Grown and sexy fuck holiday

Grown and sexy fuck holiday

Last year on Memorial Day weekend, this woman and I who just discovered the amazing South Florida swinging lifestyle, had an idea to have a weekend long sexual holiday. We posted personal adds on some social media websites, and met some very interesting people. The most exciting part of the process was meeting up with perspective participants; we met this one couple on the beach for drinks, and ended up wandering off underneath the pier, getting naked, and fucking underneath the full moonlight. We did not notice that people were watching until we were putting our clothes back on.
At any rate, we ended up finding 6 men and women to participate in our weekend long fuck and suck holiday. Some were couples, some were single, and the whole weekend made for the most exciting sexual experiences I have ever had in my life. We were all just naked, in a penthouse suite for a whole weekend, drinking, listening to music, dancing, and of course, fucking.
I would like to do this again, I already have 2 women, and two men; we want to get a lot more people involved. I will keep everyone posted on our progress, and we will be filming this year, so I look forward to showing this year’s fun to everyone.
If you are interested in participating!! Message me
Published by Bluestar69
12 years ago
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