

Yes, I know its a sex site. But I will state now that I do NOT like or agree with some of the names that people use. I clicked on a vid and it was GREAT! But when I went to favorite it I saw the title it called the girl a fat ugly bitch. I know, its just a title to get 'hits' but really? Please do NOT post names or comments like that on my page, and I will never post that on others' pages. I think everyone is wonderful, good looking, beautiful, gorgeous, EVERYTHING! There is no need for rude names.

Sorry, my rant for the night. xoxo
Published by ChickyCharlie
12 years ago
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Bravo! I've had very similar thoughts as well. I've seen videos titled "Fat chick" or "Chubby" and there is nothing of the sort in the video - just a gorgeous natural beauty.
@HotNHeavy- I like making people think :wink: I forgot to add what you have mentioned. Thank you for the comment. Some names are used, and accepted in certain situations, I understand that. I know some people do want some names used in their play. And there is no way I want to get in the way of that. To each their own. :smile: Thank you again for commenting, I appreciate that. I see you read as well as check out pics :smile: xx
Well done for voicing your opinion ChickyCharlie. I agree that everyone has beauty and it is derogatory to use name calling.

Granted some S&M videos might include a more derogatory name as that is the nature of that game. But for some good ol'f**kin, then a smidgen of respect for the participants in the video would be nice.

I am guilty of adding a couple of these off-color titled videos to my favorites. You're right, when they're good, they're good! But you have made me think.
thank goodness someone agrees. I was worried I would get totally ambushed with the post. I feel that even though we are here to have fun, it can still stay at least somewhat respectful. :smile: I would never call people ugly or stupid or anything rude. Even people Im not partial to. :smile: Thanks hun :smile:
I wondered this exact same thing about this site (even going so far as to blog about it also lol). I love all the pics and videos that people post, but feel some people cross a line or two in what they title vids or add as captions; not to mention the things people say in comments. Yes, it's porn, but that doesn't mean it has to be disrespectful and awful.