Couple_for-fun's Stories | xHamster

Who am I?

My "James Bond girl's name" is "Kissy Izuki". Created that like 10 years ago online and it stuck, it's my porn name, ha! I'm married to Jack Johnstone. We live in the Madison, WI area and have been in the naughty for over 8 years. We started in the bull-hotwife-cuck dynamic, but today we seem to really enjoy roleplaying, be that with a bull, or another guy in MFM, or just the two of us, or another couple, or a bunch of guys, a little roleplay just spices things up from the same old boring "Hey, let's meet and fuck", yawn. Though I am married, I can do whatever...I mean whomever...I want. Jack… Read more

Posted by jackandkissy 6 years ago 12