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I am:
Kiernan, male, heterosexual
Keller, Earth
Female, heteroflexible
BA/BS (4 years college)
No, but maybe want some
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6 ft 2 in (188 cm)
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aezakmi88 2 years ago
Thanks for the invite!
amiganut2 Host 2 years ago
amiganut2 Host 2 years ago
amiganut2 Host 2 years ago
amiganut2 Host 3 years ago
Tip: Yandex image search allows you to narrow your image search by providing keywords in the query, you can even give it a site filter. Ive found so much themed porn this way, including stuff nobody should ever have..
Laura_hotwife 3 years ago
Hey hello. Thanks for you know what. Add me so we can chat 
amiganut2 Host 3 years ago
I have zero problem finding lots of porn, im sure you do too but I use bookmarklets..
amiganut2 Host 3 years ago
Ever cum all over your privates, I like cummed about 4 oz alot,.  on my privates,  and I let it dry.. And some parrts are like raw.. I am going to go take shower, and get  back to doing the facial exploration.. What I do is I collect girls faces and I perform various searches to find like girls, and then I explore all those faces and perversions, bodies, all while being amused and fapping. I prefer to use petro jelly for my lubricant, CVS sells a some with this baby scent it's perfect... I want to research and find all the fragrance inserts in Sports Illustrated magazines where Elle McPhereson and Kathy Ireland  hit the scene in the 80s, because it is when I began fapping, and it is the scents into those magazines that I atrribute to the lust of youth and love... Whoever did that with those magazines was a genius.. Now they do it but they use mens cologne which I imagine is some marketing head which hasn't a clue..
amiganut2 Host 3 years ago
I will masturbate for 24 hours, my goal
amiganut2 Host 3 years ago
The dopamine I get from this sometimes makes me excessively chatty.. I hope to shut up now..
QuinFickster 3 years ago
Thanks for the add.
amiganut2 Host 3 years ago
What drives a guy like me to porn, its being lonely.. Its not having the words to speak to women frankly. Shyness. Neglect from women that have shyness..  Incapacity to really know what is suitable. Part of the reason I masturbate is to deal with anxiety.  And I never really felt that porn could come between me and what I felt was the way to treat people, nor between me and God.. I think if I had 1000 concubines like Solomon, maybe, but I don't even have one, never really did.. Maybe if I had never been in a world that had made women so naked and commonplace, as product to look at, I would have married. But when I consult with married people they say it is a bad idea.. I think it is in this world, I think it could work, cause Love is a choice, it isn't a feeling so much, it becomes a feeling when the one you choose to love, loves you back.. At best I'm only making angels sigh, evil or good, I don't know.. But I know after I cum to whatever images I see, and I like smiling women, smiles are quite attractive.. After I cum, I will hate myself, who doesn't.. And then I'll do something I would have rather done had I not got such an easy dopamine release from masturbating and cumming. If God never meant you to masturbate, why are your sex organs accessible to your hands.. I think it's obvious, marriage completes the short circuit. And I know I would much rather enjoy seeing the pleasure in a woman's face that I am giving pleasure to with my dick than getting a dopamine release looking at my dick, and identifying with the dick, then maybe I would become gay and or like ladyboys.. It's the wrong thing, its the wrong thing.. And I've tried looking in VR at gay guys and it feel very awkward, this experience for me is very foriegn.. But I think if I did look at my dick and not pictures of women, I would identify more with the dick as being a mate. Just as druggies identify with the vial and the one armed bandits (gamblers are addicted to gambling, they get dopamine when they think they will win, researchers get it when they make discoveries even when the discoveries are not grounded in enough research, if your husband or wife is a researcher and they aren't coming home, it may not be the case they are cheating, they are probably addicted to research, and gamblers will take money they've won and gamble it because the thrill of gambling lots of money gives them a high).. I'm not a gambler, I've heard that this is the case though and I can imagine, as I get off to women that treat me badly, not in real life just the videos, as it turns me on to see a woman making a calculated and aggressive choice, I really wouldn't mind being molested by a woman, even as a kid I wished I was going to be molested by my teachers , stewardesses, etc.. Ask your mate, what turns them on, you may be surprised where they will go with that.. You may too.. When I hear guys talking about threesomes,  the closest I could get to that is VR.
