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United Kingdom
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Current college student
No, but maybe want some
Several times a week
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Sorry. No content.
Don't let the body picture fool you - this bitch has a cock smaller than my pinkie finger :smile:
Thanks for the invite. Hope you enjoy my content. I love reading dirty comments on my pictures and videos, so please feel free to leave me some and let me know what you think. :wink:
nice sexy body mmmmmmmmmm
thank you for the invitation
Sorry, no content
Thank's for the invite:smile:
Your little clit cock is more useless than a thimble.... maybe useful for nasal sex?
Thanks for the inv Alex!
thank you :smile:
Pm me your pass?
You'll have to send me the passwords if you truly want humiliation. I aim to please
to gurli72 : Pm me instead? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
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✿ Thanks for inviting me ✿
Sending sweet kisses your way! :~* xoxo

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♔ Princess
I am sorry but I cant accept your invitation. Have fun.
Hi Alex ... morning hard on?

If you like wet cunt then look at my vid
A soaking hot stunt with the squirting I did
A cute young guys cock just as hard as a rock
Is cumming for Mommy ... the MILF on his block
Let me see it...size,doesn't matter...that's why men and women eat's the stimulation that matters. unlock your page and let me see that cock
to debras1985 : What are you trying to say exactly? :wink:
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The best things come in tiny packages lol
brooklyn chase.
Fake how exactly?
to abet14 : You're welcome! Sent you a PM
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Thank you baby for the invite!
Nice avatar!
She first saw a male bound and gagged to a large wooden cross. He was only dressed in black briefs. She said to him “I don’t want to know your name because it doesn’t matter to me” then she reeled back and slapped him across the face. He moaned but the panties crammed into his mouth muffled the sound. Then she slowly traced the riding crop across his stomach, teasing him with the tip.

Then she raised the crop and brought it down hard on his crotch. the slave jerked in pain but the sting made him hard and erect. Sadome saw his bulge getting bigger and was angered. “How dare you raise that thing in my presence” and she proceeded to whip his cock with the riding crop again and again. Finally she jabbed his aching tool with her 5 inch black leather heel and then used her shiny boot heel to rip his underwear off revealing his sore penis.

She then whipped his dick with the riding crop over and over again and his penis swung as the crack of the leather raised welts on his manhood. Then Sadome reached over and grabbed his balls. “How do you like this” she demanded and she squeezed unmercifully on his testicles. The slave’s muffled screams made Sadome laughed as she crushed his balls in her hands then she twisted and pulled.

Then she stood right in front of him and thrust her knee into his testicles. He slumped forward but could not fall because he was still bound. Seeing that he was too weak to fight back, Sadome undid his cuffs and the slave fell to the ground. She made him lie on his stomach so then Sadome put her boot on his ass and dug her heel into his cheeks. Then she slid the tip of her boot down the crack of his ass until she got the his genitals which were pressed flat against the floor.

Then with an evil grin, she brought her shiny black patent leather boot down onto his dick and squashed it with her sole like a cigarrette against the cold cement floor. She kept grinding away at his abused penis and gave an occasional kick to his balls. Sadome would also lean over and wail the slave on his ass with the riding crop.

She could hear the slave crying and whimpering as her shoe crushed his cock and balls and she loved every minute of it. She leaned more and more of her weight on his testicles, his screams became more and more intense nd she felt the tender flesh of his scrotum spreading beneath her shoes.

Sadome reaches down and pulls the slave by his hair, he gets up to avoid having his locks yanked. She forces him down again but this time facing her, she makes him sit flat on the floor. She puts a small pedestal beneath him with a flat metal bar, about 6 inches long and two inches wide, with two wing nuts on either end, close to the edge. She takes his balls and runs them beneath the bar then puts it down so the bar pushes his testicles forward as it clamps down at the base of his scrotum. Sadome tightens the wing nuts on each side of the bar so his scrotum is compressed and his balls are forced into the sack as far out as possible and laying on the cold metal surface of the pedestal.

Sadome spat into the slaves face and just laughed as he shook his head to try and shake off the saliva. Then, without saying a word, she put her boot down on his balls and pressed hard. He screamed and howled as she increased the pressure, his testicles were bound by the flat bar and were held in place so Sadome could squash them with her sole with ease.

