Last seen 3 days ago
1113 days on xHamster
54.2K profile views
5.5K subscribers
36 comments left
Personal information
I am:
Chika, male, heteroflexible
Nagoya-shi, Japan
and fetishes:
and fetishes:
About me
【日本語】 プロフィールを見ていただきありがとうございます! ちかと申します♪男で女装が趣味です! 女装してオナニーライフを楽しんでいます(^_-)-☆ ご要望があればコメントよろしくお願いします。
[English] Thank you for looking at my profile! My name is Chika ♪ I'm a man and my hobby is dressing up as a woman! I am enjoying the masturbation life as a woman (^ _-)-☆ If you have any requests, please leave a comment.
Totemo sutekidesune, chikasan! Zenra de dōga o totte, kanpekina hin'nyū o tan'nō sa sete hoshīdesu!