happening next door. Grabbing his robe, he pulled it on and went to his own room to find slippers. In the kitchen, he glanced at the clock and figured that Mary Carter should be home by now, and his mother ought to be making her move with the girl. Clicking the door behind him, h… Read more

Posted by heavenly_joy 14 years ago 3

Classic Porn Books sleep-In For Daddy ch12

Chapter 12 It didn't take many strokes before Lester Carter shuddered and let go into his wife's back tube. His balls flexed and coiled, to pump a roaring ejaculation of his semen into that tight hole he'd never tried until then. Debbie quivered with her husband, nailed from behind at the same time she was being avidly eaten in front. Her head snapped from between Angela's writhing thighs and she cried out in the sharpness of her overwhelming ecstasy. Jerry clamped a tight grip upon his prick, holding it as the others froze into their positions of rapt… Read more

Posted by heavenly_joy 14 years ago 2

Classic Porn Books sleep-In For Daddy ch11

Chapter 11 His mother had a thing about being sweaty too long, and Jerry guessed that he had inherited her fetish for cleanliness. The hot shower felt good, and he used plenty of soap, even scrubbing his hair. Rinsing off, he thought that seeing the Carters make it in a sixty-nine had been something special; Lester was better at eating pussy by the time he had gone through a round with Angela, also, and Debbie had gone after her husband's cock as if she was starving, and his was the only meat that could satisfy her. He was hungry, too, but for belly food, and when he… Read more

Posted by heavenly_joy 14 years ago 2

Classic Porn Books sleep-In For Daddy ch10

Chapter 10 Lester Carter was high. But Jerry thought the man was as stoned on sex as he was on bourbon; the boozing had started out as a cover-up for Lester's embarrassment, a shield for what was left of his hangups. But now he was ready to try just about anything, more at ease with himself and the other naked people around him. He sat back on the couch with a half a hard-on, a tall glass in one hand, and no longer turning to one side or using a sofa pillow to hide his genitals. Angela was on one side, and his wife on the other, both of them looking beautiful and sen… Read more

Posted by heavenly_joy 14 years ago 2

Classic Porn Books sleep-In For Daddy ch9

Chapter 9 Debbie's hand drew Jerry around the chair, and he stood uncertainly as the woman held onto his stiff prick. There on the couch, Lester Carter's shaft was still embedded to the balls within Angela's golden pussy, and the guy was panting hard, his red-haired chest rising and falling almost as fast as his cock had been, moments ago. But Jerry still felt a little nervous, to be standing naked with the man's wife tugging upon his swollen rod. He didn't resist though, when Debbie slid from the big leather chair and pushed him down onto the sea… Read more

Posted by heavenly_joy 14 years ago 1

Classic Porn Books sleep-In For Daddy ch8

Chapter 8 Next morning, Jerry dived into a heavy breakfast of bacon and eggs and buttered toast, topped by both milk and coffee and preceded by fruit juice and vitamin pills. Besides being hungry, he was taking no chances on losing any strength. They had gotten Debbie Carter together last night, helping her to dress and to do something about her hair and makeup, so that she looked reasonably presentable when she went home to her husband and daughter. She hadn't really wanted to leave, hut they all knew it was best, and as she kissed them both goodnight, she'd pr… Read more

Posted by heavenly_joy 14 years ago 2

Classic Porn Books sleep-In For Daddy ch7

Chapter 7 Jerry couldn't wait; seeing his mom tongue-kissing another woman made him hotter than ever, and as he watched her cup one of Debbie's generous breasts, he climbed high between the woman's wide-spread thighs and aimed his swollen cockhead down into the thick brush of her steaming pussy. He could see the cunt lips now, all greasy and inflamed by the eating he had given them, looking juicy and appetizing. His flanged knob pressed down through the shielding fur and snuggled its blunt, leaking tip against the ineffable softness of Debbie's labia.… Read more

Posted by heavenly_joy 14 years ago 1

Classic Porn Books sleep-In For Daddy ch6

Chapter 6 A couple of days went by, or was it three? Days and nights telescoped into themselves, blurred by eating and sleeping and bathing, all the necessary things that seemed at most to be only a background for the focal point of Jerry's life - the fucking they were doing. They made it in all possible positions, in acrobatic contortions and the more comfortable basic methods, his mother's pussy always open and smoking, her mouth always hungry for the meaty club he fed into her red lips. He ate her torrid cunt again and again, and found a different thrill the l… Read more

Posted by heavenly_joy 14 years ago 2

Classic Porn Books sleep-In For Daddy ch5

Chapter 5 They ate again later that evening, downing a rich and hearty stew with green salad and a chocolate cake. Fucking made a guy hungry, Jerry thought, more relaxed in this new and sexy intimacy with his mother. He didn't try to keep his eyes off her lush body as she moved about the kitchen. She wore her dressing gown open down the front which made her more appealing than if she was entirely naked. He could see her fine tits peeping their tips from the robe, and caught glimpses of the sunshine fluff of her mound, the flash of a burnished thigh. And always, she mo… Read more

Posted by heavenly_joy 14 years ago 2

Classic Porn Books sleep-In For Daddy ch4

Chapter 4 She had snuggled up to him, her long, slender body more extended than his own, yet Jerry didn't feel small anymore; he had the length of his prick to make up for any differences in size. Besides, he loved every inch of that lush and lovely body, its slender yet shapely legs, the high, firm tits, and most of all, his mother's impossibly beautiful pussy, so rich and deep and clinging. That treasure was precious as the curls of golden hair that shielded it, softer than eiderdown, slippery as come itself, and Jerry adored it. He murmured into the muskiness… Read more

Posted by heavenly_joy 14 years ago 1

Classic Porn Books sleep-In For Daddy ch3

Chapter 3 It was some time later when Angela gently disengaged herself from him, and Jerry felt the soft sliding out of his prick as it left the hairy wet basket of his mother's buttery cunt. She kissed him lightly upon the face, upon the mouth, and gave him another lingering taste of her honeyed tongue, stroking his supine body as she did so. "I know we both want to just keep screwing," she said, her deep blue eyes languorous upon his own, her mouth softened and lushly red, "but we have all the time we need for it, baby. And we're going to take it.… Read more

Posted by heavenly_joy 14 years ago 1

Classic Porn Books sleep-In For Daddy ch2

Chapter 2 He didn't want to ever take it out of her; his prick felt so wonderful, buried to the balls within the marvelous grasping of his mother's beloved pussy, locked tenderly into the greasy, hot depths of that previously forbidden cunt his father had fucked so often, this deliciously thrilling gash that other men had screwed, too. Now Jerry was one of them, and he vividly remembered his mom calling out in the throes of her passion that she had never been fucked so hard and so deep. The come inundating that precious vagina was mixed, his own bubbling juice… Read more

Posted by heavenly_joy 14 years ago 3

Classic Porn Books sleep-In For Daddy ch 1

BEE-3079 sleep-In For Daddy by Chuck Selwyn Chapter 1 Jerry trembled in the closet, quivering with anticipation, because he had been waiting for this moment ever since his father announced he had to catch a plane this evening. His old man always came into the bedroom with his mother, for a goodbye piece of ass before going off on another one of his long road trips, and this time, Jerry was ahead of them, determined to actually see what the fucking was all about, instead of just pressing his ear to the wall and only listening to them screw. As he crouched in the darknes… Read more

Posted by heavenly_joy 14 years ago 8

just crack a joke;

Only great minds can read this This is weird, but interesting! fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno’t mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not rae… Read more

Posted by heavenly_joy 14 years ago 3