amiganut2 Host 3 years ago
Oh and don't pass judgement on me even if you know what I like, I'm not sure you can even read this as I may have set it so you couldn't.. But the admins could.. All the images and stuff, do turn me on.. But light can enter the darkness.. I'm here I think to be here, its no mistake I think.. I was made to be here.. I am here because I know what it is like and I can be here.. I haven't overcome this, but I have hope there is more for me than just this... This is just a destination along the way.. Even though SATAN yells into my ears its falling on deaf ears.. Fine, that's your opinion, I unrelenting in my optimism, how can that be bad..
amiganut2 Host 3 years ago
Keep in mind, the rumour , most of the Christians are in China.. Even before we invaded Iraq, 3% were Christian.. Because They were non-political.. But they are in America? We're doing something wrong here.. What did the apostles do, when they had to make political choices, they rolled a die or flipped a coin or the then equivalent of that casting lots.. Because when you make political decisions and use your mind in that process, you risk 50% of your friends or worse, leaving you.. But if you gamble it, it is the greatest virtue of a gamble.. You say God choose the right one, and flip a coin.. Responsibility diffused and if you friends ask you who you voted for, you can diffuse it one of two ways: I left it to God, or "I have no clue, I flipped a coin"..
amiganut2 Host 3 years ago
Jesus hung out with prostitutes.. How many religious figures you know hung out with prostitutes.. Especially given 2000 years and people are still inspired.. There you go..
amiganut2 Host 3 years ago
The last time I expressed myself with exaggeration, Xhamster guys kicked my account.. Not a problem I create another.. It isn't like I don't bookmark everything in the world.. Just it makes it easier I think for others to see I'm just as perverse.. We are all worthy of more I think.. Just we shouldn't belittle ourselves for thinking we are less. Even if we've been told we are not much..
amiganut2 Host 3 years ago
Nothing more beautiful than finding black men fucking white women.. I'm sure the same is true for my doppleganger but it depends on the woman..
amiganut2 Host 3 years ago
This is true
amiganut2 Host 3 years ago
IT is my belief that AI will replace decision makerrs first , just as that AlphaGO computer beat the reigning world Korean champ at GO, a game that has more moves than atoms in the universe. In computer science they call algorithms that would have to run for ungodly amounts of time to exploit all the moves geometric algorithms, meaning they don't scale therefore cannot be used for anything worthwhile. However, nerual net engineering succeeded, and AlphaGO according to a documentary about it, thought up moves that no GO player had ever seen before..  Some researchrers of AI have a a religion of sorts, or a superstition, if not sound, that if AI ever reaches singularity, when a AI becomes self aware and able to learn itself and make decisions and reason, that to even think or say to stop AI research is a death sentence because the AI would come back and seek retribution, it may even trap the mind of an individual, augment and torture it for eternity.. I hope JEsus saves me before I can experience such a  fate. But those longing for a neural link should know that no two peoples brains conceptualize things the same way and the neural link would require the people who longed to transmit thought to train an AI to do the neural translation from one brain to another,  and that may not be a simple task. A Neural link is a fancy name for an extra sense.. Because that's all that the brain does is process stimulation from sensors like eyes and ears, and try to extract meaning from it.. Brains can adapt to pretty much anything. And neural net research reveals more and more the wonders of the brains capacity.. But I don't think all the neurons in my brain are the same kind or configured in the same fashion. Science is about discovering patterns in nature, and Engineering is about exploiting the function of nature to mans own means. Keep in mind making a computer fast to compete unfairly with other businesses and communities. is a ethical concern as it will lead management to equate the productivity of a person to a machine. There is a Russian film of the turn of the 20th century that that lasts about an hour and shows double exposures of industrial workers constructing and boxing products and break neck speeds.. Keep in mind, socialist cinema of the mid 20th century, was not unlike the Seinfeld sitcom, that is seinfelds characters never resolved their dilemas set int eh shows, the characters never pursued justice, they each were self centered and 
amiganut2 Host 3 years ago
I don't think I can touch the untouchables, but it says the light will find its way into the darkness to help others find a way out.. And Jesus pointed out to his apostles in all that he did that there was now entrance to hell anywhere on earth. IT is why he walked on the water, and I leave that as a study exercise to others, why he walked on the water, not if he did.. People who seek absolute solid proof should investigate the solid science of what the brain considers to be real, because yoru senses can fool you, for instance your eyes don't see what you think you see, your eyes have vast space between retinal light receptors, called cones and such, and your eye shakes minutely to paint a picture of reality. There is even a AI technology that NVidia has in its graphics cards now, that uses neural nets arranged ina juxtaposition, one trying to produce realistic images and the other trying to disprove the accuracy of the depiction, this technology is called a GAN. The AI used in deepfaking is called something else, I forget now, but it is the marriage of two neural nets, one that conceptualizes images and the other that turns the concepts back into images, I believe this is what they do. Oh neural transcoders I think is the name. What they do in deepfaking is one neural net conceptualizes the face of a porn star say, and the then other neural net runs its conceptualization of a celebrity such that the two faces match for the same expression. The lighting and such probably require other neural nets.. This technology NVidia developed does not use traditional graphics rendering to render examples of city scenes and faces using GANs, it asks the Neural nets to imagine the scene and the result is painted onto the screen with only basic 3D graphic shapes to guide the AI into constructing the detail.. The result is astounding.. The ads for this are on youtube. I really can't explain the science, I just can go on what I imagine and assume of what I've read. Ethically people pursuing AI should consider this as cloning a neuron, which is the same ethical concern as cloning animals or people. Because these researchers though they pretend to know what the AI is doing, nobody has mastered it tot eh point of certainty, and puting AI in charge of peoples lives is dangerous if you can't be certain of its performance. 
