Caught by a Stranger Pt2

Caught by a Stranger Pt2

Apparently when he went out to his car where his and my wife were waiting he blabbed about what he caught me doing. I bet he left out the part about blackmailing me into fucking/sucking him though. A couple days later my wife popped in at my workplace and was sitting at my desk with her phone out talking to some one, she didn't hear me walk up behind her I presume, as I approached I her her say on the phone" I don't see any thing on his desk like what we were told, suppose your man made all that up? I stood there in total shock and fear. If I made a sound she would know I overheard her. So I retreated slowly around the corner. When i got around the corner i dropped my book purposely to make some noise. I scooted it out to where I'd be seen picking it up. Well that worked she almost instantly hung up and spun around.
Hello, what brings you to work today ;I ask?
Just out running errands and stopped to see if you are coming home on time tonight, she lied.
Yes, why, we doing something special I ask?
Well, David and Kathy want us to come over for drinks tonight. You remember David, he is married to my friend Kathy, same guy who came in and told you we were going to a movie. I would like to go, and want you there too.
Wow, did he tell her for sure? Was she looking for evidence on my desk? Pretty foolish of me to leave anything there where my coworkers would see it.
Yes, i said, I would like to meet Kathy's husband. Can't say I ever saw him before a few nights ago.
So with great anticipation and angst i sweated out the day, finally made it home in time to shower and head straight to meet David , formally for first time.
Kathy met us at the door dressed in a sun dress sort of thing, obviously no bra and nipples sticking out like curb feelers on an old Pontiac!
into the family room we followed her, and met David, he was wearing some sort of pajama looking pants and obviously no underwear, the outline of his cock was quite prominent. Anna sort of locked onto staring at the outline and stopped dead in front of me. I stuck out my hand and said "Now we meet where you aren't sneaking up on me and startling me". He laughed and just smiled.
Kathy brought Anna and I a drink, unknown to me what it was but it tasted pretty good, Anna said hers tased weird too but not loud enough where Kathy could hear. She sipped on hers pretty heavily and i pretended to drink mine, majority of it went into the potted plant sitting by the couch. Pretty soon Kathy started asking me about sex, and if I had ever watched a couple having sex, and other strange questions. Anna just sat there grinning and pretending to not know what was obvious, that they had set this up to get me to talk about David fucking me, or at least I thought so.
As she was aking these leading questions Anna started rubbing my leg and squeezing my thigh. I knew she was getting a buzz from the liquor, it don't take much for her. When Kathy said she and Anna had been talking about men having sex with other men and Anna never said a word I knew that they knew about David and me, or at least about me and my toys! David finally spoke up and said all this talk was making him horny my wife surprised me by saying "yes and its damned hot in here too", with that she stood up and pulled her top off, turned to me and said "suck my nipples!"
Aha,, just as I thought those drinks were loaded !!! To keep with the intentions of the host I suggested she let Kthy suck on them. They both looked at each other and grinned, and said "Only if you will suck David cock while we watch!
There it is, the setup was complete, I stood up from the couch, walked over to David and dropped between his knees. Those flimsy pants he was wearing offered zero resistance to being pulled down to reveal his cock. With the women urging me on(like I really needed encouragement?) I grasp his near erect cock and put it in my mouth or at least as much of it as i could. After a few good meaningful strokes and slurps my wife pulled on my shoulder and ask if she could have a taste too. As far as I knew I was only man she ever saw naked much less messed with. I backed away and she started on him. Then Kathy pulled on my other shoulder catching me off balance and causing me to fall back onto her lap. She then spin around me like an acrobat and sat on my face with enough force to send me flat on the floor. Couple minutes of this and I feel fingers probing my butthole, then what felt like several fingers front and back. With Kathy on my face I aint seeing nothin but bush, quite tasty bush at that. Then, then I felt some slickery stuff and my legs being raised up, up high. I presume the hands under my ass were those of David, and the finger in my ass must be Anna. She has never offered to probe me before. Then I am literally rolled up in a ball with my legs so high they are touching Kathy back, and i felt the "object". It was a dildo likely the size of my favorite toy, In it went with much less pain than when i dunk it. With this Kathy gets up and moves over to my side, and i see David squatted behind my ass rubbing his cock, Anna is rubbing his cock, Kathy is rubbing his cock, and nobody is rubbing mine. Good thing though it was so hard a single touch would have caused me to explode. David made his way closer and the dildo was removed, and almost instantly he started easing his cock into me, deeper and deeper he went slowly and smoothly. Then he just sat there grinning at me. My wife then climbed on my face while facing the loewer end action, and David started pumping, slowly at first but getting faster, a squirt of lube while thrusting eased up the hurt that was developing, and he keptit up until I felt the feeling coming up in my body, like I was either going to cum or shit, or both at same time. He picked up speed while the women cheered him on, just as I was getting close he jerks out and pulls the condom off and sticks his cock in Anna's mouth and cums. She has NEVER allowed me to do that. Then Kathy dropped down on my cock, I had always ogled her when i could and never thought i would get in her, she rode me a bit and i tried to tell her i was going to cum she went into orbit, she squirted, she clamped my cock, she screamed, she cried and she yelled, then fell over off of me.
A couple hours and several more orgasm for the ladies later Anna and I went home, and straight to bed. Next morning Anna said she could barely remember some of last night and she thought Kathy had d**gged her, saying if what she thought had happened actually did happen we would have to do it again sober. I pretended not to remember much either but did tell her my butthole was sore i think someone must've jammed a dildo or something in me.
Published by estillfkr
4 years ago
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Excellent story!