She carefully placed the point of her heel on his right testicle and then applied her weight to it, the slave tried to jerk away but she increased the pressure, her heel crushing his ball, flattening it under the small area of her stiletto. The man screamed for mercy, begging her to stop, but she wouldn’t, instead she balanced herself perfectly and slammed her heel all the way down, piercing his testicle with her heel, tearing and crushing the flesh as blood mixed with semen gush out all over her heel.

A high pitched scream filled the room and Sadome kept grinding her heel into the mangled testicle, she raised her foot, blood dripping from the heel, and smashed it down on his entire scrotum, she could feel the other testicle crunching beneath the sole of her boot, she now stood with all her weight on his balls as blood poured from his destroyed manhood and the most agonized, tormented, sounds of absolute atrocious pain reverberated as the slave cried in utter shock. She jumped up slightly to finish flattening his testicles, grinding away, and stomping her foot down repeatedly until his balls looked like chopped meat on the pedestal.

She kneeled and examined that mutilated organs and just laughed, she took out a knife and severed his scrotum from behind the bar and thus completing the castration, he just fell over, she wasn’t’ sure if he was dead or just passed out. She loosened the clamp and then collected the bloody, tortured, mess that was his balls into a plastic bag.

Nurses came in and carried the man away in a stretcher, stopping the profuse bleeding from the arteries that were once connected to his testicles. Sadome walked back down the hall carrying her mutilated prize and laughing.
When Chastity climbed off Charlie’s face after She had cum, She noticed that his eyes were red and teary. Whether over pain or humiliation, Chastity wasn’t sure. She WAS sure, however, that he had gotten an erection—several, in fact—because of the muffled cries he made while his face was smothered between Her thighs. It pleased Her that he wasn’t able to control them yet. But it pleased Her even more that, in order to avoid the pain of the “Kali’s Teeth Device,” Charlie would HAVE to learn to control them.

“Well, Charlie,” said Professor Payne, standing with Her hands on Her hips beside the bed, “you no know how the Device works.”

“Please take it off,” the young man sputtered, his former cockiness totally gone. “Please!”

“Reduced to begging are we?” She said, with triumphal sarcasm.


“Why?” Chastity cut in. “Because you don’t know how to USE it properly. So we’re not going to let you use it at all,” She said.


“you can’t ejaculate with the Device on.”

Charlie post could not reply to such an outrageous statement. he just lay there, staring at Her in disbelief.

“Erections won’t be much fun either,” Professor Payne continued. “you’ll have to learn to control them.”

Her last words seemed to do the trick. his jaw tightened and he gave a violent jerk at the scarves.

“Untie me!” he yelled.

“Is that an ORDER?”

he paused.


She smiled. “That’s better. But before I do, I want to warn you. If you so much as even TRY to touch Me, I’ll go for your crotch. And I don’t think you want Me to do that, now do you?”

Charlie just shook his head.

Chastity talked while She undid the knots.

“I want you to come to My office on Monday,” She said. “It’s in the Humanities Building, Second Floor, Room Two-O Three. My office hours are Ten A.M. till Noon. Be there at ten.”

When She finished freeing Charlie’s arms, Chastity had him undo the other knots himself while She, on the other hand, returned to the bathroom to out Her street-clothes back on.

Still naked and sitting on the edge of the bed, Charlie examined the metal Device that had caused him so much agony. The stainless steel and was about a half-inch wide. Charlie grasped the, now, soft head of his penis and stretched. To his utter horror, the entire inside of the Device was lined with metal teeth. They HAS to be sharp, he guessed, in order to have caused so much pain. But there was no blood! None! The he saw the tiny keyhole, similar to that found on handcuffs. Feeling a wave of panic, he grabbed the edges of the hellish Device and tried to pull the damn thing apart. Nothing happened! he tried again, with the same result.

“It’s locked, Charlie, so you might as well quit trying,” Chastity said.

he jerked his face up to Her. She was standing in the doorway, wearing what She had worn in the bar.

