Getting laid tips for men! (How to fuck more women

Getting laid tips for men! (How to fuck more women

A list of tips for men on getting laid!

-Sign up for as many free online dating sites as possible. Collect # & emails of women in your area.
-Be confident and try to show less interest.
-Have tons of women for back up warming up in the bullpen. Collect # & emails. Never throw out a # even if you get serious with someone. Always have a plan B.
-Check out Tom Leykis on youtube.
-Start working out and dress better.
-Wear nice cologne.
-Don't try too hard with women because we can smell your fear.
-Be a little bit of a bad boy. If you don't give a fuck you will get fucked.
-Always use condoms to prevent being a daddy. Don't trust women that say they are using birth control.
-Focus on improving your own life so women will come to you.
-Invest at least 10% of your income. (401 K at work, IRA Roths every year)
-Read more so you can converse with women. (Use your local library)
-Always have your own hobbies and passions. (Never give those up for a woman)
-Always remain a mystery to women and let them know you have other options.
-Women will change after marriage so no marriage. Check out don't get married tom leykis on youtube.
-Either you are a payer or a player. You decide how women view you in life.
-Avoid movies & dinner for first time online meet ups. First time you meet a woman online its a meet not a date. Meet up at free or low cost places like (Bookstores, parks during the day, cafe, mall) No spending money until you know she likes you!
-Never co-sign or mix finances with a woman. Keep everything separate!
-Check out Don't get married stupid! youtube
-Practice asking out hot strange women. Try doing it when you are on vacation just to get the experience. What the hell do you have to lose?
-Look your best always but don't try so hard. Don't be a metrosexual.
-Keep some gruff/little bit of facial hair on your face.
-Never ask a woman to kiss her just do it.
-Sometimes you will strike out just like every great home run hitter. Have no worries!
-Keep your male friends and never give up who you are if you get a girlfriend.
-Never depend on a woman.
-Get on the following free dating sites (Pof, datehookup, ok cupid, evow othr free sites out there)
-Avoid long distance women unless you are going just for one time. No long term relationships with long distance women)
-Avoid i*****l immigrants that most likely just want a green card. (Google marriage fraud) Not worth the risk!
-Never jump thru hoops for any woman. All women have some drama but avoid the high drama women that demand to be spoiled.
-No Miss Piggy type women. Avoid loud, brassy, hot tempered women.
-Never lend money to women. You usually end up losing both the woman and the money.

You can lose lots of money chasing women, but you will never lose women chasing money.

Published by toesuckinggirl
12 years ago
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hairyseeker69 12 years ago
I'll agree on most of these, but the one about "Never ask a woman to kiss her just do it."

Here is what I do, after seeing her on a date which by the way, I'll reward her with taking her out for a dinner, after she gives me what I want...(sex). I don't take her out to dinner or go anywhere with her unless she is putting out.

Anyway, if it is the 1st time seeing her, I'll either just go for it, and kiss her like it says up above or I will ask her if I can kiss her. When she says yes, I'll say, I might do that next time.

When I see her, next time...I pretend like I forgot all about asking her if I could give her a kiss.

And when the time is right, I'll just kiss her. There is no need to ask her again, she already said yes before. Remember.
toesuckinggirl Publisher 12 years ago
The stock market is great if you are a long term investor. I'm for IRA Roths, drips and against options and annuitities. Banks don't even keep up with inflation so we disagree on investing. Oh yeah women can take your investments. Best thing is just don't get married or let her move in. Listen to Tom Leykis on youtube.