The Disoriented Express (raw first draft)

The Disoriented Express (raw first draft)

I had been sent by my company, one of the largest manufacturers of electronic devices (that I’ll keep anonymous herein), to Karachi to provide training to two of our overseas offices on an internal custom software application we used for shipping. I took a room at a local four star hotel for a week and the training was conducted and everything went perfectly. I was then supposed to fly to Peshawar and repeat the same session with our other office and fly home. As luck would have it, that’s when Murphy’s Law reared it’s ugly head. My flight to Peshawar had been overbooked and the next available flight would be in five days. I inquired about alternative transportation options and discovered that my company wouldn’t foot the bill for a driver because they had concerns about the security of such a trip. While I was on a HR conference call, one of my coworkers in Karachi learned of my predicament and suggested that I could take an “overnighter” train to Peshawar that might only take two days. HR in the US agreed and booked the trip. The train would leave that evening and arrive in Peshawar in just over forty hours. I packed, checked out and then headed for the station.

It was very crowded in the terminal building. Lines of people and luggage, pallets of goods and even livestock, snaked around the loading platforms. Train conductors and other uniformed men conversed loudly and pointed, their bosses shouted orders to them over the loud engine noises. The general cacophony of the masses pressed in and added a claustrophobic feel. I found my train and displayed my electronic confirmation to a young man in a blue uniform and cap who stood on the platform between two cars. He gave me a big smile and told me my sleeping berth was number sixty-six but that I could sit anywhere on the train I pleased. Where I expected a name tag, his shirt was embroidered with "Porter". I thanked him and asked where he thought that the best place to sit was? He leaned close and told me in a conspiratorial fashion, with a wink, that I’d probably enjoy a small booth in the dining car. I thanked him and asked directions to " sixty-six" so I could secure my bags. He gave me directions and suggested that I return to him once I had secured my luggage, that he would arrange early access to the dining car.

About 15 minutes later, I returned and waited behind him on the landing between cars. I leisurely observed his interaction with the other passengers. He was quite young and very dark skinned and I thought he might be more Indian than Pakistani from his accent. I noticed that he had a slightly pleasant odor about him that reminded me of Javadhu powder, earthy and reminiscent of the forests. He smiled often and seemed jovial as I stood behind him. A man and woman appeared at the front of the line and after a conversation that I couldn’t hear, the Porter helped them up into the train where they stood to my left. I assumed, as it turned out, correctly, that they’d be joining me in the dining car.

The man was wearing a white linen suit and a white fedora and the woman was dressed in a more traditional but elegant shalwar kameez embroidered with flowers and swirling designs. I thought she was absolutely gorgeous. I could make out a hint of her full breasts pushing her front out as she moved with a confident sway to her hips in her high heals. I also noticed the glitter of a gold chain around her right ankle which got my interest due to my perverse fetishes.

When all the passengers had boarded, the Porter turned and unlocked the door to the dining car which led forward to a passenger hallway flanked on one side by windows and the other by three doors, two were "lavatories" and the third, “No Admittance”. The dining car proper consisted of several large four person booths and behind them a small bar area which was had two small two-person booths on one side and a standup piano on the other side. I walked around the bar and took the last small booth admiring the layout of the once opulent, but now aging and decaying, dining car. The man in the white linen suit and the woman I had observed earlier took the booth next to mine. He and I were now facing each other through a privacy grill that separated our two booths above the seat backs and she had sat facing him with her back to me.

The train eventually whistled twice and rolled slowly out of the station. Soon other passengers filled the dining car and the young Porter returned and made his way around the room talking to each booth for a few moments and moving on until he stopped beside the couple next to me. I could not hear their conversation completely but I gathered the man wanted the conductor to escort his lady to one of the WC’s because he didn’t want to risk losing their booth other passengers. I contemplated introducing myself and offering my services but the man and the woman seemed to come to an agreement and the man removed a bill from his wallet and pressed it into the young Porter’s hand. The woman held out her bare hand and the Porter helped her swivel out of the booth. I didn't have the same view as the Porter had, but I saw the Porter's expression and he seemed turned to stone as he looked down between her spread knees. She glanced my way while licking her lips. She had deep, dark, brown eyes. I made note of her lush full red lips, the tasteful amount of make-up. I reached down and noticeably, I'm afraid, adjusted my now hard cock, painfully constricted where it lay when it woke up. Her full rear end swiveled my way, just a foot or so away, from where I sat. Her scent was intoxicating.