“So, do you want Me to take you home or do you want to go back to ‘Peabody’s’…” She paused. “And brag to your buddies?”

With a demanding whimper that undercut the demand, Charlie said, “Where’s the key?”

Professor Payne let out a soft chuckle. “That’s none of your business. Now put your clothes back on.”

he just glared at Her.

“you’d better hurry, Charlie,” Chastity said with a slight smile, “or I’ll make you service Me again.”

Putting on his pants, Charlie said, “i can go to the police.”

“And what are you going to tell them? That a tenured Woman college professor snapped a Device around your cock?” Her smile broadened. “I would love to see you drop your pants for them. No, Charlie,” Professor Payne continued, “you won’t go to the police. you’d be too embarrassed. Besides, I would deny even knowing about it. And if I don’t KNOW anything about it, Charlie, then how AM I going to take it off?”

The young man said nothing in return but just finished getting dressed in silence while Chastity looked on.

No one was home when Charlie entered the house after Chastity dropped him off. reminding him once more about his Monday appointment. It was just a little after midnight. The other guys wouldn’t be dragging in till two or three. That gave him at least two hours to try and jimmy the lock. All he could find that might work was a paper clip. he went upstairs to his bedroom and locked the door. Then he took off his pants and his underwear and, sitting at his desk, he began to wiggle the wire around inside the keyhole. Each time Charlie wiggled the wire and then tried to open the Device, his feeling of panic grew. After well over a dozen attempts, he was sweating and shaking all over. Now, feeling desperate, he elongated his penis as much as he could and tried to slide the thing off. That didn’t work either. The teeth were pressing too tightly against the soft folds of his limp dick; but not enough to cause pain nor, even, discomfort. It seemed as if there were no teeth at all!

After nearly an hour’s worth of struggle to jimmy the lock, Charlie let out a wail of frustrated anger. he wanted to slap the fuck out of that professor bitch. But because of the Device, Charlie knew he couldn’t. The safety of his cock was more important than giving in to his rage. The bitch COULD do a serious number on his prick if he tried to force Her to hand over the key. That much he knew. He also knew why the prof had singled him out. It was those bitches who had plastered his name over the bathroom walls.

Sometime during the night, Charlie heard the boys laughing downstairs. For a split second he thought that they were laughing at him, until he realized that that’s what they always did after coming back from downtown. Ordinarily, Charlie would be right down there with them, that is, unless he’d picked up a foxy chick. Charlie wondered, as he lay there in the dark, how big a lie he would tell the guys tomorrow morning. I mean, now he was balling professors. The guys would love to hear all the details.

“Oh shit,” he whispered. “If i tell’em, and She finds out…She’ll….She’ll never take it off.”

he realized, now, that his lie would have to be much less titillating. They left the bar, had a few drinks somewhere else, he popped the question and She got cold feet.

“So i came back,” Charlie whispered again, just to hear how it sounded.

It didn’t sound like him. The guys would wonder why he didn’t just come back to ‘Peabody’s.” And because they wouldn’t believe him, they’d keep bringing it up, over and over, knowing there was something he was hiding, something that they wanted to know. Telling them that the Woman’s rejection had sent him home like a dog with its tail between its legs was just too far out of character for a guy like Charlie. So the first thing was to make his buddies promise not to tell. Then he would give them the story they wanted to hear.

Charlie was dreaming about tying the naked Professor Bitch to Her bed an attaching four or five clothespins to each breast and more to the insides of Her thighs, and then, while She’s squirming over the cruel pinching, climbing up onto the bed and moving to Her face with a rock-hard cock that needed a blow-job, when at that moment, he snapped awake to a hard-on throbbing with an indescribable pain. To keep from making any noise, in fact, Charlie had to stuff the edge of his pillow in his mouth. The worst of the pain lasted just a few moments, that is, until his cock began to bid a hasty retreat from the prick of the teeth. Charlie removed the pillow from his mouth. he was breathing hard and quaking with anger.

“That fuckin’ bitch,” he muttered under his breath, his rage barely under control. “That goddamn fuckin’ bitch.”

