Kim's first night of lesbian pleasure

Kim's first night of lesbian pleasure

So maybe a tad bit too long, just stick with it ok.

It's that time of the afternoon when the fiercest heat of the day has subsided to a delicious warmth. Kim finishes her last lap of the pool and climbs out. She shakes her head and pats some of the water off herself with a towel. Then she walks to where she has left her things and lies down in the sun. She takes her book out of her bag and starts to read. She bets herself that she can read twenty pages before the girl in the white bikini appears.

She loses. The girl comes down the steps after only ten. Kim doesn't have a watch with her but she is sure that she does this at the same time every day. And, she thinks to herself, why not?

The girl smiles and says a quiet hello. Kim does the same. She watches as the girl picks a spot a few metres away from where kim is and spreads a blanket carefully on the ground. Then she undoes the knot at her breastbone that ties the length of cotton cloth she is wearing around herself and stands there in her bikini as she folds it up. Kim enjoys watching this. She's very pretty, with the kind of figure that kim has always admired, partly because it's rather like her own, slim, with small breasts and hips which are not exactly broad but still manage to be unmistakably feminine. The caramel colour of her tanned skin and the whiteness of the bikini emphasise her shape. Her dark brown hair, a shade or two darker than Kim's own, is straight and thick, but unlike kims, which is cut short, it's shoulder-length. Her features are strikingly delicate. A lovely girl kim thinks. She must be about Twenty.

The girl looks down at her body and then frowns. She says something, but kim doesn't hear it. Then she rummages in her bag and comes out with a bottle of tanning lotion. She sees kim watching her and grimaces.

"I forgot to put in on before I came out," she says, and gives a little laugh.

Kim watches as she squeezes some of the oil from the bottle into her hand and massages it into her body, beginning with her legs, then her arms, then her stomach and chest and neck. Her brown skin glistens in the places where she has applied it.

She looks across to kim and holds out the bottle. "Do you think you could help me?" she says. "My back?"

"Sure," kim answers. She puts down her book, gets up, and goes across to where the girl is standing. She takes the bottle from her.

"It'll probably be easier for you if I lie down," the woman says. "Is that OK?"

"Sure, ok" kim answers again. The girl lies down on her front, arms crossed above her head, and kim kneels to one side of her. She squeezes out some oil. It is reddish-brown and warm and sweet-smelling.

"Where do you want me to put it?" she asks.

"Could you begin with my shoulders and then do the rest of my back?"

Kim leans forward to oblige. The girl's skin is soft and warm to the touch and the oil spreads easily. Her back is covered with tiny hairs that have been bleached by the sun. The oil clings to them and makes them more visible. Her tan, kim notices, is uninterrupted by the thin white straps of her bikini top. Lee puts more oil into her hands and moves downwards, her hands feeling the knobs of the girl's vertebrae and the softness of her flanks.

By and by her hands reach the waistband of the bikini.

"Is that OK?" she asks.

"Would you mind doing my thighs and my bottom as well?" the girl asks in her quiet voice. "It's so easy to miss something there when you do it yourself."

Beginning at the backs of her knees, kim rubs oil into her thighs. The girl spreads her legs slightly to make it easier for her. The skin on her legs is very smooth and absolutely hairless, and the soft flesh yields beneath Kim's hands. When her fingertips reach the crease at the top of the back of the girls thighs, she squirms slightly and lets out a little gasp.

"Sorry," kim says. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No, not at all," the girl murmurs. "You've got a lovely touch. Please, do carry on."

The bikini bottom is one of those high-cut ones and the girl's buttocks are almost totally bare. Kim spreads the oil with the flats of her hands, working it in by rotating her thumbs and making sure she gets it everywhere. The brown hemispheres ripple slightly as she presses against them with her hands. Playfully, she gives one of them a little mock slap as she finishes. The girl lets out a squeak.

"There we are," kim says. "Finished."

"Mmm, pity," the girl laughs. "I was enjoying that. Like I said, you've got a lovely touch."

"Thank you," says kim. "It was my pleasure."

And it was, too, she thinks to herself. She enjoyed the feel of the girl's soft golden skin against her hands.

"Would you like me to put some on you?" the girl asks.

Kim hesitates.

"Go on," the woman says. "It'll be nice, I promise."

And it is. Kim lies on her front and the girl loads her hands with the warm oil and gently rubs it into her, in much the same way as kim herself had done. Kim too is wearing a bikini, although there's a bit more to hers than to the tiny one the girl is wearing, and kim too can't help letting out a little gasp now and then as the woman's hands touch her in places where she hasn't been touched by anyone else for a long time.