The young Porter turned and escorted the well dressed woman through the dining car and disappeared from view. The man was now facing me across the grilled panel that dividd our two booths. He seemed like handsome enough Pakistani fellow, well dressed in his white linen summer suit. He caught me looking at him through the grill and nodded, to which I politely nodded back. We both sat quietly and watched the Pakistan desert roll by. Twenty or so minutes passed before his wife and the Porter returned.

What happened next stunned me.

Before the woman sat down again, she leaned down as her husband looked up. Their lips met and I could plainly see their two tongues twisting together as I stared through the grill that separated us. They prolonged this mouth to mouth foreplay for at least twenty or thirty seconds before I realized that the young Porter was also standing beside our two booths and intently watching. The mature woman slid back into her seat as they completed the kiss and the man gestured toward the Porter who stepped over and leaned close to hear him. They spoke for a minute and then the man got up and he and the Porter made their way back through the dining car and disappeared again. I sat there, looking at the rear of the woman’s head as she pulled out a compact and began to re-applied her lipstick. I could see her sensuous mouth in the reflection and a sheen of a whitish clear fluid on her cheek.

In my mind, my dirty, filthy mind, I imagined this woman had just given that young conductor a messy blowjob and then she’d returned and snowballed the Porter's cum into the other gentleman’s mouth. My normal mind said no chance, there is some other explanation. My dick though, shouted hell yeah and was standing tall. I sat for a few more minutes and finally had gotten the urge to piss too. So, I got up and tipped my hat to the lady as I turned around and made my way back through the car towards the WC.

When I reached the WC room off the passenger gangway, really an actual closet not only in name and but also fact, I entered and found two narrow stalls, an occupied one next to the window and the other unoccupied one squeezed next to it and a wall. They faced a small sink with a mirror over it and an overfilled waste can full of paper towels. I noticed a crude hole carved between the stalls big enough to put a fist through. I left my door swinging free and standing over the squat toilet pulled out my, by this time semi-limp, cock. Standing quiet and listening to the constant clack of the train wheels I waited for the stream to flow. Just as my relief started I heard a groan coming from the stall next door and a hand suddenly grabbed the top of the stall’s wall from the other side rattling it.

“You cur”, I heard an unknown man exclaim roughly. “You gave my wife your man juice without considering the consequences. Push your ass back on my cock all the way or else I might take it out and shove my whole arm up there.”

I looked down through the hole between us and could make out two sets of legs both with their trousers dropped to the floor and facing toward the back wall. The front pair stood in the leg holes of the blue cotton trousers of the Porter, the back set of legs stood in a jumble of white linen.

“Push, you young dog. She won’t give up her ass to me anymore but your’s is as hot and tight as any Karachi virgin. Did you only take her mouth or did she succeed in getting your big uncut meat in her pussy. Tell me the truth or it’ll be worse for you.” The man said.

“Sahib”, the Porter exclaimed. “I only did what she asked. I didn’t want to shoot in her but she had her claws in me and wouldn’t let me out. She made me feed it to her afterward. I didn’t want to do it Sahib, I swear for your forgiveness. Oh, you’re right up me now. Oh, don’t take it out.”

I straightened up and glanced over the top of the stall, the man’s head rose up and our eyes met for the second time.

“Be a good chap and lock the door” he said politely while looking at me. I couldn’t only see half his face but I knew he was speaking to me because I was the only other person there. I backed up and turned to do latch the door, which I did just in time, as someone on the other side rattled the handle impatiently.

I realized that I was now locked inside this little room. If I unlocked the door and exited, whomever was outside would catch this horny pair.

