BNYC's Stories | xHamster

An Ongoing Annoyance

2019 - halfway done and still people using photos not of their own. What makes me laugh (and I'll never ever get bored of saying this) is people that comment and "vote up" pictures that are supposed to be of said user. Clearly not only the user trying to deceive others and those others are so delusional that they can't see and know the difference between real and fake and whatnot other things. Now I just recently found myself looking at photos of a certain user on her a few minutes ago. In a few pictures he has several uncut dicks - calling them him. Yet in another folder he has cut dicks… Read more

Posted by BNYC 5 years ago

Do I look stupid to you?

I'm smarter than I look, so don't come at me thinking that you can fool me with a picture that isn't your own. But then get upset when I call you out on your lie!… Read more

Posted by BNYC 6 years ago


HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!… Read more

Posted by BNYC 6 years ago 2


Why ..... is it that once guys get a certain age, that's when they start to like guys of certain races? I notice and have come across many Caucasian and Asian guys that are above the 40yo mark and they're into Black guys. On the other side I come across C. & A. guys that are under that mark that don't like B. guys. Where does the change come from? Were they just holding out and not liking because they wanted to come across to their circle of friends and family as having the "ideal" mate?… Read more

Posted by BNYC 6 years ago 7

Why? #1

So I think I'll start doing a "Why?" set of posts. Basically for pure entertainment but also to question some things that just usually boggle my brain. As this is the first one, I'll just kick it off with this old question.... Why is it that so many people use photos that aren't them as their main pics of these kind of sites? I know some people have self image issues here & there and others just do it keep anonymous but still. Hell show a part of your body at least, ya know. Like if you have a big bell, don't try to sport a dude that had a 6pack. That's just not cute, not cute a… Read more

Posted by BNYC 6 years ago 1

Upcoming Birthday...

Ugh, Just wondering what I should do for my birthday that's coming up next week. For the past few years, I've seemed to do nothing. Just stayed on the instead and watched movies on Netflix. But this year I wanna actually get out and do something fun and exciting. If my ex-bf was still up here in NYC, he'd probably have planned some little get-together with a few boys, drinks & stuff and some porn and thus a sweaty night would commence. Hmmmm...… Read more

Posted by BNYC 7 years ago

Hi all.

Just hi. lol Just another Horny dude that likes other horny dudes (but sexy ones of course).… Read more

Posted by BNYC 8 years ago 3