Everyday I reject more than 90 per cent of my friendship requests. Below are stored some refusal texts.

For those who have nothing in their profile, a polite refusal:
Please add some content to your pages, and add infos about your fantasies & fetishes, before I can accept your friendship request.

More concise:
My friends all have something to share

As long as you've got nothing into you profile, you'll stay alone. Sorry.

Hi Hzazi, I just wonder why you whish to become a friend of mine, you have not even put into your favourites, or simply commented any of my sharings, you have no even sent me a friendly word. Please write me and explain the reason why it is important for you to become a friend. fly

Hi Tixugo, how can I accept your friendship request... your profile is empty, zero image, zero vid, not even a favourite, no information about yourself...

Yaya dear, you've created your profile years ago.You're an empty profile, not even a single favourite which would help me to know what we have in common. Friendship request rejected for now. Even so, having had a look to the profile of your pretended 'friends', I doubt we could ever have anything in common :wink:

Dear, I would be happy to become your friend, but I would appreciate if you could have some own content to share. Unfortunately, the only own content you have to share is the vision of your zqegg. Friendship request rejected.

Que vous souhaitiez rester anonyme, soit. Mais que vous n'ayez rien à partager, de sorte que l'on ne peux connaître vos goûts et préférences, ce n'est pas possible pour devenir amis.
Sorry Oscar, we have no fetish in common.
Sorrry for the add, I just want to share beautiful REAL women!

Hi Dannael, I share most of your fetishes, and I wouldn't mind accepting your friendship offer, but the only thing you share is the vision of your cock. Please consider your request as rejected - for now.

When you've learned how to load vids and pics (more than easy really, you're late after 908 days of presence here) then come back to me and ask for my friendship.

Finally, here is what is my brand new procedure:

Hi, you've sent me a friendship request. Before I can choose to grant it (or not...), please add, to your favourites, one of my own sharings: movie, image, whole folder... as you wish, as you like. Then re-apply your friend request: I'll check what you've chosen!

PLEASE APPLY the" hotrod111" procedure!
Published by aleatoire
6 years ago
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aleatoire Publisher 6 years ago
to snark3 : Peine perdue... si peu savent (ou se donnent la peine de) lire.... merci pour votre sympathie. fly
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snark3 6 years ago
entièrement d'accord avec vous