Steve's Stroke & Cum Party
My friend Steve invited me to a party. We’d been chatting about it for a while. He called it a “stroke and cum” party. The way he described it, it was older men mutually masturbating. There was usually about a dozen participants and it took place in a hotel room downtown whenever someone in the group organized it and sent out invitation. Steve had received the invitation forwarding it to me. I accepted and we agreed to meet near the venue. I should bring $25 towards the kitty to pay for the room and some booze. Underwear was voluntary because it got in the way. I was keen. We met then made Read more
What Mom doesn't know
Until I read stories on Literotica, I had no idea how many sons had fantasies...or sometimes realities...of having sex with their Mother. I mean, it is not really a conversation one has with their buddies. Imagine this: "Dude, you know who I would really like to fuck?" "Anyone who moves, I imagine." "True. But do you know who my most constant late night focus of my daily stroke-fest sessions?" "Beth, the head cheerleader?" "She's in the top five, no doubt." "Well, who would be number one then?" "Promise you won't judge?" "No." "Seriously, this is really embarrassing. Read more
My extremely limited bi- experience.
The following story is true. The names have been changed. When I was 13 me and three of my friends were playing cards on my bedroom floor one afternoon. It was a game called Strip Jack Naked and involved having to give cards to other players if you turned over a JQKorA. Anyway we were alone in my room and someone suggested we actually play 'strip' Strip Jack Naked. It sounded like a laugh. So we were doing that and all got down to our underwear and then I lost again and had to be the first one to get completely naked. It was very embarrassing and I tucked my cock between my thighs so none of Read more