amiganut2 Host 3 years ago
to amiganut2 : I mean the same way as I, not the same way as her. 
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amiganut2 Host 3 years ago
I merely fap and edge to meditate, I really do think about theology when fapping to porn, just as people who pull one arm bandits get dopamine releases as a result of hijacking the feeling that they are going to attain great success of winning big, women who gamble have describe the feeling of being in the zone on a slot machine as being in a relationship with a old familiar lover that they've lost in the past. This was revealed in an episode this American Life.. And I believe the same episode talked about a group of Christians who went to Vegas to card count for Christ.. In the end they saw it was a bad idea.. I don't think I could say I fap for Christ, I fap to point out that I'm not a good person, in fact nobody should ever see themselves as good, perfect or above anyone else.. I must be able to see Donald Rumsfeld eye to eye.. It is a problem of mine to classify people in stages of damnation.. No it is their position to understand the weight of what they are, and I as well, I think I'm to some extent in a state of deep denial and I will probably spend eternity contemplating where I went wrong. It is my hope that Jesus saves me from this.. It is my own selfish desire to to fap.. But I think there is a path in there, and it may be to marry a lady in this industry who desires something more.. I only hope its the one I consider beautiful, Krissy Lynn may not be it.. Such is a problem with fappes like me, if I'm not the only one, we have no real preference for a particular look of female, in my mind the girl of my dreams is every girl I've fapped to.. And I've had one girlfriend, and I still don't have a problem considering her for marriage.. Well I do, and she knows why, I need to see if I have the guts to get past that to be with her.. But her ordeal wasn't my doing.. She had friends who were pressuring her to have a child and she essentially used me to pursue that need. I'm just so weak that way I am willing to be the one, I just think she would leave me anyhow.. I don't know if I could ever leave a woman that felt the same way.. 
amiganut2 Host 3 years ago
Jesus, and to call him the Christ is really doing a disservice to Jews who do not believe he is, it's really something that could come between us, and is more a title to help others identify what Christians believe., Jesus First should be an example, and if you think he is the Christ, then welcome to the club.. Jesus said some profound and disturbing things, and its because his culture hadn't took, a child in RecRoom, an app ont he Oculus Quest, who told me he was Athiest, a guy named Pickle, said the Romans pursued the Christians because of something Jesus said "that he was a flesh and the blood, and if you didn't eat of him or drink of his blood, you were not of him." So I guess if Pickle is right, made the Roman government think Christians were Cannibals..  A difference of language and culture is what starts wars, when people fail to understand each other, and cannot forgive another or give them the benefit of a doubt, that's what leads ones lacking self control to draw swords. I would say my lack of self control is not killing people, it is the men who are quick to anger and eager to force men into the grave, those are the ones who lack self control.. 
amiganut2 Host 3 years ago
The only thing that keeps me thinking I'm Christian is hope, without hope all is lost.. I have hope, and thats really all anyone who is Christian can have is hope.. That alone is life changing.. And we all change at different speeds.. Nobody on earth can really judge us, and if they do they are tempting the same fate as the Pharisees who put burden on others they could not bare themselves. I have not because I do not have children, I didn't pursue marriage because I never believed due to my parents early divorce that I could ever make a marriage work, and as I was growing up in the 80s, the threat of STDs including HIV discouraged me from pursuing a female.. I think now, I would be able to take on a disease just to be with the right woman, as Jesus was willing to be with the diseased and jews who wore sackcloth and had to shout "unclean unclean" as they walked through crowds.. Leprosy was terrible diesease, but it didn't stop Jesus from meeting them.. Only those who had a fear of such diseases, and ultimately a fear of death. No Christian should ever fear death, for they are on the path.. And thus, true heroism is not going into a unjust war, as Iraq was, I would say that was an example of leading children astray, what it says to put a mill stone around Donald Rumsfeld's neck and throw him into the sea.. No, the gay man that takes on the disease of another to care for his brother, is more heroic.. 
