Industrial Size: men and things

Industrial Size: men and things

Prefatory remarks: this blog isn't inspired by prick-envy or BC aversion.

It seems the Big Cock aesthetic has been in porn since its inception. i will concede some of the more gymnastic forms of sex, jumps and that, require a more substantial member to enact. In fact, some scenes are ruined by the limited range of motion, provided a small penis makes for small slight movements. A small(er), i'm tempted to say ordinary sized, penis forces the camera to use unfortunate angles and close up as their bodies must remain close. A bigger penis is reasonably cast for these type of scenes. But a criminally large penis that makes it's way on to exclusively oral scenes is ridiculous. A woman that can only mouth the head of the penis is a failed blow job in my opinion. The height of this failed scenario is the BC deep throat scene! Either the porn becomes punitive for the woman (gagging, vomit, choking, etc.)--something some enjoy/solicit from such scenes, not me-- or the deep throat goes unfinished like the head only head i mentioned before. Some women have DT in there repertoire but those who don't usually turn in lackluster scenes.

In conclusion, the Big Cock of all cocks isn't always necessary and sometimes detrimental to the scene. what should be a novelty act, the BC, is the archetype
of pornography. There might be something in notion of anxiety-provoking consumption/patronage like women's mags and the impossible standard of beauty but i will stop speculation there for now.

Published by connie_lynn-gus
14 years ago
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i feel that the size of some of these "monsters " are just a joke....its unrealistic.The similiar to the size 0 ...all hype and no realism,but then again this is porn and not love making,Ibelieve there is a differance one being lust and fantasy,the other being real life