Charlie looked at the clock. It was six-thirty. The other guys wouldn’t be rolling out of the sack for at least another four hours. Lying there in the semi-dark, the young man realized what he had to do. And it could not wait until Monday.

After another two hours of fitful sleep, Charlie couldn’t stand just lying there in bed anymore, unable to play with his cock if he wanted to. he knew that he had to go back to Professor Payne’s apartment this morning and try to work out the problem. Charlie also realized, however, that he would need to change his attitude, admit to the charges that appeared on the bathroom walls. he would turn over a new leaf. In other words, he would try to give an academy award performance.

While in the shower (he had the whole bathroom to himself), Charlie soaped his crotch as carefully as he could. As the warm water cascaded over his body, he felt that familiar tingle in his balls, he wanted to play with himself. he wanted to get an erection. Charlie figured that the soap and everything might make the teeth slippery enough to pull his dick out of their mean grip. he lathered up his hands real good and squeezed the head of his pecker, then he stretched it. But the moment he tried to move the Device up his shaft, he felt the sharp scrape of the teeth and immediately let go. With an angry desperation Charlie, then, tried to beat off in the shower. he imagined sneaking into the Woman’s place while She was still asleep, holding the same scarves that She had used to tie him to the bedposts. Charlie, of course, pictured Her naked. After slapping the prof a few times just to let Her know that She’d better not resist, he secured Chastity’s hands and feet to the posts, then asked where She kept Her candles. She refused to tell him. he bit one of Her nipples. Charlie asked once more. Through tears, She told him.

Now we’re going to play ‘Hot Wax,’ he imagined saying, but even as the sadistic words passed through his brain, the pain of the teeth hit like a sledge hammer, doubling him over. Charlie had never imagined that such a pain could come to his prized possession, a teeth-grinding pain, a pain unlike any other.

“i’m gonna kill’er,” he said quietly, his jaw tight. “i’m gonna kill’er.”

Chastity was sitting in the love-eat in front of the bay windows wearing Her striped robe and drinking coffee, reading the Saturday TIMES, when the doorbell rang. She wasn’t expecting anyone, especially this early in the morning.

When She recognized who it was through the glass-paneled front door, She smiled. But a moment before Chastity opened it, She clicked into a haughty mood, wanting Charlie to know right off the bat that She was annoyed at the disturbance.

“i-i’m sorry, i…” he began.

“you ought to be,” Chastity snapped back before he could finish. “I TOLD you when I wanted to see you.”

“Yeah… yeah, i know, but-but i jes wanted to come over and … You know…tell You how sorry i am for the way i acted last night.”

Her expression softened a bit.

“Really,” She said, with some sarcasm. “I thought you acted just fine.”

“Well…i mean i-i yelled at You and…”

“It’s chilly standing here, ” Professor Payne cut in once more. “Why don’t you come inside.”

“Thanks, Professor Payne,” said Charlie, a paragon of politeness.

Chastity smiled. Charlie’s new-found manners delighted and amused Her. If having to spend just one night in “Kali’s Teeth” could do this to a guy like Charlie, She whimsically wondered what having to spend a week in it, or two, might do.

“Want some coffee?” She asked.

“If….If You don’t mind.”

She sent him a wry Grin. “This is hard for you, isn’t it?”

Naturally, he played dumb.

“Wh..whattaya mean?” “All this sweetness and politeness. you’re just trying to butter me up to see if I’ll take off the Device.”

Charlie gave Her a pained look.


“But-but it hurts.”

“It’s SUPPOSED to,” She replied, Her tone and expression, severe. “That’s why you’re wearing it. Now why don’t you go sit down, and I’ll bring you some coffee.”

After She handed Charlie his cup, Chastity returned to the love-seat and crossed Her legs.

“All right, Charlie, now tell Me why you’re REALLY here?”

“i–i jes wanted to find out if there was somethin’ i could say or–or do or…what i mean is, i’m sorry about what i did to Carla. It-it was wrong.”

“Well, I’m glad you finally realize that,” said Chastity. Then She sipped Her coffee.

“So–so what i was thinking i could do was …. well..well, You know, go over to Carla’s place a-and, like, apologize.”

“I think you should, too,” She said.