amiganut2 Host 3 years ago
My parents and family if you are reading thsi or saw any of this sorry.. It's my perogative.. And I've revealed it to enough people at work and online.. Its not low self esteem, it might be crazy, but I think its bold to reveal your inner self.. Not good legally, but I think its betetr to be accountable than to be shady.. 
amiganut2 Host 3 years ago
Why Amiganut.. I was a big time Amiga user, the computer.. It was the same computer that Ton Roosendaal used when making blender.. And I know enough about Ton that I could really ruin his day, but I will not.. Ton please tell them your secrets.. You can I think its in your best interest!! Look I did you can too.. 
amiganut2 Host 3 years ago
If youa re a gymnast and you are over stress, fapp a fucking lot.. I don't care how much a self image you have.. If you are trying to have kids Rober Sapolsky says its why gymnasts in the olympics and male body builders are as sterile as choir boys, they can't fucking relax enough.. And your reproductive system goes offline with you keep your heart rat a blood pressure high all the time.. I don't know if this is ture of edgers, because that is what it does to the body.. Also when overly stress your higher order brain function takes a hike, it was leads to road rage.. And people buying tons of toilet paper when thinking they will die from covid.. A german friend laughed at those Australians in that store, and said anyone ever exposed them to a biddet? Its what he uses as most people in europe do to expedite cleaning themselves after pooping, or before sex as women need to do to avoid potential infection. Alo anal sex is a particular problem because its how the body rids itself of things like dead blood cells. Did I tell you about Doctor kevorkians bio-hacking experiment.. I've performed anal insertions on myself as I think most edgers would, you chase the dragon do you not. It wasn't pleasurable at all.. But I'm not a woman, I don't what that constipated influx of girth feels like to a woman.. Maybe they are just desiring to be acceptable or wishing to give the men pleasure, maybe it is jsut the business.. What us men do to women to consumer them like products.. I'm sorry.. If I want porn I will pay foir it, I can only hope it would go to the models as I assume is why Suze Randalls photos are unparallleled in eroticism.. Women are the best at doing direction ad production of those fantasies.. My favorite porn mag was High Society, and it as far as I know was a woman owned and runned business.. Danni Ash I never saw you perform anal sex or any of that, and you fucking rock.. PAtty Cake I love, you are the Cheesecake queen.. These womenare like heros to me.. I think Jesus could see that these women had hearts of gold.. Just it takes a man to really see them.. I hope I'm that man.. 
amiganut2 Host 3 years ago
I believe when Bob, note Jesus was such a common name at his time it was like naming your kid Bob.. I believe bob meant by looking at a woman in lust assumed that meant looking at her as if to stalk her, even if voyeuristically such a person would be caught, and I can just imagine the embarrassment and dismay the woman would feel if she found out.. When I look at porn, I see paper with women on it, they can't see me.. Even just worshippign a car or a cross, anything that either distracts you from God or causes you to lose touch with that fact that people are important, and the way you treat people is important, is really the same thing. If the women are nude. and they consent, looking at them an fapping, how can that be wrong.. Sex is there to bring joy to a life that can have a lot fo stress. And Everything Bob did was to relieve stress, because over stressed people are susceptible to disease because stress suppresses your immune system, hypochondriacs can get ill just from thinking they are diseased.. And if you go to get diagnosed, go to a Mayo clinic not one of those fast food style urgent care centers.. Those centers prey upon hypocondriacs and will suck you for money, it only takes them ten minutes to rack up a $20K bill. Often doctors will give such people forms to fill out and will observe them to see if they turn blue and collapse on the floor, but doctors know what people look like when near death.. The nruse will come out take your blood pressure and heart rate, if its high, you are not dying, you are stressed, but to avoid unecessary treatment, you will be on watch as you fill out a difficult to answer bit of bureaucracy.. If after that you are relaxed, they will send you home. I probably shouldn't have told you that.. But avoid the trip, fap here, and if that doesn't work, amybe there is something to it.. 