All too soon, the treat is finished. Just as kim had done, the girl gives her a playful slap to show that it's over.

Kim sits up. "Mmm, thank you," she says. "You've got a nice touch too."

The girl smiles.

"Why don't you get your stuff and come and join me? she asks.

"OK," she says after a second's thought, and goes to collect her things. When she comes back the girl, who is lying on her stomach, rolls over on to her side and holds out a hand.

"I'm Amber" she says.

Kim introduces herself and they lie down together side by side. Soon they are deep in conversation. Amber, it turns out, is not even Twenty, but Twenty-two. Her eyes, which are clear and brown, with long lashes, widen in surprise when kim tells her she's twenty-eight.

"You don't look it," she says, and then laughs in embarrassment. "You must think I'm really stupid," she says. "I don't mean twenty-eight is old or anything, but I thought you must be about the same age as me."

"Don't worry about it," kim says, laughing with her. "I'll take it as a compliment."

Amber laughs again, but it's obvious that she's still embarrassed. 

"So what are you doing here?" Kim asks, not wanting the conversation to stop.

Amber launches into an explanation of how she's here on a holiday with a group of people she has nothing in common with and whose company she is completely bored by. She seems happy of the chance to talk to kim about how she feels. Kim listens and then says that she's more or less in the same boat. She starts explaining how she was brought here by well-meaning friends after the break-up of a long-term relationship that went horribly wrong and that she appreciates their motives but she's just not really on their wavelength right now, and, without meaning to, she finds herself pouring out her heart to this person she's only just met.

"But this must be really boring for you," she says when what she's saying reaches some kind of natural halt.

"No," says Amber. "Not at all. Honestly." And she looks into Kim's grey eyes with her brown ones and smiles and reaches out and gives Kim's hand a squeeze with her own. She has nice fingernails, kim notices, and then laughs inwardly for noticing something so trivial in the middle of such a serious conversation.

Their talk moves on to other things. Lighter things. Things which make both of them laugh and smile and feel good inside.

And then Amber is looking at her watch and pulling a face and saying that she has to go because she needs to meet the people she's with, and she's standing up and tying the bright blue cotton cloth with the yellow flowers around her, and she's saying that she's had a lovely time talking to kim and that she hopes she'll see her later, and then she's walking away across the grass and up the steps and round the corner and out of sight, and kim is left there alone.

She picks up her book and starts trying to read, but she finds she can't concentrate any longer. After a while she stops trying and packs up. She decides to go to her room and take a long bath.

Kim doesn't see Amber in the evening. Her friends persuade her to go out with them and they stay in a garden restaurant till quite late. When they come back to the hotel, the others decide to go to the bar for a last drink. Kim pleads tiredness and leaves them to it.

Her room is hot, so after opening the window to let some air in she takes off her clothes and lies down on the bed in her underwear. She tries her book again, but she's not in the mood. Then she tries the TV, but there's nothing there that catches her attention, so she turns if off and lies there looking at the ceiling and thinking. And then, just as she is trying to make up her mind to finish undressing and turn off the light and go to sleep, there is a knock at the door. It's a quiet, almost diffident knock, quite different from the one her friends use. Who can it be at this time of night? 

While she is debating with herself what to do, she hears it again. She gets off the bed and pads across the room.

"Who's there?" she whispers through the door.

"It's me, Amber," comes a voice from the other side. "Am I bothering you?"

"No, no," kim says back, happy to hear Amber's voice.

"I thought you might be lonely and want some company," she hears through the door. "But if it's too late just say so and I'll go away."

"No, don't," kim says. "Just a second, though. I'm not exactly dressed for company."

"So let's leave it, then," Amber's voice answers through the door.

"No, really," kim says, eager for Amber not to leave. She turns the key in the lock and throws the door open, so that she greets her standing in the doorway wearing nothing but a skimpy powder-blue bra and matching briefs.

"Mmm, nice outfit," says Amber, scanning her from head to toe and smiling. "It suits you."

"I'll take that as another compliment," kim smiles back. She's always enjoyed wearing nice underthings and is pleased that Amber has noticed.

"Can I come in, then, or would you rather be alone?"

Kim ushers her in. Amber is wearing a banana yellow summer dress in some light material, with little orange flowers on it. It's short and simple and sleeveless and, like the bikini Lee has seen her wearing during the day, shows off her deep tan. Kim thinks she looks beautiful in it.

"Your outfit is nice, too," kim says.

"Do you think so?" says Amber, looking genuinely pleased to hear the words.

"Yes, you look gorgeous."

