My favorite slut's story: It was a late fall afternoon when I was walking home from band practice. My dad was running late in picking me up so I told him I would be walking home and he could pick me up at the park. When I got to the park I needed to go to the bath room really bad, so I went to the public restroom all parks have. I did not see the hole in the wall in the stall until I was hit with a rude and nasty surprise. While doing my business I felt something thumb me on the back of my head. I was in shock when I turned around. At eye level there was this hard thick throbbing cock pointi Read more
Le mie nuove storie
Buongiorno amici, non so più neanche da quanto tempo non metto piede in questo posto, sono passati degli anni, sono successe tante cose, alcune brutte altre belle. La mia vita è radicalmente cambiata da quando scrivevo ciò che mi succedeva nell'ambito sessuale. Per farvi un breve riassunto: ho perso a causa della pandemia 2 persone molto care, in quel periodo però ho trovato un compagno con il quale sono stata praticamente 2 anni; sono rimasta incinta, mi sono lasciata con il suddetto compagno, adesso sono una mamma zitella con un bambino di 14 mesi. Nell'anno di convivenza il sesso è stato ot Read more
Le mie nuove storie 2
Da quella serata a Posillipo è cambiata la mia vita; qualche mese dopo ho partorito un bellissimo bambino che però ha completamente riempito ogni istante della mia giornata. Altro che uscite con le amiche con gli amici eccetera, per mesi mi sono occupata solo di pannolini, pianti e chiaramente nottate insonni. A memoria in circa 10 mesi la parola sesso non ha fatto parte del mio lessico neanche nei pensieri più profondi. Il massimo della mia vita sociale è stata qualche aperitivo con le mie amiche della durata di non più di 1 ora. Ed anzi devo ringraziare quella santa donna di mia madre che qu Read more
2 types of women: women who love anal sex and....
2 types of women: women who love anal sex and women who never had anal sex the right way NOT MY STORY...from this website: After I saw anal sex in an adult movie at age nineteen, I wanted to try anal sex. I was no longer a virgin and I wondered what it would feel like to put my penis in a woman’s anus instead of her vagina. I wondered if it really could be any different or any better for anal sex over vaginal sex. I asked my next girlfriend for anal sex and she said no to Read more
My Interview With Jennifer
The ad seemed simple enough. “Help wanted. Full-time work in a professional atmosphere. Duties include but are not limited to…” All that corporate jingo. I couldn’t wait to have a work life, I was living with my mom and wanted a reason to be out of the house and working, so I prepared my best suit and made an appointment. I wasn’t really thrilled with the suit. I was more of a dress girl myself, but hey, “ you dress for the job you want.” And I wanted the job. Living with my mom sounded great in theory, but I was 25 and the lack of freedom was… restricting. Staying out late wasn’t something s Read more
Sexerfahrung mit Mutter beim Campen
Es war im Februar 1992 und ich war ein normaler 14-Jähriger, immer voller Energie und bereit alles zu tun was Spaß bot und aufregend zu sein schien. Eine meiner Lieblingsbeschäftigungen war das Wandern und Campen in den Bergen und Wäldern. Seit ich ein kleines Kind war, unternahm unsere Familie immer wieder Ausflüge in die Natur, immer im selben Zelt in der Nähe unseres Lieblingsflusses. Aber dieses Jahr konnten wir den üblichen Ausflug vergessen weil mein Vater zu sehr mit Arbeit eingedeckt war, um auch nur ein paar Tage frei zu machen. Meine Mutter wusste wie sehr mich das traf, nachdem ich Read more
I take a Boner Pill
When I was younger I would get so fuckin hard my dick would hurt. I could only fuck about 20 minutes before blowing a load. I just had to finish. It actually hurt like it would be damaged. It was like I needed to finish. I could fuck two sometimes three times a night back then. Now that I'm a bit older I don't get so hard so it hurts and I can fuck pretty much as long as I like but girls I have found don't like to fuck more than about 45 minutes. My current girl is first girl I've ever met who loves to fuck for hours. The first few times we would screw three or four times a night. But, t Read more
Mum's Outfits
Mum's Outfits Hello Mum, what are you doing? Oh, Archie, I didn't see you there. Come in. I'm just trying on some outfits for this evening. What's happening this evening Mum? Oh, its just that its mine and your Dad's wedding anniversary and we're having a lovely evening in, after you're in bed, a nice meal and so on. Why do you need to try on outfits? Well its a special treat for your Dad. I'm going to wear things that he will like. What kind of special things? Well, if you must know, they're sexy things. Oh! Yes, nice things that make me look sexy and your Dad will love. Why Read more
La trasformazione - 1
Questo post è stato pubblicato qualche anno fa come Sverginata da Gino - 1 Mi chiamo Melena ed ho compiuto 18 anni una settimana fa. Il mio nome è dovuto all’errore di un impiegato dell’anagrafe, il mio nome doveva essere Maria Elena. I mei genitori si sono rassegnati ed ora trovano simpatico quel nome. Sono la figlia di un impiegato e non posso acquistare tante belle cose come molte delle mie coetanee, non ho molti amici e non mi posso permettere di andare in giro con gli altri compagni di scuola, le finanze familiari non me lo consentono. Ho avuto solo un ragazzo ma non ho voluto fare Read more
