7 Suggestions to improve Sex Life

7 Suggestions to improve Sex Life

1. Let go of the expectation of perfect sex.
(Or perfect anything.) As soon as the word "perfect" enters your vocabulary, you know that you're trying to achieve an externally imposed outcome.

2. Let go of the belief that great sex is about frequency or simultaneous orgasms (or any orgasms).
Again, as soon as we begin to focus on quantifying or achieving, we're buying into the model that encourages us to let someone else's standards determine how we interpret our own experiences.

3. Expand your definition of sex.
Sex is kissing. Sex is touching. Sex is lying down naked together and looking into each other's eyes.

4. Connect to your own sexuality and vitality.
It's not your partner's job to light your fire or turn you on; that's your job. Connected sex naturally happens when two flames spark with each other and create a bigger fire than either one could create alone.

5. Learn to lovingly attend to your physical body.
Our hormones, sleep patterns, physical activity, and diet can have a powerful effect on our sexual desire or lack thereof.

6. Learn to work with your thoughts.
Sex is mindfulness in motion and is most connected when we can be fully present, without judgment or commentary. For many people, especially women, this requires beginning a mindfulness practice outside of the bedroom.

7. Most importantly, maintain a loving connection with your partner.
When trust and safety are strained, the body shuts down. A satisfying sex life requires that we're vulnerable in every realm of self—physically, emotionally, cognitively, spiritually. If any of these realms have been hurt intra- or interpersonally, it will affect your sex life.

And that's the point! The sexual shutdown is the clue that something else in yourself and/or in your relationship needs attention. When we drown ourselves in the shame and self-judgment of "not enough," we fall down the chute of despair. But when we shine the light of curiosity on these places, our intimate relationship becomes a hotbed of learning, healing, and growth.
Then, and only then, can we step out of the external model of comparison and achievement and instead soften into the intimacy and endless learning that arises when two bodies and hearts share a life and a bed.
Published by sanjana29
6 years ago
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