Their eyes meet for a moment. Then kim averts her gaze, without really knowing why. 

"Thank you," she says. "Coming from you, I appreciate that."

"I can't offer you anything to drink, I'm afraid," kim says.

"That's OK," Amber answers. "That's not what I came for. I came to see you."

"Well, you're certainly doing that," kim laughs, and gestures to herself.

Amber kicks off her shoes and sits down in the room's only armchair, crossing her shapely brown legs. Kim lies on her stomach on the bed and faces her. Within seconds, they are talking and laughing. Kim decides she is very happy Amber is there. 

As they talk and relax, Amber's dress rides up higher and higher, giving kim a view of the length of her tanned thighs. After a while Amber leans back in the armchair and uncrosses her legs. She hooks one of them over the arm of the chair, so that kim has a clear view of her thighs right up to her crotch. Her panties, kim notices, are the same colour as the dress. Kim looks at her, surreptitiously at first, then more openly. She is becoming more and more certain that Amber is exposing herself to her this way deliberately. The thought that Amber might be flirting with her had already crossed her mind more than once in the afternoon and now she is increasingly convinced she was right. She decides, a bit to her surprise, that not only doesn't she mind but she actually finds the idea rather exciting. She is sure her heart beats harder when she looks at the beautiful girl sitting there and remembers the feel of her body this afternoon when she was putting suntan oil on to it and the touch of her hands on her own shoulders and back and thighs.

There is a pause in the conversation. Their eyes meet.

"Can I ask you a question, Amber?" Kim asks.

"Sure," Amber smiles back.

"I can't help thinking that you're showing me a lot of yourself. Is it deliberate?" 

"What do you mean?"

"Well, look at the way you're sitting."

"Does it bother you, kim?"

"No," kim says, and becomes aware that she's starting to blush. "Well, not exactly."

"What, then?"

Kim doesn't answer. She just looks at Amber and shrugs. Amber leans forwards.

"Don't you like looking at me?"

Kim, blushing furiously, gives a little nod.

"And don't you think I like it?"

"Are...are you a lesbian, Amber? Kim blurts out.

"Would it bother you if I said I was?"

"I...I don't know. Really I don't."

"Well, yes i am," Amber answers in a quiet voice. She fixes her gaze on kim. "But I am attracted to you," she continues after a moment's hesitation. "And I do have this thing about attractive women. And you are very attractive, kim."

Well, thinks kim, that's out in the open, at any rate. And now what? She feels her stomach start to flutter with nervousness, a nervousness which she knows is also, if she is honest with herself, mixed with more than a little excitement.

"I thought so," kim says quietly.

"What about you, kim?" Amber asks by way of reply.

"It's only ever been guys for me," she says. But then, after a lengthy pause, she hears her own voice, as if it were somebody else speaking, say two more words. "So far."

Amber shifts position in her armchair. "You like me, don't you?"

Kim nods.

"You enjoyed touching me and me touching you this afternoon, didn't you?"

Kim nods again.

"It's up to you, kim," Amber says. "If you want me to stay, then I'd love to. There's nothing I'd like more right now than that. It's a very exciting idea for me; I get all wet just thinking about it. But if you want me to leave, I will, or, if you just want to carry on talking, then we can do that, too. Just say the word. Be honest with me; I won't mind."

Kim looks at the slim dark-haired girl in the bright yellow dress sitting opposite her and remembers the beauty of her body in the little white bikini by the pool, how she looked and how she felt, and her stomach isn't fluttering now, it's churning, there's no other word for it, and the nervousness and the fear of the unknown and of what Amber has always been trained to think of as the forbidden are still there, but the excitement, the sheer thrill of the idea of touching and being touched by this beautiful and eager girl, is growing and growing inside her, and, as Amber adjusts her position in the armchair and smiles patiently at her and Kim's eyes travel up her glowing brown legs, she knows in her heart of hearts that if she rejects this opportunity that life has thrown her way she will wonder for ever what she's missed.

"I'd like you to stay," she says in a trembling voice. And then she shrugs and gives Amber a quick smile. "I'm sorry," she says. "It's just that, you know..."

"Mmm, I think I do," Amber answers. "This is a strange situation, you've never done anything like this before, and it makes you nervous. Am I right?"

Kim nods.

"I can understand that. I was really nervous the first time, too."

"Really? That's hard to imagine. You seem so self-confident. When was it?"

"When I was eighteen, with a woman from down the street from where my parents live. I was terrified, but I was excited too, and curious, I suppose, and she was older and more experienced than me and she was patient and sweet and didn't push things and so in the end, well, I took the plunge and...and it was fantastic."

