DanielBDavis's Stories, #2 | xHamster

Chapter 2: At the urologist, mother's quick c

After the end of the afternoon class, Carolina said goodbye to her friends and hurried to the school parking garage, where her mother was already waiting for her. "Hello darling, how was your school day?" Carolina's mother asked Susanne during her usual greeting kiss, which involved a lot of tongue use and additional rear end patting, which was rather inappropriate in public. Susanne's 41 years of life were not really visible. Her face looked more like Carolina's older sister. There was no sign of an age difference of 21 years. But when it came to her body, she was every tit and ass fetishist… Read more

Posted by DanielBDavis 2 years ago

Chapter 1: Carolina in High School

It's hard to believe, but 20-year-old Carolina Evers loves nothing more than one of her friends shoving something big up her ass. Whether it's a giant dildo, a butt plug, some big vegetable or what it usually is, a complete fist. Carolina spends all her free time getting her ass kicked in some way by one of her classmates, a senior at the girls' humanities high school they attend. Carolina is in 13th grade, but because she had to repeat 8th grade, she is a year older than most of her classmates. Carolina is a good student, popular with the teachers and feels good in the class, but that's not… Read more

Posted by DanielBDavis 2 years ago

A Ride on the Metro

At the first touch of her anus, she attempted to tighten her buttocks. But her attempts were futile as he worked his slick thumb at least an inch into her rectum. Tracy could feel that her assailant’s random touching had worked her juices so much that she was soaked from her anus to her clit and down the insides of both thighs. The random activity, probing and constant manipulation of her clit was turning Tracy’s body against her. A little bead of perspiration formed on her upper lip. She also felt her respirations and heart rate increasing. His constant stimulation and the rocking of the tra… Read more

Posted by DanielBDavis 2 years ago 1

Caroline the Teenage Bum Slut - Ch.3 (last)

When school finished that day, Caroline didn't bother collecting her panties. Instead she and her five horny friends had barely made it out of the school gate before being the exhibitionist she was, she had her dress pulled up over her head and was walking practically nude through a crowd of surprised schoolgirls and mothers. Caroline's mother just grinned at her daughters revealing lack of attire as they all piled into her SUV, which ended up being one seat short, so Caroline took the intuitive and made herself comfortable on Jodie's lap. "Is it ok if we play with Caroline a little bit on t… Read more

Posted by DanielBDavis 2 years ago

Caroline the Teenage Bum Slut - Chapter 2

Caroline awoke the next morning to the gentle shaking of her mother's hand. "Morning sweetheart, how did you sleep?" "Mmm.. .really good mum," replied a yawning Caroline. "Ready to take out your plug, so you can freshen up?" asked her mother. "Yes please," replied Caroline, as she turned onto her stomach while her mother pulled down her covers to reveal the huge black buttplug still nestled firmly between her daughters stunning round globes. Caroline sleepily raised her backside into the air and rested on her knees. Her mother using two hands slowly began to pull on the huge plug as Carol… Read more

Posted by DanielBDavis 2 years ago

Caroline the Teenage Bum Slut (Chapter 1 p.3)

"Got it!" Nurse Kelly sighed with relief and satisfaction at a job well done; knowing that she would have to repeat this stretching treatment in less than 48 hours with an even bigger Anal Admiral in order for her boss to meet her goal in time for her anniversary. Gently, Kelly disengaged the ratchet on the gynecological chair and allowed her boss's legs to come together at last. Slowly she unstrapped the doctor and helped her to stand on wobbly legs. "Alright, Doctor," she said reassuringly. "You know the drill. Let's get you walking so your ass can acclimate." Even as Kelly began to pull h… Read more

Posted by DanielBDavis 2 years ago 1

Caroline the Teenage Bum Slut (Chapter 1 p.2)

Caroline loved this part. Her mother helped her hop up onto the examination table and assume the same position her mother had just occupied. "That's a good girl," said her mother softly as she stroked her cheek with one hand and caressed her backside with the other. Caroline's youthful flexibility had allowed the doctor to adjust the stirrups so that her ankles were actually behind her head. Dr. Michelle insisted this allowed for better access to her back hole. The doctor had meanwhile pulled on a long surgical rubber glove that reached up past her elbow and started to cover it with medical st… Read more

Posted by DanielBDavis 2 years ago

Caroline the Teenage Bum Slut (Chapter 1 p.1)

Disclaimer: The following is a work of pure sexual fantasy and is intended for adult audiences ONLY. If you are under the age of 18, please stop reading NOW and go tell your parent and/or guardian that you need stricter internet supervision. Any physical resemblance to a real person that any fictional character herein may bear is probably intentional and is meant as a compliment. Furthermore, all fictional characters in the following fantasy are professionals and good at what they do. So please, don't try this at home; if such things were even physically possible. If you still insist on trying… Read more

Posted by DanielBDavis 2 years ago

Mom's largest dildo

I was into anal by then; I liked having things up my ass, and I was thrilled when I found out her toy collection. I was amazed at her dildos, and there was a particularly big, clear dildo. Almost an extremely pale transparent jelly-like purple in colour. I don't know exactly how big it was but I remember it was…big. Hmm. I fell in love with it the moment I saw it, and I decided it had to go into my ass. I was actually worried I wouldn't be able to take something that big, but I decided to give my all. I took it to my room, and after thoroughly cleaning myself, I applied her lube, in my ass. I… Read more

