Why Chasing A Slut Is Perfectly OK

Why Chasing A Slut Is Perfectly OK

The Truth About Sex- Addiction: Why Chasing A Slut Is Perfectly OK

In the United States alone it’s estimated that 6% of the population are ‘sex-addicts’. But what is a sex-addict? Is it an actual medical issue? And is it wrong or right to take advantage of these sex-addled women?

Sex-addiction (Sluttiness) is characterised by compulsive sexual behaviour with negative outcomes. That sounds a little bit doctor-y, so let me put in in simpler terms.

If a woman constantly wants to fuck, masturbates, watches porn, engages in other sexual acts, has sex on her mind, takes dangerous risks to have sex, or commits a sexual act DESPITE a potential or actual negative outcome, she could be a sex addict.

It’s still a little unclear, so let’s look at a few example.

If she fucks so many men in her neighbourhood that her husband is at risk of finding out, but she does it anyway because she feels irresistibly drawn to cock, she could be a slut (sex-addict).

And if she lets 4 or 5 strange men run a train on her in a truckstop WITHOUT condoms, she could be a sex-addict.

And finally, if she wakes up in the morning and instantly starts masturbating and doesn’t stop until her pussy is rubbed raw, she might also be a sex-addict.

Now, as extreme and potentially unpleasant or dangerous as some of these scenarios seem, they really aren’t that far off normal behaviour.

After all, you may not have taken part in a gangbang, but I bet you’ve had unprotected sex once or twice in the past.

And you might not fuck every woman in the neighbourhood with a pulse, but there’s a good chance you’ve felt irresistibly drawn to at least one MILF, and would kill for a chance to sleep with her.

And this leads us to the heart of the matter!

Because ‘sex-addiction’ is really NOT very different to ‘sex-enjoyment’. Many of the behaviours of a slut are close or identical to that of a normal person who enjoys sex. And as it turns out, doctors and experts can’t even agree on whether or not a sex-addict is really an addict or just someone who really loves sex!

In fact, entries for sexual addiction do not exist in the DSM - the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Which is basically a psychologist’s bible and rosetta stone rolled into one.

So, depending on which doctor, PhD candidate, or social worker you talk to, you could hear that sex addiction is a very real thing that damages lives, or you could hear that it’s bullshit and that women who show these characteristics are just on the far RIGHT of sexual behaviour. They LOVE sex, but they’re not really an addict.

You can go and do your own research, but I came to the conclusion that chasing and hooking up with a slut is a totally ethical thing to do. If you really loved icecream, nobody would say it’s wrong to go and try and find people who also like icecream, but as soon as sex gets involved people get weird about it.

But they shouldn’t.

If you love sex, why not go and find a woman (or three or four) who loves it just as much, or not more, and enjoy?

Anyway, that’s the point of this guide. And now that you know what a slut is, let’s take a look into some precautions you should take before finding and fucking your first bonafide slut.
Published by Mehdilobo
6 years ago
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