"So what do we do?" Kim asks, after a moment.

"There's no rush, is there?"

"No, but..."

"You want to break the ice? Something like that?"

"I suppose so."

"You know, it really is pretty hot in here, so how about if you help me get out of this dress for starters? Would that be OK?"

Kim smiles and nods. She stands up. So does Amber. 

"There's a zip at the back," Amber says. "Got it?"

Kim's fingers are trembling as they touch it. Then she pulls it down. It's a long one and opens to halfway down Amber's back. The dress opens up to reveal the same brown skin that kim was rubbing oil into just a few short hours ago and the thin straps of a bra the same colour as the panties kim has already seen. Kim can feel the warmth of Amber's body and smell the perfume she is wearing, something light and summery that she doesn't recognise.

"Thank you," Amber says, and in the same motion as the one in which she turns to face kim she pulls the dress down off her shoulders and allows it to fall from her body to the floor. She leaves it there and stands before kim in just the yellow bra, which is lacy and very low-cut, and her briefs, which are absolutely tiny, really nothing more than a little triangle of lace over her pubis and two thin straps to keep it up. For a moment the two of them don't move. They just stand there face to face and a little apart, hands by their sides, and look at each other. Kim's eyes drink in the beauty of Amber's face and body. She wonders what's going to happen next and swallows.

"Here we are, then," Amber says. She doesn't wait for an answer but takes a pace forward and catches each of Kim's hands in one of her own. They are standing very close together now and kim notices all sorts of little details about Amber that she hasn't noticed before - the sheen of the slight film of sweat on her skin, the pale blue blood vessels faintly visible beneath the caramel-coloured skin of her breasts, a vein that pulses in the side of her neck, the delicate shape of her ears, which are ornamented only with little silver studs in the form of tiny owls' heads, the arch of her eyebrows, and the way the pupils of her eyes keep changing size as they look into her own. The hands that hold her own feel pleasantly warm and dry.

Kim feels Amber pulling her gently towards her. She lets herself be pulled. Then she feels Amber releasing her hands and putting her arms around her so that her hands are now gently resting on the small of her back. Amber's face comes closer to her own, lips parted slightly to reveal even white teeth. Her eyes half-close as she tilts her head slightly to one side and brushes her mouth against Kim's. The contact sends a shudder of sheer excitement through kim. Amber draws back again and looks at her. She catches her lower lip between two of her teeth and gives a little frown. 

"Is anything wrong?" she asks. "Don't you want me to kiss you?"

"No, it's not that," kim answers. "You have to remember this is the first time I've done anything like this with another woman and it's all very new and exciting for me. But I do want you to kiss me. Of course I do."

Kim raises her own arms from by her sides and places her hands on Amber's shoulders. They smile softly at each other, and then it seems to kim as if Amber's face is coming towards hers again in slow motion. This time, when their mouths meet, Amber doesn't draw hers away but leaves it against Kim's, moving ever so slightly, their lips nuzzling together, enjoying the sensation of touching each other. Amber's mouth seems soft and tender and sweet-tasting to kim. She can feel the younger girl's nose against her cheek and the warmth of her breath on her face.

For long delicious minutes they kiss this way, the only contact between them their mouths brushing rhythmically together and their hands resting on each other's bodies. Then kim feels Amber's lips open and her tongue questing against her own mouth. She opens it and allows her own tongue to come out and meet it. Unhurriedly, they kiss with open mouths, exploring each other with their lips and tongues. Amber has a sweet taste to her unlike anything kim has ever experienced before. She's a very good kisser, kim thinks.

As the kiss continues, kim feels Amber's hands, still on the small of her back, pulling her closer to her. She wraps her own hands more tightly around Amber's shoulders and their bodies meld together. First their bellies, which, because of the way they are standing, are sticking out slightly, touch, withdraw, and then press into one another. Then Amber's chest comes to rest against Kim's so that their breasts are squashed against each other, and then kim feels the pressure of Amber's thigh between her own. It is a delicious sensation, the more so when Amber's hands move down to caress her buttocks through the silky material of her knickers.

Kim lets her own hands rove over Amber's smooth back. They encounter the straps of her bra. Kim eases them off her shoulders so that they hang loosely down, but when she reaches for the clasp she finds nothing but cloth.

Amber breaks the kiss and moves her torso away from Kim's.

"It's at the front," she says in a low voice. "Do you want me to undo it or would you like to?"