“And then maybe if i do that you’ll…?”

“I know what you’re going to say, Charlie,” Chastity cut in. “And the answer is no. I mean, it’s nice of you to want to apologize, but the fact is, you’re going to have to do a LOT more than that before we allow you to cum again.”


“Myself and the ‘Goddess Teeth Underground’,” Professor Payne replied. “It’s a militant wing of the Gynosupremist Council. Our goal is to ‘tag’ and then to reeducate men who We regard as Class B males. you’re probably more familiar with popular term.” She paused. “Sexist pigs.”

Charlie could not believe his ears. he just sat there and stared at Her.

“In your case, it was very easy to find you. your name is in every bathroom.”

Chastity calmly sipped Her coffee.

“Now…now wait a second,” he began, his voice trembling a bit. “A-are You saying Yer not gonna take this-this thing off?”

“Not until you’ve performed certain…TASKS of atonement, as We call them.”

“Like…like what?” he answered, sullen.

“Like offering your mouth to any Woman who wants to use it,” She said.

Charlie said nothing.

“OR lending yourself out as an escort service for Women who might want to do a night on the town. you’ll make sure that They get home safely if They’ve had too much to drink. Which, of course, means that you would have to ABSTAIN from drinking. And I would know if you didn’t because They would tell me,” said Chastity. “And, needless to say, all of Them will know exactly what you have around your cock,” she added. “Oh, yes, and ah…They might want you to clean Their apartments.”

Charlie’s expression was hard and set. “What if i don’t wanna do it?”

“Your penis will reamined imprisoned and in pain forever.”


“you’ll have to wear it till you find a way to get it off without the key,” said Professor Payne matter-of-factly. “Which I’m sure you’ve tried already, unsuccessfully, or else you wouldn’t BE here.”

Charlie just glared at Her. The hatred was returning. But at the same time he felt a growing sense of panic, especially over the fact that other Women would know about the horrible steel trap he wore around his poor pecker. But hatred mixed with helpless panic soon gave way to fear. his mood changed.

“Look, look please. i’ll never hurt anybody again. i PROMISE. Jes-jes please take this off, Professor Payne. Please!”

“you must play with your penis quite a lot, Charlie, to be reduced to begging like this. But you might as well save your breath, because it’s going to be quite a while before you’re allowed to experience sexual relief,” said Chastity.

Charlie looked down at the braided rug. he grabbed for anything he could that might make Her feel sorry for him.

Then looking up, he said, “What if the Teeth… You know…start to irritate my skin?” his voice was kind of whiny now.

“They won’t if you stay soft.”

“But…but I CAN’T!” he said, his voice now whiny with frustration.

“Is it hard now?”

“W-well no, but…”

“So you’re wrong, Charlie,” Chastity cut in. “you CAN keep it soft.”

“But i’m not AROUSED.”

“Good,” She said, “We WANT you to learn to control your erections when you’re around Women.”

“What about when i’m by myself. i mean…i mean, can’t i even…?”

“No, you can’t!” Chastity snapped back. “Your masturbating days are over, Charlie. your penis belongs to the Gynosupremist Council. WE’LL decide when We want to use it, not you. Is that clear enough?”

Charlie’s features became all twisted up. “Y-y-you can’t do that!” he whined again.

“We just DID.” She looked at his cup. “More coffee?”

he sent Her a vacant look, then looked down and shook his head.

“So what will it be, Charlie? Ejaculation with the Device OFF—when We ALLOW it, of course–or trying to do it while it’s locked on…for keeps.”

“Do You…” he began. “Do You REALLY have to tell Carla abou-about this?”

“Her especially,” Professor Payne replied.

But-but-but if You do, S-she might…” his voice caught.

Chastity sent him a sly grin.

“What’s the matter, Charlie? Afraid?”

“Well…well yeah, sorta.”

“Good. Because that’s exactly how Carla felt when you forced Her to have sex. Now it’s YOUR turn to be vulnerable,” She said.

Information about making and using a Kali’s Teeth Device to keep men chaste.
Your cock is small but u could make me cum.
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Thank you for your request, more than happy to accept.
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