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Male, bisexual
United States
Female, heterosexual
BA/BS (4 years college)
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5 ft 10 in (178 cm)
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About me

Women are the superior gender. This is a fact i have known since at least grade school if not before. i have always openly admitted my gender's inferiority. Far too many men don't even realize that their insecurities, every single one, stems directly from our inferiority. Unfortunately many men attempt to bury their insecurities with a complete falsehood we made up. Call it "macho", or "being tough, or "manning up, or "being a real man", whatever. It doesn't matter because it is nothing but a Janus mask. A real man knows and accepts that Women are superior to us in every way. A real man understands that the inferior always submits to the superior. if my gender would just accept this fact and fully give in everything would much be easier for us. i myself, nothing special, just another simple and lowly male, willingly and completely surrender myself to my superior, the Female gender. But when asked what i am "into" I am almost reluctant to use the word “Femdom” because that is not really an accurate description, but it is the one most people are familiar with so we will start there. It is not just about a man and a woman enjoying Female domination, it's a way of life, quasi-religion if You will. It's a way of life-based on worshiping the Female – not just sexually, but in all aspects of life. .Their life is based on the belief that the Female gender is superior to the male gender in all ways and the male must serve her submit to her at all times, be it in sexually, keeping the house clean and having Her dinner prepared when she comes in the door, him dressing how She says, his life revolves around Her and Her wants, needs, and desires. He takes great pride in his job and having the honor to serve Her. She is his Goddess and he worships her. It's a different slant ancient form of religion. Yes, traits of Femdom do come into play, but Femdom has it's rooted in Goddess worship so it's only natural that there is Femdom involved. But please don't think it's only a Female tying a man up and whipping him just because it's kinky and taboo and they both just use it to get off on. This much, much more. Though the lowly male being Her servant is a sexual and submissive act, it is one he takes great pride in doing right. He realizes it's his place to serve Her, he know She always knows what is best, and he trusts Her.wholly. In sexual acts he takes pleasure from the pain she inflicts on him because he realizes She is in power and the superiority and power she feels being in complete control of another human gives Her the pleasure She wants, however She wants it, whenever She wants it, wherever She wants it, and as many times as She wants it. He loves and craves any pain She wants to cause him and give him because that is what She needs to get what She wants. Sometimes, there is no pain at all, just doing whatever She wants. It does not matter if he gets off or not, everything is centered around his Goddess. If She decides to reward him, he gladly accepts her reward no matter what it may be. There is never once where he questions her. He simply listens and obeys. Literally, Her pleasure, be it sexual or not, is all he lives for. The Female, on the other hand, expects Her submissive male, her slave, to do exactly as She says. She wants her life a certain way and it is up to him to make it that way. She knows he realizes his place is beneath her, that's a huge part of their religion after all, and She does not take his submission and service lightly. She knows he takes any pain She dishes out because he knows that's how She gets her pleasure. She knows he loves the pain, bondage, domination, all of the sexual play, simply because that's what She wants and he more than willingly takes everything and gives in to Her needs. She is a just rewarder though. His rewards are always something She knows he is particularity fond of. They both see Her needs as more important that his. The servant/slave role that he loves is all designed by Her to be reminders of his actual place in life, beneath Her. The punishment for not worshiping Her properly can be severe, but he understands why. It is because everything revolves around Her and making Her happy. If he fails he needs to be punished. They both view him being allowed to serve a Female Goddess, to be her servant and slave is the highest honor a man can receive and he should be thankful at all times. Everything in life is all about Her. To give himself, his entire life and being fully over to Her and be owned by Her creates an erotic spiritual bond between the two. To truly worship the Female Goddess, the lowly male must get rid of all of his ego and take pleasure only in Her pleasure. For example, he realizes that sometimes She needs more than one cock to get Her where She wants to be. There is no jealousy on his part because he truly understands Her needs. If She wants multiple cocks he understands. It is not his place to question, only to serve. Sometimes She may want to dominate him and another man. Other times She may want to be double penetrated, triple, or whatever She wants and damn it, she deserves anything she wants! She may cuckold Her slave. Cuckolding is not simply just a free pass for Her to go have sex with whomever She wants, or to have as many cocks as She wants. It's an act both enjoy if the male has proper spirit. his pleasure is directly derived from her pleasure so if it turns Her on to make him watch her have sex with as many people as she wants he is supposed to get turned on at her ecstasy. Furthermore, he should enjoy watching her having sex and getting pleasured, even if it's not by him. That is beside the point. The point is She is getting off in the manner She needs to so She can feel how She wants to feel. Plus it's not cheating if he is watching, is it? ;) What if She orders him to join in? How is that cheating? No. Women you are all, each and every beautiful one of You Goddesses i want to thank You.
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Balllman 2 years ago
Mmmmm so hot please add me
g_gulliver 3 years ago
Great definitions
TourDeForce 3 years ago
great collection!
io17773 4 years ago
Would love to be friends but can't add you
bk916 4 years ago
Hi nice page love to be friends
downforfeet 4 years ago
Great collection.
farmbitchone 5 years ago
when hubby goes limp they become the woman slut...
jokerfinger 5 years ago
Thank you...
phules 5 years ago
Thxs for the add ;}
0308thomasj 5 years ago
Thanks for the add...
Massage22 5 years ago
Great content please add us
namio-havana 5 years ago
escouple 6 years ago
Thanks for the add!

Amazing content. 
phantomx22 6 years ago
thanks for the add nice vids
beneathHerfeet381 Host 6 years ago
to servetta : Thank you :smile:
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servetta 6 years ago
Very good description and propagande
love-thong 7 years ago
☆Thanks for adding me !☆
4yourpleasure48 7 years ago
thank you
beneathHerfeet381 Host 7 years ago
to BimboJay : Lol, didn't I say the same thing?
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Of course women are superior. Known that all my life.
Such a hot bio write-up...
beneathHerfeet381 Host 7 years ago
to zantac : :smile:
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zantac 7 years ago
Thanks for your friendship!
beneathHerfeet381 Host 7 years ago
to Countess2 : i would be honored
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Countess2 7 years ago
I am comforted reading your written mantra, with your acceptance of women dominance over the weak minds and testicles of men... I could amplify your focus, mentally and physically, removing any doubt you may have retained...
beneathHerfeet381 Host 7 years ago
to diveboy45 : Thank you, but I'm a sub slave male. :smile:
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diveboy45 7 years ago
U have a very nice collection of videos and photo galleries...thank you for sharing Mistress :smile:
elgordo75 7 years ago
thanks for friendship
beneathHerfeet381 Host 7 years ago
Thank you :smile:
beneathHerfeet381 Host 7 years ago
to sparky63026 : Thank you :smile:
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