"Me," kim says, and lifts her fingers to do so. It opens easily and falls away, revealing Amber's breasts. Of course, kim has seen other women's breasts many times before, but never like this. They look rather like her own, she thinks, small but nicely-shaped, but, unlike hers, which, like all of her body, are a very pale café au lait colour, almost creamy, Amber's are tanned the same golden shade as the rest of her. Her nipples, kim notices, are small and neat and as dark as milk chocolate. 

"Beautiful," she breathes, looking at them. She reaches out with the fingertips of her right hand to touch one of them. It has the same texture she is familiar with from the times she has explored her own, a mixture of softness and firmness that feels magical to the touch. She runs the tip of her thumb across Amber's nipple, which grows as she does so, so that it feels hard and rubbery. The sensitive areola around it puckers and all over Amber's bare breast goosebumps appear. As kim continues to fondle her, she hears Amber's breath coming in little gasps. Hearing this makes kim feel wonderful; it's very exciting for her to realise the effect her touch is having on the younger woman.

Their eyes meet. Amber smiles at kim, her gaze unfocused, and with one of her hands she brushes a stray strand of dark brown hair away from her eye.

"For someone who says she's never done anything like this before you seem to have a pretty good idea of what to do," she murmurs.

"Not really," kim answers. "I'm just doing what I like having done to me.'

"Is that a hint?" Amber laughs.

"No," kim says, but she is pleased anyway when she feels Amber's hands reaching behind her back to find the clasp of her own bra. It comes undone easily and Amber tugs the straps away from her shoulders. It falls between them and Amber throws it to the floor. And then her hands are on Kim's breasts, gently exploring their curves, savouring their weight and texture, and as Amber plays with them waves of pleasure wash over kim. It's been such a long time since anybody's touched me this way, she thinks to herself, and oh, how I've missed it. One arm round Amber's shoulders, she closes her eyes in delight and abandons herself to the blissful sensations the woman's caresses are sending through her.

"You've got lovely nipples," Amber says, rolling one of them between her thumb and forefinger. Kim opens her eyes and looks. She can't remember ever seeing her own nipples so engorged. Amber bends her head and takes one of the pinkish-brown nubbins in her mouth, one minute taking it between her lips, the next running her tongue over it, then teasing it with her teeth, and then sucking on it and stretching it to a length kim can barely believe. Groaning with the sheer pleasure of what this beautiful young woman is doing to her, she runs her fingers through Amber's hair with one hand and lets the other rest on her shoulders as she bends in front of her and worships her breasts with her mouth, first one, then the other, until she is literally shuddering with the excitement of it.

Amber looks up.

"You're cold," she says, in a concerned way.

"No, I'm not." Kim smiles and strokes her hair. "You know better than that, Amber. This isn't because I'm cold."

"OK, but what about going to bed anyway?"

"Yes, I'd like that," kim answers.

Hands held together, standing slightly apart, they kiss once more, mouth on mouth, tongue meeting tongue. Then kim releases Amber's hands and turns towards the bed. It's a double, with plain white bedding. She bends and draws back the cover. Then she makes as if to remove the skimpy powder-blue briefs that are now all she has on. Amber catches her hands with her own before she can do so. Kim looks questioningly over her shoulder.

"Not yet," Amber says. "I want to do that, but a bit later. Not now."

"OK," kim smiles, and sits on the edge of the bed. Amber sits beside her and puts an arm around her shoulder. Kim responds by putting her own arm around Amber's waist and they resume their kissing, their free hands roving over each other's breasts and bellies, delighting in the soft warmth of their bodies. Sitting there with Amber's mobile mouth locked against her own, her hand cupped around one of the younger girl's breasts while Amber draws her fingertips across her stomach, her touch alternating between letting the soft pads at their ends trail across the sensitive skin and then dragging her hand back so that kim can sense the sharpness of her nails, kim feels light-headed with excitement.

Amber's hand moves to Kim's knee.

"I love women's legs,' she murmurs. "They're so soft, so smooth, so different from a guy's. Just feel how beautiful the texture of your thigh is."

She moves Kim's hand from her breast so that it rests on her own thigh.

"Isn't that marvellous?" she says.

Kim doesn't answer. She just returns her hand and resumes her dreamy fondling of Amber's swollen nipple. She is fascinated by it. Amber starts to stroke Kim's thighs, just touching them with the very tips of her fingers, beginning with the roundness of her knees and then, very slowly, very gradually, in no hurry at all, extending the length of her strokes so that at the limit of her upward caresses her hand starts to stray ever closer to Kim's crotch, until the sensation has kim squirming on the edge of the bed and beginning to whimper and moan with the desire she feels to have Amber touch her there.

