To fuck my wife however they want Read more
Amateur Piercer und oder Tätowierer gesucht
Du möchtest mal piercen oder jemand tätowieren? Ich stehe gerne als Versuchsobjekt zur Verfügung. Melde dich bei Interesse Read more
Aktive für AO Ostergangbang gesucht / Bulls wante
Meine Herrin und ich werden dieses Jahr vom 7. bis 11.4. durchgehend zur Verfügung stehen und suchen Bullen die gerne AO ficken. Auch gerne ausgefallene Spielarten. Das ganze findet in Berlin/Lübars statt. Für Infos und Anmeldung schreibt mich an. Read more
I'm open for tasks (pain, humiliation, feminisation) during december and the first 2 weeks on january. Video evidence will be provided. Message me if you are interested, no financial interest on my side and almost no limits Read more
Interested remote controlling a fucking machine?
I'm ordering the parts today and should have something controllable via chat or app at the end of the week. Who wants to fuck me? Read more
Paying to be used for content?
So last week i booked a session with a professional Master. He is new in the city and really good at what he does. I noticed some cameras during the session but since he never mentioned them i thought they were for security reasons. Today i found his onlyfans and he uploaded the whole session. 2hrs of humiliation with my full face online. I payed almost a thousand bucks for the session. how would you react in such a situation? would you accept it? Read more