Debra Debra and I were in high school together. We were at an all girls party one night that turned into a kissing game. I was nervous to play until Debra came over and kissed me deeply. And I have fantasized about her often. This is how one dream went. My superior officer called me into his office and said "Ellen you’ve done reallyl well here and are well liked by all of your peers I've just been notified that we are to have Debra Conner, the first British Air Traffic Control Candidate, here for her training. It is important that she pass the course and I want you to be her roommate and t Read more
Mum Opens
Mum Opens It was a normal Saturday morning, or at least I thought it would be! I'd had a bit of a sleep-in that morning and was still slightly dreamy when I woke up. I'd heard Dad leave the house earlier; I knew he was away for the weekend at a conference. So it was just me and Mum in the house. I left my bedroom and walked to the bathroom, passing my parent's door on the way. I glanced into their room and was stunned at what I saw! My mother was lying asleep in bed, the bedclothes thrown aside and she was naked from the waist down! Her nightdress had ridden up well above her waist and Read more
Exploring Mum
Exploring Mum (Note: US audiences can do global search and replace Mom for Mum and Pantyhose for Tights.) Hello Alan lovey. Good day at school? No. Horrid. Double Latin and RE! Never mind. Tomorrow will be better, eh? No, I don't think so... Oh lovey, don't be so down in the dumps. Come and sit over here next to Mummy. Why are you so down, is it just school? No, its not really school. I just think things are so unfair. In what way? Well, I get these feelings. Bad feelings I suppose... What kind of bad feelings? About you Mum, about how I feel about you. I'm sorry but Read more
La cameriera dell'hotel - 5
Alla mattina successiva, al momento del risveglio, Silvia si è ritrovata la direttrice al suo fianco. Quella donna era diventata la sua amante ed ha gradito la sua presenza. Era sabato ed appena sveglia la ragazza è dovuta andare in bagno. Sally la direttrice/amante era raggomitolata con la fronte che toccava la sua schiena ed era quasi completamente scoperta, dalla posizione assunta sembrava aver freddo. Quando è tornato in camera dal bagno, Sally era sdraiata sulla schiena con un braccio sopra la testa, un ginocchio piegato e le gambe leggermente divaricate. Solo guardarla le ha fatto batter Read more
La cameriera dell'hotel - parte 1, 2 e 3
Silvia fischiettava piano tra sé, di buon umore mentre puliva la stanza 517 all'ultimo piano dell'hotel. Sapeva di essere stata molto fortunata a trovare questo lavoro temporaneo da svolgersi durante le vacanze scolastiche estive. Infatti non c'erano molte opportunità del genere nel suo paese dove la vita si svolgeva tranquillamente senza scossoni e nessuna novità, tantomeno per il lavoro poiché l’economia locale era basata sulla pastorizia. Lei aveva al tempo diciassette anni ed aveva una mentalità ben diversa da quella delle altre persone del suo paesino poiché gli studi alle superiori li st Read more
So as if high school wasn’t weird enough, in my senior year my best friend in the universe suddenly came out to me, tearfully telling me that she was a lesbian and in love with me. My friend new lesbian friend and soon to be lover was Ali. Seriously, this is exactly what happened. One day we were walking in the hall in our spare time, which was a good thing because there was no one around. Ali turned to me and I could see tears in her eyes. “What’s wrong?” I asked. Ali asked me if she could tell me something. “It’s a secret” she said. I say, “Sure Ali, anything, you know I’ll never tell anyo Read more
Lesbian Gymnasts
My name is Nikki, I am a freshman in college with a free ride on a gymnastics scholarship. My life revolved around gymnastics since I was very young, introduced to the world of gymnastics by mother at a young age. She was also a gymnast in her younger days. Like a normal gymnast, I have always been petite but I’ve always had a lot of upper body strength and balance. Lena is my college roommate and also on the gymnastics team. We met over the summer at a training session and became fast friends. We roomed together for that month and talked about everything. But, neither of us talked about boy Read more
What is it like being a rural whore
I loved pleasing my daddy. I loved being a whore. I loved being told I'm worthless. I loved when my daddy found new things to do with me. Daddy was a tall guy with a big dick and boy has he put that dick to good use with his whore. He makes my holes sore but I love when he uses them so good. He makes me cum so hard over and over. When we are in the house he likes me to be a certain way. And that way is naked, saves him undressing me when he's gonna fuck me he says. I'm to wear a collar at all times in the house. To remind me what I am, I'm also to be marked up with a marker pen. The words " Read more
Becky 'n me..........