Sensing Kim's mounting sense of urgency, Amber teasingly makes the upward progress of her fingers even slower, halting when she is just a hair's breadth away from the elastic of Kim's knickers, concentrating on her inner thigh, where the skin is at its softest and most tender. By now kim is panting with eagerness. Amber pushes her gently down on to the bed so that she is lying on her back but with her feet still on the floor, while Amber is sitting sideways on to her.

Amber looks down at her and gives a lazy smile. Like a cat, kim thinks. Her eyes move down from Kim's face to her body, to the bare breasts, now flattened against her ribcage, to her heaving stomach, to her creamy thighs, which are now slightly spread, and then up to her face again.

"Oh, kim," she says, very softly, and lets one of her hands rest at the very top of Kim's thigh. "Do you want me as much as I want you?"

Kim nods. She doesn't trust herself to speak right now. She feels as if all of her is somehow concentrated between her legs. She's never known a feeling like it before.

And then Amber's hand brushes lightly across the soft fabric covering her pubis. The sensation is searingly intense; kim gasps and writhes at her touch.

"Sensitive, eh? And so hot, so, so hot. And so wet too, I'm sure. Are you wet for me, kim?"

Kim nods again. Amber gives her a broad smile that lights up her whole face and then bends to give kim a kiss.

"Let's find out, shall we?"

Again Amber lets her hand make gentle contact with the cloth of Kim's briefs, but this time she trails her index finger between the spread thighs and move to and fro against the material, feeling the heat and moisture that comes out from inside it.

"Oh, kim," Amber says. "You feel fantastic." And with this she slides her hand into the waistband of Kim's briefs, her fingertips prowling through the moist jungle of Kim's pubic hair and then moving further down to settle on her vulva. By now it feels to kim as if she is molten down there. She is aware of Amber's questing fingers parting her labia and seeking out the hot wet interior of her sex, exploring her most intimate place, and then one of them is on her clitoris and she can feel waves of pleasure of a sort she hasn't felt for a long time flowing over her from the other woman's touch.

"Oh yes," she groans. "Oh please, Amber, please," and thrusts her hips against the hand that is giving her such sweet delight.

"Just a minute," Amber coos. "I think it's time for these to come off now."

At the sides, where the silky material of Kim's underwear is at its narrowest, Amber takes it between the forefingers and thumbs of both her hands and tugs downwards. Kim raises her pelvis to help her and the wisp of cloth slides down easily over her thighs. Impatiently, kim raises one leg out of them and kicks them off the other, then moves on her back so that she is spreadeagled in the middle of the bed, lying there utterly naked, her legs wide spread so that her sex is completely opened up to the adoring gaze of Amber, who is now kneeling between Kim's legs, her eyes glued to what she sees there. Although kim can't see how she looks right now, she can imagine. Amber reaches out with a hand, touching, opening kim up completely to her gaze and making her writhe with lust. 

"You've got a beautiful pussy," Amber says, staring. And then, suddenly, her hands are on Kim's thighs, forcing them still further apart, and that beautiful head of hers is bending between Kim's legs and kim hears the sharp sound of her inhalation as she buries her nose in Kim's pubic hair, which is matted and damp with her sweat and juices. As if in a fevered dream, she feels Amber's mouth descend on her vulva, her lips lapping against her labia, her teeth nipping gently at the tender flesh, her tongue snaking up inside her, and then, bliss of bliss, Amber takes her clitoris between her nibbling teeth, teasing it out from its hood, and, with kim moaning uncontrollably and thrashing from side to side, Amber uses her skilful tongue, now running the length of Kim's slit, now artfully playing with her clitoris. She quickly senses what rhythm will suit kim and, as her mounting excitement becomes obvious, increases the tempo and the pressure until Kim's back arches and she howls out loud as she is seized by a whole series of spasms deep inside her that make her feel as if she is breaking in two. Even as she is in the middle of it, the thought that this must surely be the most intense orgasms she has ever had comes into her head, but then the sensation becomes too intense for thought and she allows herself to be carried away by the sheer bliss of the moment.

Coming back to earth, kim becomes aware of Amber's head resting on one of her thighs. She is gently caressing the other with one of her hands. Kim reaches down with one of her own hands to stroke Amber's hair.

"That was lovely," she says softly.

Amber raises her eyes to meet kims.

"Good," she says. "I wanted it to be."

"How was it for you?" Kim says, and they both laugh at the way the old cliche comes out.

"It was lovely for me too," Amber answers, her gaze fixed on Kim's face. "You have no idea how good your pussy tastes."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Sweetheart, if you knew that, this wouldn't be the first time you were in bed with another woman."

