Random musings

Random musings

having just discovered the live cams bit at the top of the page have come up with the following musings...
do women get of with watching a headless bloke wanking his penis?? am surmising the answer probably is no, as when a female cams its like feeding time at the zoo, and most blokes cams have nobody watching.
when a female cams most blokes me included are just happy with watching a nice pair of breasts being played with, we are hardwired that way to look at breasts, i get very disapointed when the cam goes down south to show a full gynaecology view..
lastly today there have been at least 2 females camming, one who appears to be doing her paperwork, the other on the mobile and then showing her mobile...please if you are a rare member of the female species that likes to cam, show us something more entertaining then that..
anyway rant over
not that anybody reads this, makes me feel better though!!!!
Published by rebuff10
12 years ago
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