Posted by DanielBDavis 2 years ago 10

Double-ended dildo

On her hands and knees, AnnaSophia Robb moaned and let her mouth hang open as the double-ended dildo was eased into her asshole. As the toy neared the halfway mark AnnaSophia couldn’t believe she had nearly nine inches of fake cock up her ass. “You really do have an amazing ass,” Hilary Duff said as she fed the toy into the young blonde’s ass. “Uhh, thanks,” AnnaSophia gasped, her eyes rolling up in her head as Hilary started to withdraw the dildo. While Hilary and AnnaSophia might have seemed like an odd couple, they’d actually known each for a couple years. Hilary had actually been the on… Read more

Posted by DanielBDavis 3 years ago 1


Once Caroline was thoroughly cleaned out and showered, her mother liberally massaged her body with baby oil, making her all super sexy and slick, she also made sure to massage a good amount of Caroline's favourite anal jelly into her back passage. Next her mother helped her apply a little makeup and finished it all off with a pretty pink ribbon in her hair and some frilly white socks. She now looked like a total sexpot ready to be treated like a slut. When they were done a very nude and very horny Caroline made her way down stairs to the cat calls of her excited friends, while her mother follo… Read more

Posted by DanielBDavis 3 years ago 1

Lori & Alexis

Now Tito wheeled out Lori’s impending torture tool. It had a solid base, with a 2” thick height-adjustable pipe extending upwards. At the top of the pipe was an attachment for a dildo, and to that fixture Tito locked on the biggest false cock Lori had ever seen. Modeled on Tito’s own generous tool, but enlarged, it stood a full 12” long and was correspondingly thick, especially at its base. After applying a respectable amount of lubricating gel to the incredible dildo all along its length, and also within Lori’s asshole, Tito wheeled the device to between the girl’s widespread legs. He adjust… Read more

Posted by DanielBDavis 3 years ago

Master's instructions

She got naked now, and knelt with her ass facing the window, and she lubricated her tight anus with a greased finger. She squeezed the first bulge of her anal dildo into her hole, and then the second. She let it rest on the bed, and she pulled her ass cheeks apart as she lowered her ass to take the third bulge into her ass. The last three graduated from 1 1/2" to 2", and she moaned loudly as she felt them stretching her tight anal muscles. She turned the switch that started the thing vibrating, and she felt her ass muscles relax as another bulge entered her ass, and she gave a little gasp and… Read more

Posted by DanielBDavis 3 years ago


Daddy is so handy! Daddy made a perfect plaster of Paris casting of his huge cock. Daddy poured it into a mold and made a perfect replica of his cock of in semi-rigid rubber, complete and perfect down to its finest details, ridges and veins and foreskin and peephole, all just perfectly detailed. Daddy also made a second replica in harder rubber, only this one to scale three times larger, three times longer and thicker than his already-huge cock. For every inch of length and width and girth of his cock, Daddy made it three times bigger. Only that on this replica, Daddy made the ridges and veins… Read more

Posted by DanielBDavis 3 years ago

Monday Mornings, Part 2

*** I looked at my desk clock; it was already 9:20 and I was getting too annoyed for this early on a Monday morning. Or at least I should be. Janet's till from Friday had come up five cents short. Again! This was a reoccurring problem with the girls who worked the drive through window. Despite my extraordinary leadership and motivational abilities -- and I have the corporate certificates and impressive looking awards framed on the wall to prove it -- those girls just kept misplacing money. A nickel here. A dime there. I swear! If it wasn't for me covering for them they would have been sent pa… Read more

Posted by DanielBDavis 3 years ago

Monday Mornings, Part 1

Monday mornings always sucked. This morning was worse than usual however. My head still hurt from imbibing way too much alcohol over the weekend. I hadn't drunk so much that I blacked out since I was a 19 year old corporal and stationed at Fort Hood, Texas; over a decade ago. I guess it just goes to show that sometimes a guy never learns. I tried to ignore my lingering headache and focus my attention at the task at hand. Following my usual morning routine, I was making the final adjustments to the large butt plug that would work Mandy's veteran asshole for the rest of the day. Mandy was my pe… Read more

Posted by DanielBDavis 3 years ago 2

Story #3

“Noooo,” I whimpered feeling him press his cock head up against my anus. I cried harder as he forced himself inside my ass once again. The man fucked me up the ass holding my legs up. He grunted and pushed smiling that devious smile at me. My vision blurred so much I couldn’t see for a minute so many tears were filling up my eyes. His big dick hurt me as it stretch my ass open again. “Oh yes, what a nice tight ass.” He thrusted himself in a little longer. I started to feel that sensation of pleasure deep within my ass. I tightened my mouth so I wouldn’t moan. He didn’t know he was making me c… Read more

Posted by DanielBDavis 3 years ago

Laura on a bedpost

On the day that Lara accidentally broke her asshole, she had been alone at home on summer break; Jack and Marcy, were at their part-time jobs and wouldn't be home for hours, and both her parents worked full-time jobs, and wouldn't be back until much later. She woke up late and horny, as her usual, and her body ached for attention. She had been getting used to cocks and tongues and fingers, thanks to her sibling's constant use and abuse of her body, and after half an our of jerking her swollen clit with her fingers, she was only more frustrated then when she started, and no where closer to cumm… Read more

Posted by DanielBDavis 3 years ago 5

1st post, sharing a story once seen out there

"Pull her over," Cheryl heard Tiny say. She was forced to released Raphael's cock as she was pulled down to Jesse's chest. It did not matter as Raphael came down Cheryl's neck. Jesse wrapped his arms around Cheryl and held her tightly. Cheryl jerked a little as she felt Tiny's finger probe her asshole. Although dazed from four orgasms, when Cheryl felt the head of Tiny's dick at the entrance to her rectum, she started protesting and struggling. Cheryl's ass was virginal and Tiny's cock felt like a mellow being shoved into her ass. "Hold her tight," Tiny ordered Jesse, as he worked the head… Read more

Posted by DanielBDavis 3 years ago