"Maybe you're right. Come and kiss me. I want to taste what it is about me that you think is so good."

Amber smiles a wicked smile and slides up the bed so that she is lying by Kim's side and face to face with her.

"You want it, you've got it," she says, and presses her lips, glistening with Kim's fluids, against Kim's own eager mouth. Just as when they kissed before, the light bouquet of the perfume Amber is wearing fills kims nostrils, but now it is mixed with something else, a musky female fragrance that kim recognises as her own. She's always quite liked her own scent and has never had any problem understanding what it might do for somebody else, but up to now it had never occurred to her that it might be a turn-on for herself. Now, though, she laps away eagerly at Amber's mouth with her own, savouring her own taste and aroma all mixed up with Amber's natural scent and her perfume. For long minutes they kiss this way, their bodies pressed together and their arms wrapped round each other.

"See what I mean?" Amber whispers softly when at last they break off the kiss.

By way of answer kim lets one of her hands, the one that isn't attached to the arm wrapped around Amber's shoulders, fall on one of Amber's bare breasts. It feels hard to her touch. She plays with it for a while, then lets her fingernails trail down across the soft skin of Amber's side, lingering for a moment at the angle where her waist is at its narrowest and then following the curve of her hip until it reaches the place where the thin strap of her underwear forms a depression in her flesh. She runs her fingertips along the cloth, round to the soft roundness of Amber's abdomen. They rest there.

Their eyes meet. Amber's are shining and kim notices that she is trembling slightly. So is kim. Amber opens her mouth as if to speak, but just at that moment kim slides the flat of her hand inside her panties and no words come out, just a hiss of indrawn breath. A second later it's Kim's turn to gasp, as instead of the mat of hair she was expecting her hand to encounter she gets bare skin all the way down to where Amber's slit begins. Eyebrows raised, she turns a quizzical look on the younger girl.

"Surprise, surprise," Amber says, and giggles. "Want to see?"

Kim nods enthusiastically and Amber sits up. Using both hands, she peels off her panties in one practised movement and tosses them off the bed and on to the floor. Then she leans back on to the bed so that once more she is lying on her back by Kim's side, propped up on her elbows and her legs drawn up and bent at the knee, and smiles up at kim.

Keeping her eyes fixed on Amber's, kim places her hand on her belly and very deliberately moves it down until the heel of her hand is cupping Amber's depilated mons and her fingers are between her spread legs. She curls them until they meet Amber's vulva and, for the first time ever, she is touching another woman's sex. It feels smooth and hot, and then, when she uses her fingers to part Amber's outer labia, very wet. As she feels kims fingers spreading the lips of her pussy and continuing inside, Amber swallows and takes her lower lip between two of her teeth.

"Don't stop," she groans. "Please."

Kims fingers flutter over Amber's vagina, exploring its intricate creases and folds and textures and making it still wetter, before finding her clitoris, which she starts to play with in the same way that she likes having done to herself. Amber shifts her position slightly to help her. Without stopping the motion of her hand, kim kisses her full on the mouth again, tasting her own fragrance on Amber once more. She can sense how Amber is squirming and trembling with excitement.

"Would you like me to eat you?" she asks softly.

"Yes," Amber gasps. "I'd love you to."

Leaving her hand where it is, kim, her eyes closed tight in concentration, kisses her way down Amber's body, pausing for a moment to nibble on her breasts, then moving on again, pressing her lips against the softness of her belly, tracing her prominent hipbone, and finally arriving at the top of her leg. She opens her eyes. Amber's naked sex is right in front of her, framed between her tanned thighs, which are spread wide. Kim thinks that she has never seen anything quite so erotic in her life. She watches avidly as her fingers play with it, delighting in the contrast between its pinkness and the deeply tanned skin around it, in its soft folds, in how hot and wet and shiny it is inside. 

A drop of thick-looking liquid runs out from inside Amber's pussy. Kim traps it on one of her fingertips and raises it to her mouth. She licks it, ostentatiously, and catches Amber's eye.

"I'm starting to see what you mean," she says. "You taste like me, only different. I like it."

Amber groans again. As kim bends her head towards Amber's vulva she can feel her heart pounding inside her. The thought flashes across her mind that this is one of those moments you don't get very often in life, one of those moments after which nothing is ever going to be quite the same again, and then the lips of her own mouth are against the lips of Amber's sex and her nose fills with the other woman's musky female scent, so reminiscent of her own and yet subtly and thrillingly new as well. Each of her hands cupping one of Amber's buttocks firmly, she kisses her way up and down her outer labia, then uses her nose to push them gently apart and open her up even more than she already is. She takes each of Amber's inner labia in turn in her mouth, pressing them between her lips, nibbling gently at them, and running her tongue over their contours as slowly and sensuously as she is able. Then she lets her tongue go as far as it can into the hot interior of Amber's vagina, stay there for a second, and then brings it out again. After repeating that a few times, she allows the tip of her tongue to brush lightly against Amber's clitoris, which is much bigger and more prominent than her own. The effect is electric. Amber lets out a fierce gasp and twists her whole body to one side and then the other.