Firstly, let me put you in the picture with a description of my current girlfriend, little Becky, our office 'junior'. She was just 19 when I met her, with short cut black hair and a lovely young body. She is quite slim with longish legs, virtually no tits and a bum like a little boy's. All in all she is quite a 'desirable' young girl. She has not been with us very long, having joined the company straight from school. She lives at home with her parents. I promised some of you that I would let you know how we had first 'got it together' so here goes. I s Read more
Sex With April’s Mother
Note: This is largely true. It started rather innocently, by accident actually. I was 18 and was staying at my best friend April's house for a sleep over slumber party. Sometime that night April’s mom Janet came home. She had been out partying with her office friends. I was in the kitchen making myself a drink when Janet came to make herself something to eat. She said hi and began to chat with me. I had never really paid much attention to her and as I was talking, I began to check her out. I was surprised at how pretty she was. Shoulder-length strawberry blonde hair and big, brown eyes that Read more
Breaking the Quiet
Excellent Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Read more
Vickie's Chocolate Starfish our Anal history
"Vickie's Chocolate Starfish" {not the studio album by Limp Bizkit} The anal sphincter has been called many things, and maybe that's good since we all have one and use it daily. The Good Japanese wife, Vickie, calls her butt-pucker her "Chocolate Starfish." Reasons being many 1) Being Asian, the flesh tone of both the ass-hole and pussy-lips are a shade of milk chocolate brown and not pink, and 2) the starfish shape resembles that of a puckered-butt opening [Urban dictionary], and 3) starfish dwell in the ocean and have that 'low tide' smell when they are not so fresh, muc Read more
Birthday At my invitation, Amy said she would join me at my place for my 18th Birthday dinner. It would just be the two of us. Dinner was almost ready, and the wine was ready to be poured when she arrived. Dinner was nothing terribly fancy as I wanted it to be a quick meal so we could get on with the festivities I anticipated for later. Like an all-night romp in bed! She arrived right on time. She was dressed in a very sexy outfit that showed off all of her important assets. We hugged and kissed at the door and she remarked that she liked my outfit. I thanked her as I looked down and saw Read more
"Are you sure you can take it? I get pretty nasty when I get hot." My fingers were stroking her clit. "I know. Don't stop Mikie, I'm gonna cum soon." I leaned even closer to her ear. "You don’t let that fat pussy cum until I tell you. Open those legs. When I shove something up your fat ass, I'm gonna enjoy hearing your scream. That's right fuck my fingers bitch." Mary had her hand in her mouth. She was biting her hand to stifle her scream. Her ass was humping my fingers so hard, If anyone looked at us, they would know immediately what we were doing. Mary grabbed my hand and held it tight again Read more
the pony
Okay, so I don't normally do the whole scene report erotic memoir post thing, but it turned out to be mad hot and I hardly ever end up with a mad hot story, so here it is. So, me and a friend – I'll call her A – ended up at another friend's place – who I'll call B, (the friend, not the place). Just to hang out, nothing else implied. I knew B had constructed a wooden pony (or something like it) and I had been jonesing to go for a ride on one, ever since I'd seen one in a wax museum at age ten and thought why is my school taking us to a sex fantasy exhibition and oh, okay it's just me then. Ev Read more
Extreme Training of Lana
Part 1 Lana breathed in and out slowly for some time, relaxed and focused herself. “C’mon girl” she exhaled addressing these words to the walls as she was alone in her training room. It was rather dark with only couple small artificial lamps around. Since years she liked to work out without too much light in the room in order to have a cozy and comfortable ambient and to be able to focus and dedicate herself as much as possible. She was in a full split position, her legs completely and perfectly touching the floor. Her big and round breasts covered with a thin bikini top were rhythmically g Read more
Me & Daddy
“Dad, I Have a Question.” * * * * * * * * * * “Dad?” my daughter asked, as she handed my car keys back to me. “What, sweetie?” “Can I ask you a question?” “Sure.” “It's kind of embarrassing,” she said. “Jamie, you know you can ask me anything. What do you want to know?” “I asked my friends Melody and Kiersten, and they just laughed at me. I don't know who else to ask,” she replied. “Then ask me. If I know the answer, I'll tell you. If I don't, we'll do some research to find out,” I said. “Promise you won't laugh at me?” “Why would I laugh? If you don't know something, one of the b Read more
Anal Sex ? and answers
 For many people, anal sex is the ultimate taboo. Buttfucking makes it sound crude and dirty, sodomy sounds technical. In the 1990's, anal sex has been given the bad rap because HIV, the virus that causes Aids, is most easily transmitted by anal intercourse. But some people love anal sex. Others hate it. Others haven't tried it yet and are curious. And many people are attracted to it precisely because it's so taboo and mysterious. What is analingus? One other part of the body that some people enjoy licking, or having licked, is the anus. The anus has half the nerve endings in the pelvi Read more
La mia nipotina Sofia
Mi chiamo Liliana, ho 30 anni. Sono alta 1.55, capelli scuri, seno grande e una figa …. Che, per quanto piaccio, fa male alla figa. Ho avuto un paio di relazioni disastrose con gli uomini che non hanno fatto nulla per me lasciandomi insoddisfatta e da allora ho avuto delle relazioni meravigliose, sessualmente esplorative, con delle donne in particolare con una donna. Senza ombra di dubbio sono lesbica. Ho imparato cosa piace alle donne, e cosa piace a me, e sono finalmente felice della mia vita. Ho scoperto da pochi mesi che mia nipote Sofia di 18 anni ha una grande cotta per me. Mia cognata l Read more