Matt Ryder

Matt Ryder

I finally got dressed up to go out, for the Frst Tme, I drove to a to a gas station later at night off the highway and got out to pump gas..most dont seem to notice except the man who hears sexy heels clicking on the pavement .. I seen him watching me and noticed a huge bulge in his pants.. I hadnt counted on this..i as just going out to test passablity.i got my gas and went in and paid , picking up a jug of washer fluid . I went back to my car as the good looking guy was "stil pumping"... I pulled my car over to the side of the building so i could fill the washer fluid.
I popped the hood and got out wearing heels in public for the first time.. omg, it it so hard to walk in them on stone, and no light.

Leaning over the open hood of my car, thinking " do it tomorrow"...
when i hear a voice directly behind me ...

Oh , u scared me...

...I was just trying to Fill this

He says hi my name is Matt, Matt Ryder, maybe I can help?

I'm Ashly, Ashley Tightie...

and yeah i can use some help

Let me get a flashlight from the glove box... stupid heels, fell and twisted my ankle...
Thanks for helping me up Matt, don't worry about the washer fluid, i should go now, it's really dark and my ankle isn't well..
You tell me "That was a nasty spill, and u can't drive like that.

You are right Matt, can u call me a cab?"

You try calling me a cab but no luck this late at night

wtf, i just wanted to go out for my first time dressed in public.

now i have a sore ankle and can't drive.

You say... c'mon i will take u home and u can get your car later.
ok... if u don't mind Matt, I will repay you later

Published by ashley_tightie
4 years ago
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And you're doing an excellent job I'm getting excited just reading
The start to my first Fictional, (wish it was real) attempt at writing 