"Yes, yes!" she sobs.

Encouraged, thrilled that she is giving Amber such pleasure, kim licks her there again. And again and again, as Amber, in her eagerness, grinds herself against her face, grunting and gasping as kim brings her ever closer to a climax, and then, when it finally hits her, holding her whole body rigid and taking Kim's hair in her hands before collapsing into a whimpering soft heap as kim gives her one final gentle lick and then moves her head so that it is resting on her thigh.

For a while they lie there like that together, both naked, Amber on her back with her legs spreadeagled and her brown hair spread like a fan on the pillow, kim on her belly between Amber's legs, each thinking her own thoughts, happy in the moment. And then Amber breaks the silence.

"Come here, kim," she says in her soft voice.

Lee climbs up the bed and lies beside her. Amber turns to face her. They embrace and kiss tenderly.

"I lied to you, kim," Amber says.

"What do you mean?"

"This afternoon, when I told you I'd forgotten to put my sun cream on. I hadn't. I'm not that stupid. I did it deliberately. I wanted to get a chance to talk to you."

"So I'm glad you lied to me," kim murmurs. "And now come and kiss me some more. There are other things more important than talking right now. After waiting all those years to find out what it was like with another woman I've got a lot of catching up to do..."
Published by Female_body
4 years ago
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Makemine 10 months ago
anoldpunkrocker 1 year ago
Beautifully written - thanks
nipsie 1 year ago
Very nice!
ukusaok 2 years ago
 I wish I was a Lesbian
Myka125 2 years ago
A delightful read, made us feel warm. and tender .... ?
jd76501 2 years ago
So erotic love her tastes for pussy
boundriepusher 3 years ago
 Beautiful and definitely not too long. Thanks. 
well written, great mutual seduction wish I was sitting in the shadows, unseen, just watching
xx1236 3 years ago
The beauty of lesbian sex is that it can on forever. Orgasm after orgasm...With men it's pretty much One and DONE  LOL
mscotton12 3 years ago
Sapphic eroticism at her finest !
GimmeHead1 3 years ago
That was a Very Hot Story. 
Female_body Publisher 3 years ago
to biancagrl : Thankyou for taking 5he time to read.
Reply Show original comment
biancagrl 3 years ago
Wonderful reading! Wish I could be in one of your stories!
erotic 1st time, sexy descriptions 
xx1236 4 years ago
Extremely well written erotic story..!!
Ann9rx 4 years ago
Very hot story    
asgarth 4 years ago
excellent,got me so horny
prime-frank 4 years ago
Wow, You certainly have a wonderful command of writing and Lust, TY. Peace.
dirtyoldman50 4 years ago
I enjoyed this story very much. Thanks for sharing.
SancheZ069 4 years ago
Hot :smile:
mscotton12 4 years ago
Highly Erotic
hardon1 4 years ago
So sensual, Lauryn!...Kim was so eager to learn the benefits of sexual exploration from her younger friend.....and totally blown away by the resulting ecstacy it gave her....that she just wanted more....and more!........And so do we!.......
gorgeous, loved this xx
Abi___1998 4 years ago
Hey you, sweetie. Long time no chat? This story is cute btw. X
ella_69 4 years ago
A long read. Its almost a book. Its lovely th read though. Stay safe lauryn. X
goldswing90 4 years ago
What a wonderful read I could not stop myself getting wet and turned on .Thank you for sharing xxx
It was a pleasure reading this story. Thank you :smile:
michael_love 4 years ago
This is hot, lauryn. The best seduction ever. Amber knew exactly what she wanted. And got her girl. A very good read from start to finish.
sapholover 4 years ago
I LOVED reading your short novel, Lauryn. Honestly, I would be proud to be the autor of this litlel treasure. You have definitely a real talent for depicting, in a sensual and subtle manner, the sweet, soft and exquisitely «long« rising of the desire between two women. Just reading your novel gives me the envy to write another erotic novel. I'm hasty to read other gems of yours. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, etc.
milroy 4 years ago
brilliant story and not too long at all - teasing with the panties kept on till almost the end built up the sexual tension - lets have more!