“Turn around you cur and grab the sink. I want to see Porter's face, the young dog that filled my wife with seed. There is a always a price Porter turn around so I can see your face when you take my salty enema. .”

There was a lot of shuffling and groaning and squeezing and I had doubts but they managed to get around the other way. The young Porter, his hat askew, grabbed the sink from both sides. His trousers still around his ankles constricted the distance he could stretch his legs. Porter squeezed his eyes shut and arched back as the man in the white linen suit gripped his hips firmly with both hands. The man’s suit shirt was unbuttoned revealing his sweaty but well formed chest as he slowly sawed his thick cock in and out of the Porter's anus.

“Look you swine! The American is watching me fill your ass. He was staring at my wife too but she only has eyes for the young. It looks like the American wants to take you too. Look at his thick old cock standing out.”

I suddenly realized I was standing there with my hard-on waving about. I reached down and stroked it. The man in the white linen suit stopped. Fully penetrated to his balls within the heavily panting Porter, he calmly looked over at me.

“Does Mr. American want this amazingly snug orifice or would Mr. American prefer my wife? he asked. “What do you think you dog?” He grunted as he pushed into Porter again.

“The American wants your wife Sahib, please, please don’t take it out. I beg you” the Porter groaned and wiggled on the man as if stuck on a skewer. I noticed Porter’s cock for the first time and it was enormous. The head of his monster poked out of a collar formed by his foreskin and dripping fluids. I imagined him taking the cunt of the white suited man’s wife and filling her with cum with that monster cock. It finally dawned on me, that she must have sat down in front of me back at the booth, with a big, stretched out, Porter creampie.

“I want your wife.” I blurted out. They were the first words I’d spoken during this whole ordeal. I was gripping my cock hard but not stroking anymore. I wanted to save it in case there was any chance I’d get a shot at that elegant ass of his wife.

“Fuck, I’m going to cum in you. Fucking dog. My cock is all the way up your hot tight ass. Take it all now.” exclaimed the man in the white linen suit. He grabbed onto thePorter’s shoulders and jerked his body forward as he shot his salty hot semen inside the young man. His abdomen and thighs pushed the Porter up on his toes where the young man convulsed and his big dick started shooting big gobs of cum all over the floor.

The man in the white linen suit yanked his impossibly still-hard cock out and I heard a massive farting gurgle sound. Cum flowed out of the conductor’s ass and puddled on the floor.

“Wash my cock in the sink, dog” the man told the Porter who then knelt and began to rinse the man’s still hard and bouncy erection. He looked down at him as the Porter rinsed his soiled shaft. “I want you to go get my wife. Tell her your Sahib needs her immediately. Escort her back here and then I may let you stay and watch the American at work. Get your trousers on and go. Do it now.”

The Porter jumped up, grabbed his belt and while still fumbling with his pants, left, closing and locking the door from the outside with his key.

The man in the white linen suit turned and walked towards me. His cock an angry red, sore looking but hard and poking up towards me. He stopped as the corona at the tip touched mine. He reached down and firmly grasped my cock so that it ran up his wrist and made wet spot on his arm.

“Your old cock is still strong and firm like a Paki Sahib. I’d be honored if you’d take my wife’s pussy together with me. We can fill her side by sider and show her that two old cocks are better than one young one, no matter what size. Can you do that with me, Mr. American? She will sit on me and the Porter will fit us together. I want to feel your thick American cock shoot inside her all over the crown of mine own. I want to swim in your seed.” He looked into my eyes and smiled.

He was still smearing my precum around on the head of my cock with his thumb and bouncing the two of us together when the door opened.
Published by oldcucksf
4 years ago
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Call me Porter
Great scene. I'd like to fuck his wife with that porters cock in my mouth
to oldcucksf : its awesome, would love to read part two
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to gambit5077 : I need to rewrite this whole thing. Not the substance, just wording and phrasing. 
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waiting to hear more of this
to gambit5077 : HOT
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Wow, very hot!
loved it so far, perfect description