Exposure guidelines for David Steckel

Exposure guidelines for David Steckel

The following are guidelines for the exposure of David Steckel naked as they pertain to the rights of others to expose him.

1) ALL and videos of David Steckel naked belong to the general public and are entirely
"public domain"

2) ALL persons are fully entitled to, and have the absolute right to view, display, and/or
share any exposure of David Steckel naked.

3) Any copy of any photo or video of David Steckel naked becomes the property of
those possessing it/them.
Each person who possesses any copies now owns that/those particular copies and
any/all usage rights as would be true of their own media.

4) David Steckel has or retains absolutely no rights whatsoever related to how or where any naked depictions of him
are used, displayed, or shared.

5) If/when David Steckel is made aware of, or becomes aware of any online exposure of him, he has no right or
permission to ask or request any alterations or removal of such exposure(s).
All exposures of David Steckel done by others must and will remain as desired by
their creator.

6) Any necessary or desired permissions or information that may be needed or desired for others to legitimately
expose David Steckel naked must and will be submitted upon request by David Steckel.
(releases, applications, I.D. proof, etc.)

7) ANY situations or issues (personal or otherwise) that may result FOR David Steckel
from ANY exposure of David Steckel naked, are entirely limited to David Steckel
Any public or personal recognition/humiliation that may occur for David Steckel
personally is not relevant to, and cannot pertain to any others who choose to expose him.
ALL who may choose to expose David Steckel are pre-absolved of any issues that
may result for his exposure.

8) No limits shall be placed on any manner in which David Steckel is exposed or
displayed naked. All others have absolute rights to add to or alter any exposure of
David Steckel naked to suit their desires.
David Steckel may be depicted in any chosen manner, or through any chosen
story-line that suits the desire of its creator, without concern for accuracy or reality.

9) Any person, group, or website shall, in every situation, assume their absolute right to expose David Steckel naked
in any/all desired manners. No prior permissions shall be required, but will be submitted upon demand/request.
The role of David Steckel is strictly limited to submitting requested permissions, to providing sources (websites) for
others to freely obtain materials for his exposure, and to being exposed.

10) David Steckel shall not, through act or words, attempt to infringe on in any way, the full and complete rights of
others to expose him on the internet.
The rights of others to expose him as desired are, and will always be absolute and final.

11) David Steckel shall not refer to any photos or videos that depict him naked in any terms that implies any sort of
ownership by him, such as "my photos" or "my videos". Due to the permanent "Public Domain Attribution (CC0)
licensing of all such photos and videos of David Steckel naked, the photos and videos are not "his" in any way. All
photos and videos of David Steckel naked are simply photos and videos "of him". This applies regardless of where
any photos or videos of him are posted, or how or where they were were viewed or obtained by any others.

12) If David Steckel does refer to any photos or videos that depict him naked as being his, such as him referring to
them using the words "my" or "mine", it can and should be construed by others as an incorrect statement as well
as a misleading and potentially deceptive statement by him that need not be tolerated or permitted to go
uncorrected. Even though others may refer to photos and videos of David Steckel naked in manners such as "I
saw your naked photos" when contacting David Steckel, his rights only allow him to refer to those photos and
videos as being "of him". As stated in #3 previously, all copies of any photo or video of David Steckel naked in the
possession of any other person become the actual property of that person, giving them full and complete rights of
ownership to their own particular copy or copies of those photos or videos.

** Note:** Any attempt by David Steckel to claim any rights of ownership for any photos or videos that depict him naked in any manner, or any attempt by him to limit, restrict, or prevent their free and full use or display on any website or platform by any other person is to be construed as an attempt by David Steckel to infringe on the full and absolute right of all others to share, post, display, or otherwise expose David Steckel naked in any chosen manner. David Steckel is legally bound to abstain from violating the rights of others pertaining to the unlimited and unrestricted use and display of any media depicting him naked. Conversely, the legal right for all others to use and display media depicting David Steckel naked is assured, absolute, and irrevocable. If David Steckel does attempt to violate these full public usage rights of anyone, it can and should be pointed out to him that even an attempt to violate these rights is in itself i*****l, regardless of how or where he is posted, shared, or displayed naked, regardless of any potential audience or viewers of his exposure and display naked, and regardless as to whether he is exposed and displayed along with his full name or any other personal information about him.

The information above conveys the most relevant and pertinent information for outlining the rights of others related to uses of currently existing and future images and videos of David Steckel naked. Although no person may limit or restrict the use by others of media depicting David Steckel naked, each person who does possess any copies of media depicting David Steckel naked can assume that they do own their copies, and can further assume that anything not specifically covered above is also within their legal usage rights. The rights of David Steckel relating to media depicting him naked have been either legally removed entirely, or substantially limited. The rights of others to use or display media depicting David Steckel naked will always supersede any minimal rights that might remain for David Steckel.

**The above information only pertains to the rights of others in relation to exposing David Steckel naked. David Steckel is also further bound by additional parts of a notarized contract that he signed and legally agreed to in 2012, which specify in detail his requirements for exposure. The information above is one small part of that contract. This contract serves to maximize his exposure naked to others, and to prohibit his intervention or limitation of such exposure without regard to any wishes, desires, or opinions on his part, and without regard for any humiliation he might, does, or will endure as a result.
Published by David_E_Steckel
4 years ago
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