elmshorner68's profile | xHamster
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Last seen 30 minutes ago
4370 days on xHamster
891 profile views
137 subscribers
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Male and female couple

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Member the Rossy fanclub - the perfect lady of hamster.... love you...
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MilkerMan 9 years ago
please keep in mind . . . like all great things that are made in this world , it's one brick at a time here in Hamster . . . one selection at a time and remember to be most peoples friends on here you have to at least add favorites okay? [this definitely shows support] , if you dont know how just click on the little heart at the bottom right hand corner of each & every Hamster video and Taaa Daaaa!!! Presto !!! you will have created a favorites list that Hamster loads for you automatically and all can see your likes [depending on what your settings are set to] . . . comments, likes, dislikes, thumbs up or down selections, etc etc [these are all crucial to Hamsters growth] and not only will you be showing support for those who provide your videos but you'll be networking with people from all over the world and how cool is that?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sincerely Milk Man